Run in karaoke: why psychologists make the wards sing out loud


Who does not like to sing in the soul? If you never released emotions and did not give all the soul to embarrass the lines of your favorite songs, it's time to start. Learn about the benefit of singing in this material, and then turn on a pair of energetic tracks - do not notice how time will fly.

The benefits of singing

Have you ever experienced a tide of positive emotions after training? It turns out that singing can produce a similar effect. Although this exercise is not so intense as some other types of aerobic exercises, it gives the same return on the release of endorphin. One study suggests that conscious respiration management involves several areas of the brain, including the one that regulates emotions. There are more and more evidence confirming the idea that singing and other musical classes have a positive effect on well-being. One study showed that women with postpartum depression recovered faster when they participated in the singing group. When you play a song, your mind is focused. It is difficult to think about other things while you concentrate in words and gain the necessary notes. In addition, you must not forget to breathe.

Call close to join

Call close to join


Sing, as if no one looks

The word "karaoke" comes from the Japanese word "empty orchestra". Look for your favorite songs by adding the word "karaoke". There are many options, whether you are a lover of country, metalworker or a fan of golden hits. Do not worry about whether you are well singing. Not in this case! Imagine that you are the only person in the world, take a deep breath and do it. Solo dance rooms are encouraged as bonus points. As soon as you feel confident enough, invite your partner, family or friends to join you. Then you will receive an additional positive effect of singing in the group.

Other ways to correct singing

Another way to learn to sing is to join the chorus. You will get the advantages of singing and participating in the group. It also gives you a regular entry in your calendar to help strudule your time. It was discovered that the creation of music in the group accelerates social ties, strengthens the feeling of proximity and helps to support people with mental disorders. Even at home there are many virtual choirs, of which you can choose.

You do not need a professional microphone

You do not need a professional microphone


It's not only singing

Karaoke on YouTube gives additional advantages. The choice of songs that remind you of the great moments of your life can help you distract from current stress and feel a feeling of well-being. Even if you do not sing a lot, the music will still raise you mood. So the next time you become sad, take the combination microphone and soul.

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