Secrets of slender pregnancy


"I am a mother of four children with a waist volume of 60 cm. And believe me, it is not nature and not luck. This is my female work. It is how you will treat a period of pregnancy, in fact, will become the foundation of what you will be after the birth of the baby.

Many moms with the advent of the child completely forget about themselves and give themselves a lifetime crown only for giving birth. The husband is obliged to love her, pregnant and after, no matter how it looks. There are cases when loving husbands run on the eve of childbirth. That is why we, women, do not have the right to afford to be capricious and launch themselves, speculating with pregnancy and postpartum period. The real woman should be fully armed - before and after pregnancy. Your man must be proud of not only the fact that you gave birth to him, but, above all, what kind of woman you are with all this! Determine your female role in life. What do you want to get from your man - admiration or disgust? For those who chose "admiration", I will share the secrets of slim and beautiful pregnancy.

Secret number 1. Products Friends

No need for two, as is customary for yourself and for the child. This is a myth that encourages gluttony. Your baby comes with a sufficient number of necessary substances from your normal and healthy diet. From a large number of breeds and candies, the fruit will not be healthy, but you risk turning out of the beauty in the "hippopotamus". Main rule - Eat as athletes. This is primarily: fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, cottage cheese and a lot of water.

Distribute your diet to forget anything. The food diary must be your desktop book throughout your pregnancy. For breakfast, you eat carbohydrates - oatmeal, buckwheat, pesh. In an hour, pamper yourself with fruits and nuts. For lunch - fish, meat or poultry with a large portion of vegetable salad. And on the side dish bold rice, buckwheat, beans, lentils, asparagus, zucchini, eggplants. Limit potatoes and pasta. The less often these two products will appear in your diet, the less weight. On the snack, to dinner, it is useful to eat cheese, cheese, cottage cheese, casserole. And for dinner, treat yourself a vegetable salad with fish or chicken breast.

Do not forget that you are pregnant 9 months, and during this time, if you can relax, you can call yourself. Food addiction will become your enemy. With the flowing nutrition, it will be hard to return to the former beauty. Better to indulge yourself with sleep. In this, no one can reproach you.

Secret number 2. body care

First of all, as soon as you become pregnant, moisturize the skin of the abdomen, the hips and chest 2 times a day after the shower, since it is these zones that are most susceptible to increase in volumes and stretching. I did it very plentiful cosmetic oil. A contrast shower is also useful for the skin. Practice it twice a day. As unprepared to this procedure, I advise you to teach yourself from the legs. This procedure will help alleviate the severity and swelling on the legs in a later date of pregnancy. Do not forget about the epilation, even if the doctor forbade you to have sex. The husband must see you the queen and not to catch the surprise.

Secret number 3. Sport

Pregnancy is not the best time to start sports. Although many violate this rule so that the weight does not grow strongly. All experiments let's postpone on the postpartum period.

If you are actively engaged in sports, weighing weight or jumped on the steppe, now it is better to leave it all and reoriented to softer and comfortable workouts. The best for you and for your baby are swimming and walking. But this should be regularly and responsibly. Swim - 3 times a week to 45 minutes. It is swimming, and not splashing. Daily at least one hour walk on the outdoor walks. All this plus proper nutrition will give you the opportunity to save your muscles in a tone and do not attend the risk of complications. Sign up in special groups for pregnant women in the pool. The competent instructor will show you how to swim in your pregnancy in your period. Swimming is capturing all the muscles of the body, you are guaranteed relief handles and elastic legs, the press is also actively working!

If you fulfill all my recommendations and refer to yourself with love and respect, you do not lose your beauty during pregnancy.

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