Arkady Inin: "A woman today is very difficult to marry"


- Arkady Yakovlevich, in your humorous encyclopedia "Woman from, A to Z," there is such a phrase: "All women want to marry. Even those who are married. " But why are many men prefer to pull the marriage and find all sorts of reasons so as not to marry?

"Because a woman dreams of marriage to rely on a strong shoulder, hide behind a reliable back and live long and happily." And for a man, marriage is responsibility, care, the problem. Almost any man tries to always see from responsibility. In marriage, as in the ohwow with a head, a man can jump if there is crazy love. And if there is no love, there is only attachment, sex, habit, then the considerations of pragmatic nature begin. On the one hand, it's good to have a family - you will come home, my wife welded Borsch, painted the kitlet, headlong shirts, and on the other hand, now a developed cooking and so many inexpensive restaurants that a working man can feed himself. It is not enough that without a woman he will not disappear, he can still scatter socks, where he fell, to be calmly on the sofa and come home at any time at night, with whom he wants. And no one will roll the scandal. Therefore, before entering into marriage, a man will weigh a long time, hesitates, and a woman, spitting, goes to another man.

- And what can for a woman play a crucial role in getting an offer of hands and hearts from his beloved?

- I have already said first, it is a passionate love. And often surrounding say to a man: "Where are you climbing! She is terrible, the character is disgusting, it is not able to cook ", but he has love, and he sees nothing. With such a man, even speak useless. He is "distilled". The second is when a man marries the calculation, marriage for money and there is no bad thing about it, because, oddly enough, the marriage for the calculation is one of the most durable unions. Third - when married because of age and love for children. After all, the years take their own, it becomes more difficult for a walk, and a man wants to have a family, children. Even if he is not in love with a woman, still thinks: "Corrects, will be wondering." These three categories are very easy to drag into the registry office. The rest either Mamieneckles are sons, or professional walks and spend women on them better not worth it.

- And the Mamienikins of Sons and Futs are not afraid of loneliness, in the end, moms die, to walk to rush?

"Of course, you will not like my answer, but if a man feels that he is alone, he will like him much easier to get acquainted with a woman than a woman with a man." He can stick to her on the street, in the company, in the subway, at work. He suffers from loneliness as well as a woman, but it is easier for him to get rid of it. There are such lines in a well-known song: "We choose, we choose, as it often does not match ..." Here in this mismatch, often, the cause of female loneliness is hidden. And the man works simpler: well, does not coincide, it does not coincide, you can change to another, you can stay on the mismatch. What you can not say about the woman, she will persevere to wait for his only coinciding, paying waiting for loneliness.

- You said, wait hard. You know, today women are no longer so timid like a hundred years ago. They can also approach the company or in the subway and meet men. Don't you think so?

- I do not think. If a woman takes the initiative in his hands, she looks unattractive. Such a woman does not cause sympathy. If a man sticks to a woman, wins, achieves, he calls respect. And if the woman wants to take the "bull for the horns", then her activity scares her activity. If the girl comes up with ways to see a man, calls, reminds him of himself, he immediately begins to think: "If it is such an obsessive in this stage, and what will happen if we get together. From her just do not quit. Well, it is in FIG. " That is why men prefer "regulate the movement" themselves.

- Increasingly, you can hear from women that there are practically no normal men, and a modern woman is not from whom to choose. Your opinion?

- Here I, perhaps, agree with you. I can not look at the men with the eyes of a woman. I see so many normal peasants around yourself, and not all of them are lying under the fence, but I believe in women. And I hear it more and more often that or there are no suitable partners, or all the normal are already married. I agree that a poor woman today is very difficult to marry.

- How do you feel about same-sex marriage?

- People highly humanitarian approach talk about these unions: "Let all the flowers bloom," but for me it is a perversion of a life situation. Even in the Bible there was a flood because of Sodom and Gomorra. Today, from a medical point of view, this is not a perversion, but a biological tendency to homosexualism recognized throughout the world and cannot be caraw. But I am horrified towards same-sex marriage, to the fact that women go along the lesbian road, because allegedly no exit. No exit only in prison. But on freedom, it seems to me that you can find options. There are any adaptations to satisfy yourself. No one would be able to persuade me on sex with a man, no money.

- Based on the fact that there are few normal men, is there any way that some men offer to live on the eastern scheme? A man has several wives, he satisfy them all and provides?

- This is not a question for me, but to women, whether they agree on it. Whether they agree to humiliate themselves in order to become the fourth woman from their man. Muslim husbands are very well referring to their women, they give them insanely expensive gifts, indulging outfits, provide financially. But not morally! If a man is indifferent for a woman and material benefits are important to her, then this scheme can fully arrange it. And if you came as a favorite woman, and the older wife says you: "There is no girlfriend, today it is not your turn to sleep with your husband," for me this situation is wildness. But one day, having a conversation with a woman living in such a marriage, I got a revelation. She told me: "You, men, you can talk about romantic love powder brains with young fools. And we, women, actually need comfort and provision. " But it seems to me that this is a cynical sale of his body and she has nothing to do with love. After all, the female soul, except for comfort and ensure, still needs love. And if a man loves, he will be his beloved and beloved and comfort, and the provision.

- If a man sends a marriage contract before the wedding, in which black is written in black, that after the divorce, the former wife does not get anything. Is that, in your opinion, also love?

- If you ask me, to sign a marriage contract with a woman before the wedding, then I will answer firmly - no. Of course, lawyers will say in love with a man who does not sign the marriage treaty that he is a complete idiot. But in my opinion it is rudeness, if a man promises a woman to get a star from the sky before the wedding, and after the divorce he takes her apartment. He is the last cattle. You used 10 years of her body, beauty, energy, and the woman has her beauty and body - this is its unique resource. She entertained you, cheaned up, cared, and then he fell and everyone took her away and thrown into the street, it seems to me that it. I hear when some men speak in such a situation: "she was also good, she also enjoyed", but, honestly, a man sex needs more than a woman. Ladies are simply not ready to admit that they have no way to go and have to work out bread. In any case, let my words do not like men, but I do not advise women to sign a marriage contract and put yourself in advance below the plinth. Or she immediately goes to this deal, because he knows that there is no love, but there will be a benefit of marriage. And knows in advance what the deal will end. When a future husband tells her: "I picked you up at the Kursk station, I contain you, paying your expenses, your promotion, and you have to work out everything." This is more business partnership and love, again, has no relationship.

- No matter how cool, the woman's position is not profitable from all sides. You wrote such a useful book about women, give even some advice, how to facilitate life.

- What tips can be here. I have a deepest sympathy for a woman. My wife, when she gave birth, I immediately said: "We will turn the girls", and she was so frightened that the guys appeared. And I was extremely happy about it, because women live much harder. We, men, live a hundred times easier! We do not have this crazy love, from which "blows the roof" and inhuman flour begins: "Call - will not call?" And what are abortions? And men's treason? And the mom's abandoned - loners? And what sufferings begin when a woman is harassing, her beauty fade and she loses the latter? Definitely, only sympathy for women.

So, cute ladies, in the struggle for your female happiness, let all your weapons in the move: flirting, flirty, magic. Do not be afraid to be bitch!

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