Marat Basharov: "I am very grateful to Lisa that I waited for me"


Marat Basharov for his acting career survived and steep takeoff, and drop, and again the rise. When he appeared for the first time on the screen in the main role in the series "Border. Taiga novel ", all the tabloids of Pretty headlines" Oh, Marat! ". And after the speech in the "Ice Age", it was crazy half of the female population of the country. Now the actor is happy in the third marriage with one of his long-standing fans Elizabeth Shevyarkkova. A year ago, they were born the son of Marseille, and the couple had passed the pair.

- Marat, first of all, allow you to congratulate you with marriage. Well celebrated the wedding?

"Very good, in a narrow family circle, a hundred people, with friends and relatives, and immediately left to rest in the Dominican Republic. Marseille did not take with them, left with her grandmother. And successfully slipped, just between two hurricanes.

- We have not seen ten years with you. Imagine that you have not seen so much time with each other. What would you wanted to tell about yourself?

- I had a wedding, my son was born, the daughter grown up, many new roles appeared in performances and movies. Opened the anniversary season "Battle of Psychics". This program is on TNT, I have been leading for ten years.

- Is there really everything really?

- Absolutely. If ten people do not ask me for a day, it is true or not, then the day was a gap. (Laughs.) Sometimes inadequate people come across, but mostly real psychics. No support. And they embrace such complex stories!

- Using, so to speak, the official position, did you ever add to psychic?

- Never.

- Why? Didn't the temptation be recognized, at least five years ahead, what will happen?

- It is impossible to do. Psychics such people, as if explaining to you, they have such abilities that they can get into your life at the energy level and something to change something there, to influence something. And if you are weak, then you will tell it. It is necessary to be collected, strong, hope only for ourselves and not allow anyone. I always live.

The family of the future artist lived is not burning. With mom Raus Abdullal

The family of the future artist lived is not burning. With mom Raus Abdullal

Photo: Personal archive Marat Basharova

- Ten years ago, in an interview, you told me that the worst thing in life is loneliness when you even forget your children, and if Amelie suddenly forget you - it's not to survive. How to overcome the difficulties of its transitional age?

- She is thirteen. So far I do not notice anything like. All is well, and, I hope so it will be further. She draws and seriously engaged in an art school. They go to the Plenuer on Etudes, everything is delivered there at a high level.

- And you can already assume that it will be her profession in the future?

- I think yes. Probably. Although it is so difficult to judge. For example, in my childhood I was engaged in very many things, everything except acting. And see how it happened? I was told: "Go to theatrical". And I did not know: where to go, what to do? Maybe the daughter will be so. She, for example, learned to computer graphics, this is beyond what works with a pencil and brush. I ask her: "Who taught you so much?" She says herself. And I look and admire how it works in these programs. I know the computer, I understand, but it would not have come to this level. And the transitional age already makes it felt. I call her the other day after school: "Amelie, where are you?" She says: "Dad, my friends and I went to the cafe." - "So. So what?" "Just sit, chatting, drink tea with cakes." - "Someone's birthday celebrate?" - "Not. We decided to celebrate the end of the week, Friday after all. " I thought: "Op-Pa, here he is, the first bell." But her voice was sober, cheerful, and she did not hide, which is proud that such an adult is already. And I was charging that she did not lie to me. After all, when children hide something from their parents, it is very bad.

- With lessons you help her or already lagging behind the program and help tutors?

- I'm not catching up. Then, I am an impatient person, right away. Or suggest: "Let's see the answer." There are answers on the Internet, so it's easier, right? Otherwise, you sit until the night with these lessons. Do you know the old anecdote? Dadlows teacher at three in the morning: "Marya Ivanovna, what are you doing?" "Sleep", - answers the surprised Marya Ivanovna. - "And we" collect apples "," sawing trees "and learn poems!" So the daughter of tutors in mathematics and physics. I don't remember these items at all.

Marat Basharov married the third time this summer

Marat Basharov married the third time this summer

Gennady Avramenko

- Your first wife, Mom Amelie, Lisa, also married?

- For a long time! She now has three children. Son is five years old, and daughter born four months ago.

- And children all communicate with each other?

- Sure. We knew houses. Even went all together to ski. (Smiles.)

- You said that little Amelie could land look at the TV, and then she gave to make any urgent things. And Marseille how? Calm or the same as sister?

- Marseille is not Amelie, I will not distract it with advertising. Cartoons occupy it exactly for a minute, and again it requires attention. I do not know just how Lisa copes with him? Nanny appropriate we have not yet found. And when I was small, we lived in a communal apartment and the neighbors had a TV. Mom squeezed me in front of the screen, and I could sit asleep as a crowded clock, and she was engaged in affairs. I was very clowning, and often I got from my mother for pranks. Marcel is all in me and will also get a belt if that.

- What about juvenile justice?

- I officially say: it will receive for business. (Laughs.)

- How does Amelie get along with a brother?

- Perfectly! She plays with him. Marcel is very affectionate, all the time it hugs. And she has a girl yet, not cleared, strictly like this: "Do not, Marseille!". She is a tender girl. And Marseille is my copy. We made it black and white photos, and if you compare them with my children, too, black and white (the color was not yet), - one face! Just confused.

On vacation Marat also tries to support the form

On vacation Marat also tries to support the form

Photo: Personal archive Marat Basharov

- What do you think Lisa will decide to give birth to a second child?

- We were talking about it. Yes! Mom once admitted to me that the father asked for a boy or a girl, and she did not dare. The apartments were not, and Mom was afraid that they would be divided into something if another child appears. And then I regret it very much! She herself admitted to me in this, already when I was completely adults. So my wife and I are customized to expand your family.

- It is a pity that your mother did not become so early and she did not see Marseille ...

- Yes, the loss is terrible. Everything happened suddenly, I was completely not ready for it. And, of course, it is a pity that Marcel will grow without it. Although it seems to me sometimes that he communicates with her. After all, they say that kids have a connection with space; It seems to me that he has a contact with his grandmother. He looks sometimes somewhere up, sleeping something and laughs. It seems to me that it is her mother ... I really miss her very much. Mom was my support, rear, and now I am alone.

- Your close friends who are with you all these years is who?

- Roma of Kostomarov and Oksana Domnin. Ilya Averbukh and the Kostomarov family could not attend our wedding and now require a meeting to formally congratulate us. We are looking for time and the opportunity to meet. Bought toaster they need to give us. Katya and Sasha Strizhenov are the closest people for me for many years. Katya even witnessed our wedding with Liza.

- I remember, you were friends with Oleg Menshikov and played with him in hockey ...

- No, we played with him in football. We still have a good relationship, but life has spread us a little on the parties. Oleg is now a busy person, he has the theater. And in hockey we play with artists. We and the team so called - "Komar", a team of artists. We must keep yourself in shape. I noticed that it became somehow forces not enough. And twice a week we are definitely going to the game.

With the wife of Elizabeth, the son of Marcel and Amelie's daughter

With the wife of Elizabeth, the son of Marcel and Amelie's daughter

Photo: Personal archive Marat Basharov

- When you managed, you are all the time on tour, then on the set?

- After the performance, at night.

- Hockey - a power game, and looking at the night to give such a load on the heart Is it useful?

- What are you, this is not a load, but solid pleasure, rest. We recently had a meeting with the Zheny Plushenko and Alexander Brovoy. Their team was five years old. We had a friendly match, then there was a banquet where our families were invited.

- Tell me about your wife.

"I am very grateful to Lisa that she did not be offended at me for gone for a long time (in 2014, Marat married Ekaterina Arkharov, and after the divorce returned to Lisa again. - Approx. Aut.), And did not change their attitude. to me.

"On the contrary, she supported you very much when the scandal happened to your ex-wife Catherine." He wrote that he loves you still.

- Yes. I appreciated it.

- I do not understand how you can judge about other people's problems, if you do not know the situation from the inside? Honestly, the "demonstration performance" of Tatiana Tarasova from Malakhov didn't like it then.

- That's it! Tatyana Anatolyevna did not know what and as it was. She is a respected and excellent coach, but it is not aware of our family history. And I am very grateful to the director Gregory Konstantinopol, which gave me a job in the TV series "Drunk company".

- And what, many turned away?

- Almost all…

Bright performances of Marat in the ice show with Tatiana Navka attracted the attention of the whole country

Bright performances of Marat in the ice show with Tatiana Navka attracted the attention of the whole country

Photo: Personal archive Marat Basharova

- Yes, I looked, you now have little film projects - one per year. But I heard you have your own entrepreneur?

- I have four entrepreneurs.

- And one of them is your project?

- Of course not. I am an artist and can not be anyone else: neither producer nor a director. Now I have the premiere - "Day of Surprises" with Tatiana Vasilyeva. From school years I was in love with this actress after the film "Hello, I'm your aunt!" All boys from our class were in love with the character of Tatiana Vedeneva, and I - in Tatiana Vasilyev. And when I was offered to play with her, I, without even the play, immediately agreed. Tatyana Grigorievna is the greatest star of the scene, a Madre. She surprises and fascinates how the boa, in her eyes you can break and stay there. When I look at them, I catch myself on what I think, I was afraid. And play with it - as on a minefield: it is unpredictable, every time different. At times we simply do not stand, breaking and rzhu. I turn away from the viewer and dying with laughter. That's the same she, our T. G. I also have a play for two with People's Artist Vladimir Alexandrovich Glashkin on the play Anthony Scheffer "Game". And with the Terrzakov Volodya "Sublimation of Love" we played ninety-nine times! And everyone could not put the anniversary, a hundredth performance. Then I'm on the set, then he. And the fourth of October, we finally met. Before the performance began to remember and pass the material. Worried - after all, the year almost passed and the age affects, but it turned out that there is still gunpowder in the powder. Surprisingly: It turned out that the body remembers everything better than the head. The body leads you to a certain miceanese, and you remember both the text and jokes, and how the viewer reacted then. And such a kayf catches from it! And in November, I have a premiere of the film "Movement up". The story of how the USSR national team won the basketball from invincible Americans. This happened at the Olympics in Munich in 1972. For the first time in the thirty-six years, Americans lost. Our victory in them in the last three seconds. It was a unique game. Americans so offended that even the prize was not taken away. He is still there. I play an official from sports.

- What else was you for ten years, what is nice to remember?

- Work in the show "Stars on Ice" with Ilya Averbukh. It was brilliant. Then we performed with concerts and performances on ice, toured throughout the country. We were taken elegant, and abroad too. There are many of our many, they bored and always tell us: "Come back!" I would come back if Ilya called me. With great pleasure. It was the finest time. We worked in Sochi with the play "Lights of the Big City". Then Ilya made "Carmen" - and I did not call me. After - Romeo and Juliet. I did not call me. Taking this opportunity, through your magazine I appeal to Ilya: "If it goes further, I will go to Navka!". Tatyana as a producer prepares his show "Ruslan and Lyudmila".

- And she called?

- Not. (Laughs.) If it does not call either - I will go to Plushenko.

Hockey is one of the artist's hobby. True, time for training has to be painted at night

Hockey is one of the artist's hobby. True, time for training has to be painted at night

Photo: Personal archive Marat Basharov

- I saw you in the film "Battalion" in the role of Alexander Kerensky, very interesting. In my opinion, the role turned out. You are convincing in this image.

- They say I look like him.

- It looks like it, but when you look at you, you will not say at once: "Oh, Kerensky!". The role was really bright. Have you invested a lot in it or was spelled out well?

- I am grateful to Igor Galnikov, who was the producer of this film and the author of the idea. He showed me a lot of interesting archival newsreel. I never even saw this. I watched Kerensky spoke, as he kept, moving. The personality is very ambiguous. Alexander Fedorovich lived a long, saturated, terrible life.

- How are your fans who used to have you just a sea before? Lisa got acquainted with you via the Internet, probably, and others tried to do it?

- They are still doing. But now there is no me in social networks. Taking this opportunity, I immediately tell everyone: do not look for me there. If some pages still exist is a fake. But there is my site, which has long been leading Yana and her team. Girls are well done: no one of my premiere is missing. For a birthday give me interesting creative gifts. And Marsel for his birthday made a great gift, with humor. Books about me are drawn up with verses. Such attention is worth an expensive, and I am very grateful for their loyalty.

- They did not fit you to Lisa?

- I do not think. I don't know their personal life, but such beauties can not be lonely, they will certainly have couples.

- You still live in the city and Moscow apartment do not complain?

- I can not completely be in the urban apartment. There are neighbors, here, from above, below - horror! Although it has grown in a communal. And the beautiful, by the way there was time. All the neighbors loved me, treated cookies. They have no long ago, and I remember all the names. Aunt Cur. She was sitting in a wheelchair and could not take me on his hands, I was put on her knees. Uncle Kolya, joiner, - he had golden hands. And I, small, disturbingly watched, how he made of wood from the tree all sorts of things. It was just witchcraft, magic. And the boy is like interesting! Now there is what you want a tool, and then it was - a hammer and a planer. And on my birthday, he once chicked his mother with a stool for me. It has been preserved until now. When I do something in the housework, I show Marsel to watched, he studied with me.

Marat Basharov:

In Tatyana Vasilyev Marat was in love with school years. And now busy with her in one play "Day of Surprises"

Photo: Personal archive Marat Basharova

- I remember the country house you yourself built? Are you satisfied with the result?

- No, everything is wrong! (Laughs.)

- I had to rebuild?

- No, we built a guest house with a bath.

- Now another life and other people. How do you live in the village, friendly?

- We live together. We can come to them without a call, and they are to us: if the light in the windows burn, then they do not sleep. For the most part in our village doctors. Sixteen houses and one street. I call her Broadway. At home stand on one side, and our almost at the end, when I come back late, I see who is sleeping from the neighbors, and who is not. Therefore, we go to visit more often than go to us. (Laughs.)

- "Maybe drink wine, maybe they sit"?

- or in the lotto play. Often it is practicing.

- What are your still common interests with neighbors? Maybe ride fishing together?

- No, fishing and hunt I drive with friends. We go to boar, root or moose. And I leave for fishing twice a year, in the spring and autumn, on Akhtuba. This is Mecca, Akhtuba.

- Can a family be taken on fishing?

- Can. Marsel was just a month and a half when I suggested Lisa: "Do you want with me?" And she is an easy to rise: "Come on!". Set as a plane and flew. So Marseille visited the first time on fishing. I wondered fish, and he waited in a stroller with her boyfriend on the shore. As soon as it is growing, I will definitely take it with me. My partner in the scene and the screen of Volodya Rodzkov is also an avid fisherman. He has two sons. He dreamed of passing them a passion for this lesson, and, imagine, none, nor another completely fishing are interested. He is terribly grieving about it. Therefore, I have a big fear: if Marseille does not love fishing, it will be a blow to me. Yes, indeed, for the ten years a lot happened in my life. But the most important thing is that the son was born. Marseille Maratovich Basharov, a follower of the name. It is important.

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