Calm for hair: how to solve the problem of severe combing


In the autumn-winter period, almost every woman faces the problem of severe hair combing and the "dandelion effect" when the hair is incredibly electrified. This hair condition is simply incredibly annoying, especially when you are going to an important event. We decided to explore the most effective funds that are designed to solve the problem of naughty and confused hair.

Is your shampoo?

Most often, the problem of hair confusion lies in an unsuitable tool, which is too drying the hair and does not contribute to their smoothness. Stylists recommend paying attention to the salon variants of shampoos, which, as a rule, contain the necessary mitigating components for further easy working with hair. Another option is to choose shampoo without sulfates, such tools are distinguished by the softness of the composition and the least injury to hair, such shampoos for women who brighten their hair are particularly relevant.

Choose the right balsam

Balsam or air conditioner for hair is a mandatory phase of purification. This tool completes the care, gluing hair scales and thereby facilitating combing. However, it is important to correctly use the tool, because if you go over, the hair will seem dirty and glued together - put the thinned layer on clean hair, but not on the roots, but on the hair yourself, as the root area and so well moisturizes from the skin.

Sprays for combing

Another good tool can be called hair spray. At the same time, you do not need to use air conditioning or balsam - the spraying agent will perfectly soften the hair, but it cannot save from fluffiness. If you are the owner of the painted hair or your natural hair is too dry, try to acquire the leaving complexes of one brand, since no one knows how the head of the head reacts to different compositions.

For painted hair, it is important to choose moisture

For painted hair, it is important to choose moisture


Hair Mask

Probably one of the most beloved funds. Unlike the air conditioner mask for hair, you can only use a couple of times a week and keep on your hair much longer - about 10 minutes. It's all about the hair mask, as a rule, it contains more active ingredients, which, with frequent use, can overload the hair, it will be especially noticeable if you have thin and weak hair. Mask, like all other means, it is important to pick up the type of hair and desirable the same brand as the shampoo with air conditioning.

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