Exclusive! Anna Snatkina spoke about preparing for childbirth


Anna Snatkina was married four times. But every time the information turned out to be "duck". Therefore, to rumors about the novel, the actress and TV presenter Viktor Vasilyev, many were skeptical. In vain. At about six months after the first joint appearance, the young people played a wedding in the public, and at the end of March the family is waiting for replenishment.

With Viktor Vasilyev Snatkin met on the set of YesterdayLive show. As the actress is recognized, the spark ran immediately. But a couple of months Anna and Victor just called back, trying to negotiate a meeting. For the first time, the couple appeared together at the award ceremony of the Nika award, and immediately attracted the attention of journalists. However, Anna answered all personal questions that their friendship was connected with Victor. The satellite actress was more frank and joked that it counts on something more. About how this love story developed, we learned from the first mouth.

Anna, are you happy now?

Anna Snatkina: "Very! I used to think that happiness is only a career growth. And now I understand what a huge luck is it - to meet my second half. When you really love and sincerely want a child from this man. And you get married not for the tick in the passport and not because already "time". No, I would never have decided on such an act, for me the most serious. "

Who are waiting - the boy, a girl?

Anna: "I would not want to talk ahead of time, besides, ultrasound is often mistaken. The main thing is that the baby is born healthy. And the boy is or a girl - how God gives. My husband and I are glad and my son and daughter. This is our piece, our blood, so - what's the difference! ".

Well, did the name come up with?

Anna: "Yes, just as long as it is a secret. It happens, invent the name, and when the child appears on the light, you understand that it does not fit him at all. So it was my younger sister. She wanted to call the daughter of Polina or Alice. But when the baby was born, sister looked at her face, and said it was the most real Anna. "

But do you somehow prepare for such a responsible event?

Anna: "You know, the quietly parents behave, the better for the child. To arrange some kind of crazy excitement about the birth of the baby I am not going. I set up a positive way that everything goes well. My husband and I think the interior of the nursery. We move to living outside the city, and in a new house while an empty room. The first resident there will be our child. I think the baby is still better to educate in nature. When I got married, I moved to Viktor. He has an apartment in the center. In terms of work, it is, of course, very comfortable, but in terms of life ... I personally find it here, in the metropolis. Not anywhere to go out, there is no forest, solid shops, tracks, roads. Somehow I feel uncomfortable here. "

For Victor, it was fundamentally that Anna moved to live to him. Photo: Vladimir Chistyakov.

For Victor, it was fundamentally that Anna moved to live to him. Photo: Vladimir Chistyakov.

Did you have my own apartment?

Anna: "Yes, she is, in general. And I love her very much. There really very beautiful: near the forest, clean air. But getting far away. In addition, for Victor, as for a man, it was fundamentally that the wife still lived in her husband. "

Is he adherent to the housework?

Anna: "No, in no case! I would never marry such a person! He did not put the conditions, simply explained that there are some things important for a man. Did not declare categorically: "No! We will not live for anything. " Just suggested at first to settle from him, then you have to live. But best, in my opinion, when the husband and the wife together build a house. So you are not on whose half is your joint, general. "

Anna, did you change the surname?

Anna: "No. Victor Everything understands everything: with this surname I took place professionally. It was not even discussed. I have a rather hard character, and in fundamental issues I can show rigidity. But Victor feels very thin and understands when not to crush. Therefore, I say that this is a great happiness - to meet my second half. It is quite difficult to make people of my profession. "

And why did you hide a relationship with Victor? They said that friends and just had to come with someone to "nick"?

Anna: "In fact, serious relationships began, in fact, with" Niki ". That is, we met Victor much earlier, but two months could not agree on the meeting. They were going to go to the cinema, then in the theater, but something went away at the last moment. Honestly, I already thought - not fate. But when we still met, the relationship began to develop rapidly. It is love at first sight. Probably it is about me. And about him. So he spoke at least. " (Laughs).

He is a spectacular man. Perhaps the external data also played their role.

Anna: "I have met a lot of handsome in life, to be honest. But it happens, you look - the man is spectacular, and nothing to talk about with this person. Perhaps we just did not fit each other. And with Viktor I am easy and pleasant. And everyone says that we are very similar both in energy, and externally even. (Laughs) »

Probably there was some act from Victor, who caused your trust?

Anna: "Of course, there were real men's deeds, and words of support, which was said at the right moment. All together, probably."

Victor Khunshchik. Is he so fun in everyday life?

Anna: "He's different. Like any of us, he also happens and hurts, and bad ... He is a very wounded person. And it happens and ridiculous, he has many friends, he loves big companies - feels like fish in water. I'm more closed. But we try to search for a compromise. That is, sometimes I go with him to visit, and sometimes he is with me to a large theater on ballet or a conservatory. Moreover, the husband also loves cultural leisure. "

And you did not ask why he did not marry so long?

Anna: "Asked. And his relatives also asked him this question. He answered that he would not marry until he would meet that woman with whom he would like to live all his life and raise children. Do you understand? Not just to meet for a while - and disperse. Or live in the so-called civil marriage. We have the same looks for this with Viktor. Married, you take responsibility. Not only in front of each other, but also before God, in front of parents, and before your future children. There are quarrels in the family, and disagreements, but you can no longer just turn around and slam the door. You have obligations. "

And by the time you have already matured for obligations?

Anna: "Well, in general, yes, probably. Otherwise, I would not marry. "

Who took the first step?

Anna: "It was a mutual desire. We discussed it, said. But the offer, as it should be, did Victor. "

And where was the ring? In a glass with champagne or under a pillow?

Anna: "We have quite spontaneously happened, not like everyone else. How taken decent people? First you need to ask the hands of the bride at the parents, then make it a proposal, and then submit an application to the registry office. We all happened in the reverse order (laughs). We arrived in Peter, and Vitya says me: "Let's go for a statement?" (And we initially discussed that the wedding would play in St. Petersburg). I am: "How is a statement?! We haven't told anyone else? "" Let's go, let's go, and then there will be no time. " In general, we went to the English embankment, where the main urban registry office is, and applied. And in the evening, Victor invited me to the restaurant. We sat on the terrace, looked at Peter, here he made me a sentence, gave a ring. It was in a velvet box. (Laughs). And then we have arrived in Moscow and reported the news to parents. "

Anna Snatkina:

Anna Snatkina: "I used to think that happiness is only a career growth." Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

How did they take a new person in the family?

Anna: "They were very happy! You see, families in whom we are brought up, are very similar in their own way. Therefore, we all quickly found a common language. Victor perfectly communicates with my relatives, and I have wonderful relationships with Vitious parents. These are very kind, responsive people. Victor has two brothers and sisters, and I also have a sister and we are all like a big friendly family. Therefore, the wedding turned out to be a hundred more people. "

I read that you yourself made a sketch of a wedding dress. Do you have a designer talent?

Anna: "No, so they wrote in the newspaper, but this is not true. I worked with one very good interior of wedding dresses. And my girlfriend was still helped by the costumes, which went with me everywhere, looked, chose and prompted. So I had a gorgeous dress with Fata. And we played the wedding itself in a beautiful place - in Peterhof, in the summer palace. I am just as I remember, the spirit captures. (Laughs). We had an exit registration. That is, we are right there, in place, called the registry office, which registered us. "

There was no doubt of the attack of Panic on the eve of the celebration?

Anna: "Our wedding took place three months after we filed a statement. And at that time I was already in the position. As decided to get married - God gave a child immediately. (Laughs). There was no such thing as, you know, sometimes they write - they say, got pregnant, so they decided to sign - no. So, during the preparation for the ceremony, I was not up to the panic, because I worked the self-preservation mode. "

They wrote that this is generally a child not Victor ...

Anna: "Yes. Such nonsense! And I, and Vita was terribly unpleasant to read this ... I now remember how it was: I understood that I do some things on the machine. What are the invitations sent out, and the dress is ready, you must marry. (Laughs). Everything happened as if in the fog. I became nervous only when I arrived in the summer palace, I saw a huge number of people, and dad led me along the path to my future husband. But then I was covered with panic, already shook. "

Probably scary to start a new relationship? After all, you have already had a negative experience.

Anna: "It's scary, of course. Therefore, I have not met anyone for a long time. I am generally a permanent person. I do not like some - I got married, divorced and jump from one man to another. I am very attaching, devoted and hard to worry the gaps. Therefore, a lot of time passed before I once again decided to build relationships. "

Have you been resolved this situation with money?

Anna: "What?"

Allegedly was a businessman named Andrei - your close friend who persuaded you to invest three million in his bank. And then disappeared.

Anna: "When this reportage was brought to me in a newspaper, and very believable written, I was shocked. If it were not about me, I would probably really believed in it. My portrait on the first lane, a huge alleged interview, in which there was not a word of truth. I wanted to sue and prove that all complete nonsense, but it would take a bunch of time, money. I would have to do only by ships, and not work. And at that moment I had two projects. Therefore, I decided to "let go of the situation." From where they all took all this, I do not understand! By the way, I called some kind of person, allegedly affected by this bank, and suggested a joint application to court. I answered that I don't know how to know him, and in this story - no gram of truth. That is, apparently, the yellow press tried some kind of integration. "

And Andrei businessman after all in your life was?

Anna: "No! In fact of the matter! I do not know such a person, and did not hold money in this bank. Moreover, I have a wonderful financial director represented by my mother, which simply will not allow such things. "

How hard to be a public person!

Anna: "Yes, it's unpleasant to read such things about yourself. But, thank God, no one crushed me, did not quive, did not betray. I'm alright".

Since we are discussing everything they wrote about you ... Was a novel with Andrei Chernyshov?

Anna: "For some reason I often assigned novels with partners in the shooting area. Apparently, we are so "growling" on the screen that people want to connect us and in life. With Andrey, we shot together in the TV series "General therapy". I had a birthday and, of course, he congratulated me, gave a bouquet - as a colleague. And on this day on the site on duty of the press. Everyone was seen, and rumored rumors that we had a novel. "

Now Anna is very happy. Photo: Gennady Avramenko.

Now Anna is very happy. Photo: Gennady Avramenko.

It seems some of your friends gave an interview. I remember even Andrei himself told something ...

Anna: "Here, again, as for familiar. It turns out not so long ago an article in the journal. We and Victor on the cover like a couple. And not a single word from our mouth, only comments from friends. And they then called us and wondered: "We did not say anything!". Similarly, some "neighbors" were told that Andrei Chernyshov spent the night in our apartment. Dad laughed very much. First, we did not know these people, secondly, did not see Chernyshov from us. That is why such a fate fell on me: with whom I will remove, with all I start the novels! Willholes! (Laughs). This is all wrong. Since 2007, I have not had a serious relationship. Perhaps so I wanted to quickly get married. "

But you really did a sentence several times?

Anna: "Yes, more than once. But again, one thing when you make a proposal because they love and completely different - because you actress and with you are pleased to go out. Of course, I stole male attention, but I saw my sincerity in all this. I accepted the offer from Victor because I felt my man. And he will never have a relationship for the sake of a pian. "

And it is important for you, what does Victor do, what does he represent himself in a professional plan?

Anna: "Well, of course, I am very sick for all that he succeeds. He is a talented man. And I see that he wants to move, develop further as a creative person. I try to help him: both by the Council and the case. I am very glad that everything "goes down".

Very often there is a rivalry between creative people: who is more in demand.

Anna: "It seems to me when you love a person, you will not be envied to him, but on the contrary, you will be rejected by his successes. Husband also helps me in every way. For example, invited as guest to his program. (Laughs). The main thing is to be able to hear and understand each other. Victor older than me - he is more experienced, wiser. And always tells me: "Anh, you need to talk with each other." I am an emotional man, I can chase. It is more calm, so we will compensate each other. And learn to live together. After all, we have not had the experience of family life before. We are both newcomers. "

With domestic responsibilities easily cope?

Anna: "I can honestly say that I am not a culinary. Probably, Victor is even better. But I study, I try, I recognize some recipes - I now have an incentive. (Laughs). If the day off is the opportunity to stay at home, then we can prepare lunch together. And if time is not so much, we can have a snack in some kind of pleasant institution. "

Do you like to travel?

Anna: "Yes! Usually, when I am targeting a trip to some country, I read a lot about her, immersed in the atmosphere, pretending to me that I would like to see first. In the wedding trip, my husband and I went to the Maldives. I love these islands very much. It seems to me that this is the best, romantic place for two. No one bothers. We gorgeously spent time, perfectly rested, enjoyed each other. And more than that year, Victor took me to Rome. I have never been there, and of course experienced delight! The Colosseum is something! The head does not fit that the building stood the millennium. And the ancient stones remember gladiators, Roman emperors - amazing! I think now I will relax twice a year, because my husband has a vacation in the summer, and I have in winter. When you find a person with whom you want to be constantly - this is really real happiness. And as soon as you remain alone, you begin to test the longing. "

How much sms-ok per day do you send each other?

Anna: "Well, sometimes there is a lot. (Laughs). And sometimes not very. Because I understand that Victor at work and can not take the phone. So it all depends on the graph. "

Anya, the birth of a child changes the usual way. How long are you ready to abandon active life, work?

Anna: "Not ready for a long time. (Laughs). In any case, the acting profession is a disease. Heavy without it. That year I had many interesting projects. Some films will soon go to the screens. For example, a military picture of "save or destroy", the historic adventure tape "Notes of the Forwarder of the Secret Office". In the picture "Kill Drozda" we starred with a stunning actor Daniel Svivakov. I was a specialist, and Daniel is also an agent ... real estate. Many compared our cinema with Mr. and Mrs. Smith, but this is a little another story, although not less bright. Not so long ago, shooting in the picture of Natalia Bondarchuk "Mystery Snow Queen". This is a joint work with the Americans, and the film itself will be in 3D. So while the marriage does not interfere with my career. (Laughs). Of course, you already have to arrange your life differently: not only for yourself your beloved, but also take care of loved ones. And the time is personal differently distributed: sometime not to go there some presentation there, but to stay together with your beloved husband. But it gives me a huge joy. After all, the most important thing in the life of a woman is love, family and children, in the life of the actress - a profession. And combine it without prejudice to yourself and others - art. "

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