What is vocal yoga


What is vocal yoga?

This is a technique based on breathing knowledge and sound. Its principle is built on the fact that the oldest pranayama (respiratory gymnastics) and vocal exercises effectively eliminate blocks and clamps in the body. The voting force destroys the internal blocks, updating the person on the physical, mental and emotional levels. Vocal yoga integrated Vedic knowledge, including knowledge of seven sacred sounds - sa, re, ha, ma, pa, yes, nor.

How to engage vocal yoga

There are many types of vocal yoga. One of the most popular - bringing the body into harmony. First, find a quiet place where no one hears you. In nature, definitely, practice will be made easier. Remove the shoes, take a convenient position, pull the spine. Concentrate on your body and breathing, listen to the sounds around.

Singer Perukua

Singer Perukua

The first stage is a warming breathing. Take a breath through the nose, considering it up to seven. Inhapping, you should hold your breath into four accounts. Further to slowly exhale through the mouth, again counting to seven. Lips need to make a small hole-tube, as if you whistle. Technique advise add voltage and muscle relaxation. To do this, during the breath of hands slowly strain (you can squeeze them into fists). Such tension is preserved during the entire breath delay. And already during the exhalation, the muscles are gradually relaxing. You must feel warm in the body or even a heat.

Go to Mantram. To configure consciousness at the beginning of the practice, we rush the "Ohm" mantra. When leaning this mantra, the sound begins in the abdomen, at the base of our body, rising above on the level of solar plexus and then in the heart, throat and center of the brain, ending with the level of the crown. After that, we make sound palettes from 7 sacred sounds: sa, re, ha, ma, pa, yes, nor. That is, we step down these sounds. We complete the practice of mantra "Ohm", leading our body into the balance.

In the Final practice meditation. That is, a number of psychological and exercises used in the composition of spiritual and religious or recreational practices. As a result, you can plunge into a special mental state. Now there are many methods of meditation. Beginners advise to begin to meditate from ten minutes. To improve the effect, turn on a pleasant slow music. The main principle of meditation is to be comfortable. Therefore, you just need to sit in a convenient position for you. Perhaps something laying under the back. Fold hands in one of the provisions that the master will indicate you. And most importantly - try to disconnect the thoughts from the thoughts. Experts advise you to think about the next thought and then try to relax, not starting to think about the next one. Try not to concentrate on thoughts. Such relaxation for several minutes will allow you to feel new sensations.

By the way ...

People practicing vocal yoga, as a rule, do not hurt the cold, as they have a well-worked throat chakra - Vishudha.

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