Habib Nurmagomedov lost his father, but did not surrender: a hypnologist about how to survive the loss of a loved one


Soon the famous Russian athlete Habiba Nurmagomedov will have another fight. A man continues to train hard and participate in the fights, even though he has not so long ago, he lost his closest man in his life - his father Abdulmanap Nurmagomedov, who was not just his father, but also a coach in martial arts. Abdulmanap died aged 57 years from pneumonia.

Of course, to survive the loss of Father Habiba was very and very difficult. Many people even believed that he would leave much of sports - stop participating in the fights, perhaps it will simply devote himself to coaching work. But this did not happen: Habib Nurmagomedov found the strength and continued their fights. Moreover: a man says that the death of his father, pain from his loss will help him get to a new level and win new victories, take new vertices.

Camille Amirov, Hypnotherapist, Clinical Psychologist

Camille Amirov, Hypnotherapist, Clinical Psychologist

As a hypnologist, I want to emphasize that in the case of the loss of a loved one, two scenarios are possible. The first scenario - we lower your hands, pain from the loss empties us, and we cannot do anything to do anything, all things are starting to pour, the situation worsens, depression appears. The second scenario - we take yourself in hand and become only stronger, for the sake of the memory of a person who was so roads. In the second case, self-imposition plays a very big role.

We speak with themselves, we explain to ourselves why we need to keep yourself in your hands. We can lead a conversation with our deceased close man, and he will support us. However, not all, even the strongest people, are able to cope with severe loss independently. Therefore, it is so important in this case the help of a specialist who can competently build a strategy to overcome negative emotions and the associated depression.

How do the hypnotherapy sessions help in this case? First, the hypnologist helps a person to realize that his close relative or a friend is dead and now. For the sake of his memory, it is necessary to be strong, you have to live an independent life, find new life guidelines, new support points and find faith in yourself. Even a close person who left us can support us, invisibly attending our lives, helping us to follow the selected way.

It is very important to detect the root of the depressive state, hidden in the depths of our psyche. As soon as the hypnologist succeeds, it eliminates all the devastating components for us, negative thoughts, and the person begins to gradually calm down, overcome depression, to cope with his bad emotions and, as a result, restores and returns to active life. Moreover, the memory of the left relative or another is now heating his heart, pushes him to new achievements. As we all want long ancestors to be proud of us, so that we are worthy of their memory, and in each particular case, a person begins to realize their responsibility to the departed loved ones, which can not be lowered, you can not give up, but you just need to go ahead.

The example of Habib Nurmagomedova demonstrated us how a strong person lived his pain and continued his workout and fight. Most likely, there is still more brilliant victories ahead of him than before, and the memory of the past father will lead him only forward. Of course, the pain of Habiba's heart is not going anywhere, but it will not have a destructive impact on his behavior, his further life. The pain is transformed into memory, and the memory will give Habiba new forces for new victories.

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