We celebrate 2018 - Yellow Dog


Womanhit.ru will tell how to make a yellow dog correctly and what to expect from 2018.

Character. The dog only at first glance may seem friendly and compliant animals in comparison with the outgoing fiery rooster. The yellow dog loves his owners, but will not let the descendant in his house. Slags she believes with all the malice and aggressiveness. So do not joke with her and in every way task.

The symbol is different and elements - Earth , personifies calm and equilibrium. It brings stability and solving conflicts. This year you can easily take on complex projects and successfully bring things to completion. Wars will end, and the world will come to balance.

How to meet. The colors of the coming year are shades of yellow, orange, brown and mustard. Golden tones will be relevant. This applies to stones. Back the dog amber, beryl, carnelian, citrine, hyacinth, jashed, tiger eye and zircon.

The colors of the coming year - shades of yellow, orange, brown and mustard

The colors of the coming year - shades of yellow, orange, brown and mustard

Since the dog will enter into their rights only from February 16 (after the Chinese New Year), before this period she will have to get along with an explosive rooster. And even with all the skills of the dog, avoid conflicts, both signs remain very complex. Therefore, when meeting a new year, consider the wishes of both.

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