Woman - Bad driver: Myths about behavior driving in which you believe


According to the review of the CJPonyParts Statistical Center, in the world by 1.4 million more women with driver's license than men. But how often do we see them on the roads? In the big cities, the ladies have already overcome constraint and water along with men. In the small, where many people's thinking based on prejudice, the situation is worse with this. Lee drops in the sea, but the Womanhit once again reminds women that you can not drive a car - disassemble myths:

Myth: Women are worse than men

True: Men are worse

The review of the Resource Center for Social Affairs was analyzed by a number of differences in the style of driving men and women, and a bold conclusion was made: "In all research and analysis, it was shown that men occasionally happen more often than women." The report claims that men are faster than women and less comply with the rules of the road: they are accelerated, drive the car in a drunk, neglect the signs of the stop and therefore are twice as much as women.

Women carefully driving

Women carefully driving

Photo: unsplash.com.

In the United States, men are the cause of 71% of all fatal accidents, and this figure remains unchanged since 1975. But don't men pass much more kilometers than women? Isn't that explaining the difference? It is true that men account for 62% of all kilometers traveled compared to 38% for women, but even after kilometers have passed and take into account the driving time, men still get into death in death. Good news is that the tendency to death accidents both for men and women are steadily declining.

Myth: Women choose a beauty car

True: Women appreciate price availability and convenience

Due to the huge number of cars available, men tend to buy European luxury brands and prefer cars with advanced technologies and stylish appearance. Unlike men, women are usually interested in finding affordable cars known for their strength, reliability and security.

Myth: Women easily choose cars

True: the process of choice occupies more time

Each fifth man knows exactly what he needs in a new car. This often includes parts such as engine volume, transmission type, transmission and suspension characteristics. However, only 38% of women according to CJPonyParts statistics report that they feel confident when buying a car. However, women are more attentive when buying a new car, and buying a cycle takes a little longer than that of men, usually an average of about 75 days to shop.

Before buying a car, women think longer

Before buying a car, women think longer

Photo: unsplash.com.

Myth: Women are more worried about safety

True: Women pay for insurance less than men

Men eventually pay more for the insurance of their new cars than women - according to one site estimates, men may end up paying $ 15,000 more in their entire life than their colleagues women. Although these insurance premiums are really declining as men become older and more experienced driving, they will still be much higher in the ratings until they reach 35 years. This is due to the fact that, according to statistics, men are likely to be more risking behind the wheel. Another factor affecting the change in insurance rates is that the luxurious cars that prefer men are much more expensive than the auto women.

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