All according to the rules: how to keep the skin during and after shaving


Summer finally entered into their rights, which means that the season of all sorts of bikini is open. It is not at all necessary to go on vacation to boast smooth skin on the beach: in the city now you will rarely meet the girl not in a dress or a short skirt, but this species requires a depilation procedure.

If you are not a laser lover and various depilation masses that you will be offered in the cabin, only an old and proven way - shaving remains, but do not everyone know how to carry out the procedure correctly and safe for the skin. We decided to figure out.

Now practically you will not meet a girl in pants

Now practically you will not meet a girl in pants


Conduce the procedure in hot water

Lyfhak: Before the start of the procedure, lower the blade in hot water at 2 minutes after which you can safely begin to shave, without fearing to leave short hairs. In addition, the "hot" blade slows the growth of hair, albeit not for a long time.

Use oil

A rather interesting thing that many neglect. We all heard about shaving cream, and the oil is still in a novelty for most women, and very in vain. The cream does not allow the blade to completely come into touch with the skin, which is why tiny "hemp" remains on it. With oil, you will not have such a problem, so we advise you to purchase it as soon as possible.

Observe the "Rules of the Razor"

The depilation masters in one voice say that the right shave is against hair growth. However, we can advise a small trick, namely shave first for the growth of hair, and then against - so you significantly reduce the irritation and it provoke the formation of ingrown hairs.

Protect irritated skin before going to the sun

Protect irritated skin before going to the sun


Change the razor

The most popular error. Even if the razor, in your opinion, is still "acute and shafts," it does not mean that she can still use it. You simply will not be able to qualitatively carry out the procedure: Yes, you remove the bulk of the hair, but the unattractive "hemp" will remain unattractive, which will not add smoothness to you. Yes, and frequent shaving can lead to serious irritation.

Do not neglect the rules for smoothness and skin health

Do not neglect the rules for smoothness and skin health


Peeling or scribing

Like the skin of the face, the skin on the legs and other parts of the body subjected to shave requires pre-exfoliation. Do not miss this important point, because the scriber will help to reveal the scales and raise the hairs slightly. In addition, the likelihood to detect the minimum growing hairs in the morning.

Also, the after shaving stage is also important: be sure to moisten the skin. For these purposes, creams and gels with Aloe are excellent, which eliminates irritation. However, even the most ordinary cream can save damaged skin and eliminates possible dryness.

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