Plants that have a positive effect on health


Of course, I want to decorate the bedroom or living room with a beautiful and original plant, but each flower is somehow affected by our health, so that the choice of "green friend" needs to be consciously. We have collected the five best representatives from the world of plants that will not only refresh the room, but also beneficially affect overall well-being.





Not everyone is lucky to enjoy clean air, especially if you live in a noisy megalopolis. In this case, your perfect companion, like Leon from the film of the same name, will become chlorophytum. This plant serves as an excellent filter, it copes even with formaldehyde, which is contained in plastic objects, furniture and tobacco smoke. Several pots with chlorophytum are capable of bringing order in the atmosphere of the room in a few days. In addition, the plant is rather unpretentious: you only need to thoroughly water so that the leaves are not completely dried. Look out!


Widely known as geranium room. Enzymes of the plant positively affect the nervous system of tenants. According to many flower owners, sleep becomes better if you put a pot with a plant on a tube or a window sill. And if constant headaches are tormenting you, the flower will try to cope with this problem. The whole thing in the ability of the plant is to normal the level of humidity in the air. Flower care will not require serious effort from you - even a person will cope, who has never dealt with flower growing.


In the apartment where the floor is covered in the main linoleum, put it well to put this entertaining plant. It is capable of a short time to reduce the level of synthetic evaporation products in the air, by the way, the cause of such evaporations most often becomes linoleum, which is typical in most cases for offices, so that the plant is one of the most popular subjects of the office decor.





An incredibly useful plant for people suffering from respiratory diseases. The substances rich in eucalyptus contribute to the relief of breathing. They relax bronchi, neutralize spasms. Very often doctors advise people, sick asthma, acquire the eucalyptus church in the bedroom to be confident in a relaxed sleep without cough.

Eucalyptus has many fans

Eucalyptus has many fans



No, the bay leaf is not only seasoning, but also a powerful antiviral agent. Pretty well, the laurel helps to ease the lives of people with cardiovascular problems - just one or more pots in different rooms.

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