Pigment stains and stretch marks: real effects of pregnancy


Often awareness that you are in an interesting position comes unexpectedly. On the Internet you can find quite a few stories of moms about the unusual signs of pregnancy: from abundant salivation and cold to bleeding from the nose. But are these cases are connected directly with pregnancy? We talked to a gynecologist and found out what is really a sign of an interesting position, and what - no:

"There were no unusual effects of pregnancy in my practice. It is important to be attentive and listen to your body. If there are some suspicions of pregnancy, consult a doctor. You can, of course, make a test at home, but it does not give one hundred percent warranty. Despite this, such a guarantee does not always give an ultrasound in the hospital. Signs of pregnancy clear - loss of monthly, breast loading, poor well-being, nausea. Despite this, it is necessary to remember that everything is very individual. There can be no identical pregnancy. Which is very often observed, so this is a change in taste habits: someone wants beer, and someone's champagne.

One of the effects of pregnancy is hair loss

One of the effects of pregnancy is hair loss

Photo: unsplash.com.

Pregnancy can be for a woman unexpected after hormonal restructuring.

Contrary to the opinion that walks in the people, the wide thigh is not always a guarantor of successful childbirth, but the narrow pelvis always creates difficulties. Now most young girls have a narrow pelvis. I recommend teenage girls do not wear narrow tight jeans so that in the period of sex ripening bone normally developed. The perfect age for childbirth from a medical point of view is 22-28 years. After 30 years, the risk that the child will not be healthy, rises. "

Pregnancy - severe and exciting time in the life of every woman

Pregnancy - severe and exciting time in the life of every woman

Photo: unsplash.com.

Irina, 56 years old, mother of two children:

"When I was pregnant and the first, and the second child, I suffered, first of all, from the loss of teeth. My skin is not very elastic, so there were stretching on the stomach. Punched hips, the chest increased greatly, it also appeared stretch marks. Changed sharply taste habits: being a pregnant first child, I terribly wanted fried meat with beer, and the second - various sweets. Well, and, of course, women's attractiveness lose a bit due to hair loss and nails, the appearance of pigment spots. "

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