How to find mutual understanding with a man?


A man is always a child for whom there is nothing more important than his hobbies and toys. Therefore, before you try to convey to one or another thought, you first need to focus on these toys, to show sincere interest, ask to tell, to listen to, ask additional questions, in the process of sincerely wondering, terrible or admiring (depending on the situation ). Talking about what is close to him, I wonder what he really understands, and, seeing genuine interest, he relax and take you as a person close in spirit.

Perhaps not as a sexy object, which is not so scary, because it is not always with a woman who will contain, want to talk and even more so build relationships. Yes, and we do not always need a person to make us lies. The main thing is that you are with him on the same wave, and he fixed the crane without wire, rearranged the furniture or squeezed from the snowy car.

If you need to pay attention to men, because he just liked, then, again, you need to remember that this man is a child who needs recognition, love and care. Want to please - bring all your warmth, kindness and tenderness on it. The main thing is not to cry and do not cry. Even children who are children do not like this. Gentle voice and a warm smile guaranteed to attract his attention, and for readiness to listen carefully, he will be very grateful to you. To the fact that if you talk it, you can learn a lot of useful information about it for yourself.

It happens that mutual understanding is lost in pairs that have been together for a long time. Living for a long time, the people of Will are unillates, they are moving away from each other and if they do not spoke in time - they become for each other. People who keep together only the habit. To avoid this, you need to periodically change the model of behavior. And also, from time to time, change the hairstyle, style of clothing, routine of the day, prepare new dishes, do the permutation of furniture, update home textiles or even periodically make partial repairs. And in all these events actively involve their spouse, not only as a payer, but also as a person who, in theory, is not still, what happens to his wife or apartment. Even if you have already decided everything, you must be advised to consult myself with a spouse, sometimes ask for some important decision, for example, where his children will learn what the next car you should buy, where to go to rest in the summer t. D . Listen to him and listen. He must feel his importance, the need and credibility is not only, and not so much, because he for everything or partially pays, but only because with his opinion they are taken into account, because they love and value, because he's a man. Otherwise, not only mutual understanding will be lost, but also a man himself. And this can not be allowed, is it true?

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