Tea for health


One of the first signs of a decline in the work of the immune system is considered quick fatigue, headaches, lubricants in muscles and joints, chronic fatigue. Specialists call several reasons for reducing immunity. This is the wrong lifestyle: low-quality nutrition, constant inappropriate, lack of physical exertion, poor ecology, vitamin deficit and trace elements. Also weakened immunity can take antibiotics, stress and overload, both physical and mental.

It is necessary to start strengthening immunity with food, which should be balanced, contain the necessary vitamins and minerals. Fish and seafood containing unsaturated fatty acids significantly increase the body's protective functions. But in order not to destroy the useful substances during heat treatment, you need to regularly eat squid and sea cabbage. Nutritionists recommend daily to eat up to five portions of vegetables and fruits. Also do not forget about fermented milk products and buckwheat with oatmeal that contain potassium. In addition to this spring and autumn you need to take special infusions as prevention or treatment. And do not forget about hardening, sports and a full-fledged vacation.

Decoration of Ryshovnika

1 tbsp. Robber berries Pour into the thermos and pour ½ liters of boiling water. Interest and take once a day instead of tea.

Orange tea

Make a mixture of 1 part of orange crusts, 1 pieces of black tea and ½ part of lemon crusts. 2.5 tbsp. Mixtures (about 60 g) pour 1 liter of steep boiling water. Add honey to taste and insist for 5 minutes.

Ginger tea

100 g of fresh ginger root clean from the skin and grind in a blender. Pour 1 liter of boiling water and give 1 hour. Strain. Add 1 or

½ st.L. Lemon juice and honey to taste. Drink 150 ml beverage per day.

Sea buckthic tea

100 g of sea buckthorn berries turn into a puree with a mortar or blender. Then add honey, cinnamon and a little anise to the berries to taste. Fill ½ liters boiling water and let it stand

5-7 minutes.

Vitamin tea

Prepare a mixture of 2 parts of hawthorn berries, 2 pieces of rosehip berries, 1 part of raspberry berries, 1 parts of green tea. Brew 1 tsp. Mixtures 2 glasses of boiling water and insist for 30 minutes. Drink tea with honey.

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