Without tablets: Strengthen immunity with daily activity


In the autumn season, one of the main tasks is to support immunity, but limited only by natural recipes or their favorite means, physical activity is also important for the formation of strong immunity, which will support you throughout the entire autumn-winter period. We will talk about the most effective activities.

Selection of exercises to increase immunity

All exercises are important to do at home in the morning or evening when you no longer have important things and no one will distract you.


We cross your hands on the back of the head, make the tilts of the head in different directions, while do not knock the breath and try to perform them slowly. Next we fold on your chest and make turns of the housing on the exhalation. We repeat every exercise 5-6 times.

# 2.

We will need a chair, preferably with a medium back. Sit down and keep your back smoothly, put on your knees. The feet are tight pressed to the floor. Sitting on a chair, trying to get the fingertips of the hands to the fingers on the legs. We stretch on the exhalation, slowly return to the breath. If you have painful feelings in the back, take a break and repeat the exercise slightly slower.

Next, we get up for the back of the chair and keep it with your hands. With a smooth back, we make slow squats, during which we ride on the socks, repeat 7 times.

# 3.

Going to your back, pull your hands along the body, bend your legs in the knees. Not blurring legs, try to reach the knees to the floor, bending them into different directions. Fix in this position for 10 seconds, then slowly return to its original position. We also repeat 7 times.

Are you active in the fall?

Are you active in the fall?

Photo: www.unsplash.com.

Yoga for your immunity

Like the classic exercise, Yoga is able to create real miracles with our body - you are strengthening not only physical, but also psychological health, if you are engaged with a professional trainer, however, you can start both independent classes, the main thing, to get the approval of your attending physician if You have problems with spine or joints.


We stand straight, while keeping the press and buttocks in the voltage. Hands stretched along the body. We make a deep and slow breath, straining muscles, then slowly exhale, relaxing them. We repeat ten times.


Also standing with a straight back, raise your hands up and stretch slightly. We make four slow breaths and exhalation, return to its original position. We repeat seven times.


Standing straight, slowly leaning and stretch your forehead to the knees as possible. No legs in any way bend. If it turns out to reach your hands to the floor, put your hands from behind the heels. Loading in such a position on four inhalation-exhalations and return to its original position.

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