Civil marriage: why not?


- Andrei Stepanovich, you have a recognized specialist in the field of family psychology. And often women say that they need a man's only and beloved for life. Tell me, is this desire today?

- In the fact that a woman is needed the only one for life, sure the men themselves are sure. Women are so raised and that's right.

Russia was always accused of cosupiness and backwardness, but in terms of social development, she became an advanced and stepped far ahead. I must say that twenty years ago, the society perceived the society as a certain immoral act, now such a form in the form of a trial marriage for many is preferable. Therefore, to understand whether the man will be the only one for life, you need to live with him without registration and confidence that the joint cohabitation will end with marriage.

Today, normal parents are experiencing not for her daughter's virginity, but for whom and how she will live. Between the registration issue and happiness of the child choose the happiness of the child. Registration is just a psychological moment.

- Such free relationships are always fraught with the opportunity to run at any time and change each other. What is so good about it?

- What is good is that after the wedding, on which a bunch of unfamiliar people, the bride and groom walked, in essence, remained strangers. Love and passion passed, emptiness came and it turned out that people do not fit each other. And still "scatter". Dissolve at a young age, two neurasthenics remain - a mother and a child who has a "hereditary" look at life. View, complete offense and disappointment.

On the hands of a young mother, after marriage, a child remains, and a young woman without life experience and regular income swear and waiting for a prince on a white horse. This is not a rare situation.

Regarding such a trial marriage ... To make this formula, you need to change the terminology. If a man went to the left, it immediately equates to betraying the Motherland. All error in terminology. In Europe, such a marriage model works and develops through the culture of partners. If you do not want to know about the treasures, you should not ask questions that you would not like to receive answers, Simply put, do not "squeeze" to a partner.

- During free relationships, before a man decides on an official marriage, more importantly for a woman: to be self-sufficient or helpless? What is more attractive?

- First of all, it is important for a woman to ensure that socio-economic safety. She should have education, social calling and roof over his head, so that the man does not "hurt" it materially. And in order to attract the man you like, it must be self-realized. But first of all it should be sexy.

The status of a woman does not matter for a man. If there is sexual attraction, everything else "grows" by itself. If this is not - an unpromising situation. Couple will not work. And if Nature took His, and the man turned on the mechanism that this is his woman, she became a road, everything else becomes no matter. He will close his eyes on her low status, unpleasution, he wants to help her and protect. Everyone will show that she is his woman. But for a man is very important, let's say, testing.

- What it is?

- Everything is determined by how it goes the first time. But, as a rule, from the first time, many couples do not work very well, it is important that the tenth time was better than the second.

- The high status of a woman does not play in this case a decisive role in proximity? And what is the statements of men that their smart women are excited, with a successful career. Today is a strong sexual trait in a woman ...

- For a man, it will not be particularly important if his partner will be a nurse or president of the bank, but it's better to do it with a nurse. If a woman likes a man, but it was initially announced as a boss, it is unlikely that a normal man will excite it. If we are not talking about career growth or just about male curiosity at once. For a healthy self-assumption of a man, this situation is uncomfortable. With a rich and successful woman, it is difficult to meet, because it does not count on male resources and when a proud man understands, he has a sense of inferiority and disadvantage. But if we are talking about a married couple, where in some years a husband leads, in some kind of wife, it is quite normal. In the end, the society will still force a man to demonstrate their consistency.

- We often hear phrase: "The woman should, be mysterious" ... What kind of riddles in a woman attract a man?

- I only know two female riddles: mental disorders and criminal inclinations. Rather, we are talking about a certain mysterious aura in a woman. There should be no secretion, it should not bear the problem. Otherwise, it is already pathology. Mysterious Fleur, inexpensive attracts a man, the problem will push off.

To the mysteriousness of women can still be attributed to her ability to hide their desire. Woman, if he wants to get a man, should not be all his appearance, appearance and behavior to show that he is "light in the window" for her. This men also pushes. As far as the girls were unpleasant to hear it, but the man needs to leave the path of retreat and let him decide how to do it.

- separation is a terrible state for an abandoned woman. But is it correct to cling to the only beloved man?

- The man for whom they begin to cling, as a rule, does not really appreciate it. For him, this burden. The woman becomes in a burden, the concept of "loyalty" in this case will not work. If it comes to children, then with the modern number of relatives, it is better to have a normal relationship with the father who lives outside the family than psychosis "on three." If a woman starts to torture a man, "get out", try to put it out, then nothing will come of it. He does not want her, he has another woman. As a result, he will still run away and nothing will keep it - neither home nor children.

"It turns out to keep a man, it's better not to cling to him, not to find out the relationship with him, do not speak in souls, in short," not to get it. " Does he return back when she sacron himself?

- The woman must understand the man herself when she needs a man, and when not. This is a special quality that is most appreciated in women. Such conditions gives guest marriage. Then the woman really becomes a source of joy and enjoyment. But if there is no possibility and the couple lives under one roof, the most correct in this case is to take a pause. In the city, people should have the opportunity to stay at least for some time alone. Both man and a woman. Grave flour comes from the fact that a man during the scandal has nowhere to escape, and the woman decides that the most faithful to keep it is to make it go to registry office. Under women's pressure, men often surrender. But do not think what they painted and everything was improved. With its primitive tricks, women sometimes are just disgusting. Yesterday she insulted and called a man the most recent words, and today she caught sexy stockings and shoes and thinks that everything decided by itself. On the contrary, everything has significantly complicated the situation.

- And hence the expression that humiliates a woman: "Every woman wants to drag a man into the registry office. What to do then?

- If a girl, justifies the expectations of mom and girlfriends, must be said that it comes out married, yes, it will have to "drag" to the registry office. But he will rest. But if a woman needs a man's love, you don't need to drag him anywhere. In the developed civil society, where every person has the right to autonomy, a woman needs to have its income, his apartment, and if a man sobbed her, then I do not see in this crazy drama. She needs real love, she is a personality, sooner or later it will happen to another partner.

- Statistics say that in our country for each man you have seven women - is it true? If so, here there is an inevitable women will "cling" for anyone.

- either the digit is taken from the ceiling, or it was invented with stupid men to manipulate their girlfriends. Up to forty-five years, the number of women and men equally. Today in Russia women of reproductive age - 16 million. As many men. Everything is born in almost the same proportion. The problem is that there are extremely few men belonging to the list of female requirements. The economic "castration" and the encouraging of the strong half of humanity reduced the opportunity to ensure the overestimated requirements of the majority of the beautiful half of humanity. Many women themselves do not meet these requirements, and "fairy tales" are waiting for men. From the fabulous for the price of gifts to unreal daily potency. By this, I explain the cause of female loneliness.

If society condemns a man who from the educated and beautiful "princess" escaped to the "dishwasher", believe me for the word, he had serious reasons.

- The saddest thing is that for a woman, as it was relevant hundreds of years ago, get a man in my husband and remained. Progress, social security did not cancel this. Society

still refers to unmarried women as not complete.

- Communication between a man and a woman has always been divided into two stages. Before the start of sex life and after. These are completely two different stages.

A man takes to give away. Woman gives me to take it later. A man takes little and briefly, and then gives all his life. If he can't give it, then you mean to provide my partner, it is humiliated, grind, they mock it. That's why he needs a loving, faithful, sexually attractive, intelligent partner, from which he will not run away anywhere and will do everything in order to ensure its half. A woman who always understands the mood of a man, his problems, his needs, knows when to keep silent when to support when praise, when you just do what they will be asked, and not to do what they do not ask. Such a woman is not threatened with loneliness! But these features are rather inherent in aliens, and not our earthly companions. In our skeptical society is a rare phenomenon.

Therefore, men are forced to live with psychologically incompatible partners to not seem soulless and sleek monsters.

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