Dreams of professionals: where is the feeling of shame


The pages of this column were perhaps the most diverse dreams: men and women, young and mature people, erotic plane or real throll. And this dream will enter our collection as a professional. Most of the life we ​​spend at work. It seems to be a dream about the other side of life, but also about the profession can even dream. Dreams help dispose of past day stress - or accumulated over long time.

So let's see what torments professionals. How their dreams help them cope with their workload.

"I am young and working in some small hospital. I come to duty and I find that in one of the chambers there are two guys (conscripts from the army) with a preliminary diagnosis of Syphilis. At the same time there are no analyzes. I panic: "How, they are in the usual compartment?!" Urgently causing a face from the center. And only then I begin to think that it would be possible to make analyzes from us, to confirm the diagnosis or refute. Run to the nurse, ask. I get the answer, which is technically possible. Laboratory works. And before that I did not ask, because I am a doctor and everything must know everything! At the same time, it's too late to do everything step by step. Three doctors on a helicopter with a suitcases with equipment have already arrived. I feel shame for spinning such a boron cheese due to its incompetence, which is most likely guys are healthy. And that I am full of sucker. I scold myself that I could ask the nurses - they are old-timers, experienced and everyone knows. I did not want to disgrace - disgraced doubly!

When I realized that this was a dream, I understood and his meaning: I usually be asked to ask not to see a fool, and this is for me! - Every time fraught with. "

Most of the life we ​​spend at work

Most of the life we ​​spend at work

Photo: unsplash.com.

We repeatedly talked with you that in the analysis of sleep, the feeling is extremely important, with which person sees this dream. The central feeling of our heroine is a shame that she is trying to hide behind the bustle, behind a lot of actions. Shame of its competence or incompetence, shame for its status, for confusion in this status. By the way, an interesting fact that people are ashamed not only to their ignorance, but also their knowledge in some kind of area.

Sleepy's dream indicates that she is experiencing a shame for his doctor's status, which seems to be not worth not in doubt, but to know for sure.

I understand from the context that we are talking about the youth and inexperience of the dreams. Although, perhaps, the adult is now inside it knows that the doctor is not clairvoyant. That any opinion, including professional, requires arguments and verification.

But sleeping her returns the experience of shame for himself, for his involvement in this status. And shame as poison paralytic, kills sober consciousness in it.

Of course, shame has an impact not only on its professional sphere. The feeling of shame is a shock condition in it man wants to fall under the ground and not to be the one who he is. What often absolutely disproportionately external events. But also shame is an absolutely social feeling. With the help of it often raise children, exclamation: "How are you not ashamed?!" In fact, the influence of this kind of education is paralysis of will and common sense.

I would venture to suggest that the responses of such an influence on themselves still in a dream dismissed the dreams - for the profession and for itself.

I wonder what you dream? Examples of your dreams send by mail: [email protected]. By the way, dreams are much easier to express if in a letter to the editor you will write preceding life circumstances, but most importantly - feelings and thoughts at the time of awakening from this dream.

Maria Dyachkova, PSYCHOLOGIST, Family therapist and leading trainings of personal growth Training center Marika Khazin

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