How to determine what you have problems with your back


The spine is the center of our body and the main shock absorber, smoothing the blows coming from the stop, thereby excluding the concussion of the brain. The spine passes the spinal cord, from which the roots are going on, responsible for the innervation of vital and necessary organs. In addition to the depreciation function, the spine performs the frame function, because our bones are held on our vertebral pole. And as soon as problems arise with the spine, disorders appear in the work and other bodies: joints, hands, legs, heads, as well as internal organs. It is possible to determine the problems with the spine quite possible by primary symptoms: sudden pain, unusual clips, deformations and growths. To date, the vertebrology (spine science) is developed at no less than other medical directions, so do not tighten with a hike to a specialist.

Andrei Panov

Andrei Panov

Under self-insulation, it is not always possible to make promptly, but there are basic signs to help identify pathologies with the spine:

Pain syndrome

The body itself gives us signals about health problems, reminding them of pain in the body. Pain receptors seem to be the sensors, make us pay attention to this or that problem. For example, when problems in the cervical pain may wear a shooting, cutting character. Most often in this case, the patient may complain about stiffness in the spine, and the pain can spread from the nape to the ears and even before the blades. Also quite often combine the problems of the neck and shoulder (shoulder-painting pain syndrome), when a person experiences pain in his shoulders, in elbow and cristes, in the fingers. Signs of problems are also numbness, weakness, temperature change.

Headache and dizziness

In this case, it often happens that the patient remains unfinished, trying to eliminate the data from the doctors of other areas and escaped drugs from headaches. But in many cases, headaches and dizziness are a consequence of degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the cervical spine.

The body itself gives us signals about health problems, reminding them of pain in the body

The body itself gives us signals about health problems, reminding them of pain in the body


Chest department

As a rule, pain in the thoracic departure - stitching and limiting movements. Most often in this case, the patient complains about the breath and difficulty breathing. And here you already need to examine not only the spine, but also the respiratory organs and the cardiovascular system.

Lumbar spine

Most often in this area, the scenes (Lumbago), the man "clinical" is so much so that he cannot be rejected or get to raise, experiencing unbearable pain. In this case, you need to try to search for positions in which this pain can be bought at least for a while. The feeling of weakness, tingling and numbness in the legs, pain in the abdomen and crotch, hip and knee joints are also a consequence of pathologies of the lumbar spine.

If you notice that your spine began to creak / crunch / click, then you should not panic if all this is not accompanied by painful syndrome. Looking at itself on the side, you can see the physiological bends of the spine (Lordoz and Kyphos). Normally in a person in the cervical department - Lordoz (arc with convexity forward), in the thoracic department - kyphosis (in the opposite direction, respectively), in the lumbar department - Lordosis. If you see that your back is too straight, or, on the contrary, these bends are increased, it is also signs of problems with the spine. There is also a proven way : Lie on a flat surface, bend the legs in the knees by connecting the heels together, press them to the floor and look at the symmetry of your knee joints. If you see that there is a difference in the length of the legs, then this is a sign of problems with the spine.

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