Who is to blame: 6 mistakes that interfere with a woman get orgasm


According to statistics, approximately 40% of women aged 20 to 45 orgasms are practically not experienced. Moreover, the reason may not only be in the absence of a worthy partner, but women often make mistakes that do not fully relax, delight a man and get orgasm itself. We decided to collect the most popular sexy missions and share them with you.

You ignore lubricant

It also happens that the woman's body allocates not a lubricant, for this there may be more than a dozen reasons. Of course, it would be ideal if you disassemble the problem with your gynecologist, but at the same time you should not take a break in intimate relationships: use the artificial lubricant, which can be purchased at the pharmacy or specialized store. Sexologists are confident that one of the reasons for the lack of orgasm in the life of an active woman often lies in the elementary inability to relax and thereby causing a reduction in the amount of lubricant allocated.

You do not hear your body

Many women admit that they experience the brightest orgasm with a man, but alone with themselves, and in this case, nothing depends on the skills of a man. It is impossible to understand what to like this or a different person, if not talking about it directly, how many women are ready to decide on a frank conversation with their partner? As you understand, there are not too much. Do not be afraid to direct your man, because your common goal is to enjoy each other. Ignoring the desires of your body, you deprive yourself a harmonious intimate life with your man.

man is not always guilty

man is not always guilty

Photo: www.unsplash.com.

You do not want to solve psychological problems

As we know, the main erogenous organ - the brain, it is here that the pleasure is born. Life in a big city brings its problems: stresses, chronic diseases, all sorts of disorders, what sex in such a state can we talk about? In addition, each second woman suffers from many complexes regarding his appearance, as a result, falling into bed to a man, she thinks only about how it would look better than it is in fact, a woman does not think about relaxing at this moment. The orgasm passes by, and the man cannot understand what he did wrong.

You do not like your body

As we have already managed to tell, too critical attitudes towards your appearance, dislike that all your attention is concentrated not on the man and the process itself, but on my own - the brain can not relax. Try to do "cosmetic-therapeutic" procedures, for example, arrange a day spa procedure, when you can dedicate all evening only your beloved - as soon as you accept yourself and begin to take care, your body will answer you reciprocity.

You do not know your erogenous zones

We all heard about the point G, but where it is located, they know only the chosen. If you do not know yet, we tell: the same point is on the front wall of the vagina. Powerful stimulation can give incredible sensations. One of your main tasks is to explain or show it a man who may also not guess that a woman can in principle can be some points (and it happens).

You do not engage in pumping muscles

Another way to make every intimacy unforgettable is to pump the muscles of the vagina. Especially for this there is a whole range of exercises, and you can purchase special simulators for an intimate zone. In addition to the fact that you will help yourself experience new sensations, these exercises will help strengthen the bodies of the small pelvis, which will become another plus in favor of such activity.

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