Treason in salvation


"Once, one of my acquaintances came to the incomprehensible relationship. Well, that is, you know, as it happens: and everything seems to be quite pleasant, but still some kind of garbage. It would seem that the boy is good, and she fell in love with trembling in his knees and other places, but something was wrong all the time. As it turned out in the future, under the mysterious' something "was hidden its total misunderstanding of the format of their communication and the lack of a sane feedback from the lyrical hero. She was in such an unloved majority of people suspended.

A couple of times the girl tried to figure out what happens between them, but to no avail. Whether she misunderstood questions, whether he had no answers. Be that as it may, these relations were necessary for her for some reason. I generally noticed that, the more misunderstanding and mysteriousness, the more we put on it with your hands and legs. It is necessary to unravel the rushes, for sure there, behind the layer of puffs, painful throwing and permanent "something is missing" is a real treasure.

In general, it could not leave, to stay every day was all heavier and harder, and my smart girlfriend found a way out. She began to change, and with amazing activity. Former, friends, some boys from bars went to move. It came to the point that she managed to put a lover 5 minutes before the arrival of his hero.

Justice It is worth noting that she did not receive pleasure and joy from what was happening. The tangle of contradictions became more and more, for the anger and the revenge, and shame, and the censure of themselves, and immediately excuses, the feelings of other people were mixed. Its condition resembled emotional hell with boiling boilers and incessant moans.

Of course, we have repeatedly talked about why she does it. And each conversation brought us to the conclusion that everything that happens is the only way to not pour on him, a loved one, the whole of her anger for the shoals, the flour of uncertainty, torment because of his inattention, and, of course, the faster growing complexes from the series "What Not so, since we are all difficult. "

Arriving this regular vakhanalia and walking along the blade of a knife, she tried not to drown finally in a relationship with him and her love, which, as she seemed to be needed to anyone in this story. All these mini-novels and parallel ties allowed her to avoid a puppy devotional look and an eternal question "Are you me?", Helped to keep an independent face and at least somehow encourage yourself at the moments of reflections on the topic "Who am I generally needed?". Yes, and the risk to strangle him with his merger attempts was minimized.

It all ended not very fun, because sooner or later, the secret becomes clear, and the inner, strangled conflict eventually reached the escalation. Only everything happened not quite as she imagined. But fucking the last couple of weeks, came to the conclusion that a really better bad end than an infinite sluggish meat grinder. And then, finally, figured out that all this was really.

My girlfriend fell into a trap of dangerous delusion, which, the more convenient, and it will be unfortunately, the better for the relationship and even if they categorically do not suit her - it is her problems, to ship by another person - Fu, and ideal people do not. And she really wanted to be perfect. What for? In order not to leave, did not reject, they did not hurt.

She was afraid to ask a direct question in the stomach spasms, for he was not ready to hear a negative answer. He would mean that once again would have to worry that once was already. She was very afraid to show her Romeo what she really was and what she needed. It seemed to her that she asked too much. After all, we scream on all sides about the need to be content with the moment. And since childhood they inspired that it was impossible to begging, good girls do not do that. Paradox, but, trying to be for someone perfect, we are cosorous so that they will envy the most unfinished violators of morality.

Did she love this his contradictory and complex hero? Loved. As, by the way, then it turned out, and he loved her. Simply, these two stuffed canons, templates and injuries of the individual left their relationships not the slightest chance, completely denying their frankness and sincerity. One was silent and saved as it could, the second was always on a positive.

The story I told you - about the girl. But men regularly become the main characters of such sad leads. Therefore, having received the news about treason, it will not be better to think: do I know at all that for a person is near that he hurts and what does he need it? As practice shows, it can turn out a lot of interesting things.

All good. And be yourself. "

Blogger Nika Nabokova

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