Why the world famous writer Stefan Cweig committed suicide


Stefan Collega seemed to contemporaries by the incarnation of good luck, the Balley of Fate. Born in the family of wealthy Austrian Jews, brilliantly graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Vienna. The first of his literary works were highly appreciated by critics. He was beautiful, smart, surrounded by friends and enjoyed the ladies success. He was destined to know true love ... And nevertheless, one day he decided to reduce the scores with life.

Despite the fact that at that time, people who were immersed in the state of war, there were a lot of other problems, double suicide - the famous Austrian writer and his young wife Charlotte - could not stop the public. On February 23, 1942, the newspapers came out with sensational headlines and photographs on the first page - a sixty-year-old Tsweig and his thirty-year-old wife Charlotte lay, hugging, in bed. They drank a huge dose of sleeping pills. Before his death, the spouses wrote thirteen letters to relatives and friends - they tried to explain the reasons forgot ...

Subsequently, the act of a well-known writer was compared with other similar cases. Disappointed in Western Democracy, who could not interfere with the coming to power Hitler and stop the promotion of fascism, many outstanding cultural figures left their lives: Walter Benjamin, Ernst Toller, Ernst Weiss, Walter Gazenklevur. Weiss revealed his veins when the Hitler's army captured Paris. Gazedlever poisoned in the camp for the interned. Benjamin accepted poison, fearing to get into the hands of the Gestapo: The Spanish border on which he turned out to be blocked. The remaining without a penny in his pocket, brought to his wife Toller hung at the hotel in New York.

Collegu, who was in Sunny Brazil, near Rio de Janeiro, danger did not threaten. The country in which he emigrated, accepted him with delight, was nearby faithful Charlotte, he did not experience financial difficulties or health problems. In his table lay and not finished manuscripts. Nevertheless, there was a fear that poisoned the existence of Cweig. And the older the writer became, the stronger this fear was becoming, pursuing him like the Amok, which he wrote about in his novel. In psychology, such a condition is called geranotophobia - the fear of old age.

Collegiate Nation

"Perhaps before I was too spoiled," said Collegiate at the end of life. And the word "possible" is not quite appropriate. Already the fact of birth has opened brilliant opportunities before Stephen. His father Moritz Tsweig was a textile manufacturer in Vienna, the mother of Ida Brettauer belonged to the richest family of Jewish bankers. Senior Brother Stefan Alfred inherited a father's firm, and Stephana provided an opportunity to study at the university to get a doctoral degree and engaged in his favorite business. He was a talented student who was casually poured into his hands, "Arthur Schnitser was expressed as his friend. Already at sixteen, Stephen printed his first poems, and nineteen at his own expense was published a collection of "Silver strings". Success came instantly: the creations of young dating liked Rilke himself, and the editor of one of the most respected Austrian newspapers "Neue Freie Presse" Theodore Herzl took the articles of Collegu to publish. Being quite assimilated Jewish young men, whose parents rotated in the Higher Society, Stefan could enjoy life, belonging to a circle, as if said Golden Youth, Golden Youth.

Stephen was the second child in the family. With brother Alfred.

Stephen was the second child in the family. With brother Alfred.


But, being from nature by a person alive and inquisitive, Stefan did not want to be content with the fact that life provided him on a sowing. He wanted to know the world. As of ten years - before the First World War, the writer spent on travels, visited not only in Europe: France, England, Italy, Spain, but also visited distant Canada, Cuba, Mexico, USA, India, Africa. Fate won to him. During World War I, Tsweig, although they called on the army, but from respect for his pacifist views, sent to work in a military archive, away from the battlefields. Parallel Stefan published anti-war articles and dramas and was engaged in public activities - participated in the creation of an international organization of cultural figures who opposed the war.

Possessing nature with spectacular external data, he was very careful about his image - was always in fashion, with a needle dressed. And his elegant manners and education made it a pleasant interlocutor. The young man enjoyed great success in the ladies, with ease, started the novels, nevertheless to tie himself to the bonds of marriage in a hurry. Stephen unequivocally gave his friends to understand that the main thing for him was to use his writer's gift for him, and not to melted in family vulgarity - quarrels, claims and jealousy. In the same unscrewing enthusiasm could be for him and Friedrik von Winternitz, but ... it became much big.

Letter stranger

Their romance began nontrivially - from the letter. And later, Collega used it in one of his novel "Letter of Stranger." More precisely, First, Friedrik saw a fashionable writer in the literary cafe "RIDGOF". And shortly before that girlfriend just gave her Tomik Verkinna verses in the translation of Collega. Women were modestly sitting in the corner, when Stephen came to the cafe, threw a careless smile in their direction, and ... a blackee-respondant married lady and mother of two children felt soil from her legs. "And this is just our translator," the girlfriend whispered, "such a handsome."

Freerrik leaped for a short time - the attraction won over prudence, and the next day she sent a letter to a writer. "Yesterday in the cafe we ​​sat closely from each other. Before me on the table lay Tomik verse verse in your translation. Before that I read one of your novel and sonnets. Their sounds still pursue me ... I do not ask you to answer, and if there is still a desire, write to demand ... "

She did not count on anything, but he answered. Faceful, polite, without anything binding correspondence. In addition, they had common interests - Freerrik also tried her strength in the literature. Finally, a personal meeting occurred after one of the music evenings. Life Frau von Winternitz was quite boring and badly - the passion has already left her marriage, the husband changed her right and left. Acquaintance with the brilliant Viennese greenery made it possible to bloom the world with new paints. And she decided not to miss such an opportunity.

They became lovers. But Stefan carefully made it possible to understand: one should not give too much the meaning of this connection. He did not want to lose freedom. Freerrik was prudently silent ... And after some time he decided to check the boundaries of this freedom - he was talked to Paris and started an intrigue there with a pretty modist named Marcella. What did not bother to inform the mistress in the letter. Suffering from jealousy, she nevertheless sent him a polite cold answer: "I am glad that Paris met you so a pleasant surprise." And Stephen was frightened: he decided that this coldness means only one thing: Frederig decided to break with him. But he has already managed to be so attached to this wise, thin and all understanding woman! Returning to Austria, he immediately made her an offer. In 1920, they became legal spouses.

Star of David

Collegiates lived together eighteen happy years. Fritronic novels were in demand in Austria, Stefan became the world famous writer. The real glory was brought to him by works written after the war: Novella, "Romanized biographies", a collection of historical miniatures "Star Clock of mankind", biographical essays. But nevertheless, the position of his spouse did not stern. They lived enough modestly, did not even acquire their own car. The whole creative European elite of that time was in their house: Thomas Mann, Paul Valerie, Sigmund Freud, Romain Rolland ... Collega supported young dating, always helped his colleagues, some even paid a monthly rente, literally saving from poverty. Romain Rollan wrote so much about him in the diary: "I do not know anyone among my friends, who would have been so deep and pious to the cult of the cult, like Stephen Cweig; Friendship is his religion. "

Their pair with Frieder was considered perfect. Even parting for several days, the spouses exchanged gentle letters. The first bell sounded when Stefan was forty years old. On November 24, 1921, Fryeriga wrote to him: "... my dear, sweet, favorite child! Let me press you to my heart, a thousand good wishes. Let all concerns remain far away, and the Lord will send you joy, cheerfulness and good work, a clean heart - only it is the source of all our happy joys ... ". In response to this gentle message Stefan noted: "Why did you make me older than two days before your congratulations? Is forty - is it not enough? .. I am still well canned thirty-year-old. There are still forty-eight hours. " And it was not an ironic attitude towards an event, but sincere concern.

Another meeting of Freediga will then remember with bitterness, although at that moment did not give it much importance. They walked nearby from their house in Salzburg, when they caught a shallow old man at her arm with a young girl. That carefully supported it, laying the way. "To what the old age is disgusting! - then said Stephen. - I would not want to live to her. And however, if there was not granddaughter next to this ruins, but just a young woman ... remember the biblical king of David? The recipe for eternal youth remains one at all times. An old man can borrow it only from a young woman in love. " The grain was renounced.

In November 1931, Tsweig was fifty. He in the flourish of maturity, on the top of the literary glory, near the beloved and loving wife - and he fell into a terrible depression. He wrote one of his friends: "I'm not afraid of anything, there was a failure, oblivion, loss of money, even death. But I am afraid of diseases, old age and addiction. " Frederik could think that the unwaspberry secretary she led to the house to help her husband print his work would be for him the hope for salvation?

Mary's film Schrader "Stefan Collegu: Farewell to Europe" was nominated for Oscar

Mary's film Schrader "Stefan Collegu: Farewell to Europe" was nominated for Oscar

Frame from the film

Impact of the heart

Of course, she could not imagine that Charlotte Altmann - Sutulya, Lyudaya, who is awkward maiden with an unhealthy face of the face may pose a threat to their family happiness. The girl was looking for work through the refugee committee, and Freediga took her out of pity to make a good deed. Twenty-sest poor things Lottie had only one advantage over an older employer - youth.

At some point, Frau Collegu found that there is inside a love triangle. Moreover, the Lotty itself reported to her - guilty, in a letter, begging to forgive her, - after all, it was only an accident. That the husband has a different opinion, Frederig found out the same evening when he offered to dismiss the secretary. In response, Stefan said that the girl for him is "like a miracle." Three years continued such a strange life - Fritrik fasten the heart accepted the terms of the game.

But one day, returning home, saw fragments of a broken vase and a confused face of her husband. He said that Lottie arranged a scandal and was going to throw away from the window. He asks for Fritrones of divorce. It was like a fear, but what could she do?

Documents were signed, but Stephen almost immediately understood what a terrible mistake committed. He begged the FRIDERIC to send a lawyer to the telegram and suspend the wicked process. The telegram was sent, but in the irony of fate, the lawyer was on vacation. Every two days, Friedrik received letters from Stephen: "Dear Fryci! .. In my heart, I have nothing but sadness from this break, external only, which is not at all the inner gap ... I know you will be bitter without me. But you lose a little. I became different, tired of people, and only work pleases me. The best times are irretrievably rushed, and we experienced them together ... ". He begged her to leave his last name - Cweig.

In 1940, the writer with the young wife Charlotte emigrated to the United States. But he helped come back and former wife with children, I met her, I even wanted to go to rest together. His soul knew rest, he was rushing. Personal drama was aggravated by the state of affairs in Europe - the offensive of fascism Tsweig perceived as a collapse of world civilization. It was approaching his sixtieth anniversary. "Sixty - I think it will be enough. The world in which we lived, no return. And on what will come, we will not be able to influence. Our word will not understand in any language. What is the point of living next, like my own shadow? " Yoham Maas leads Lotta's words: "He is not in good condition. I'm scared".

Alas, the poor secretary failed to make a miracle: to return youth to the aging Stefan and give harmony. In one of the letters, Friederik he writes: "Do not deceive the fate, the king of David did not come out of me. Precheno - I'm no longer a lover. " And in the next letter - recognition: "All my thoughts are with you."

Brazil became the last refuge of Tsweig, he dedicated her one of her books - "Brazil is the country of the future." He recognized that life here is quite comfortable, and people are very friendly. However, at the same time he felt an exile that would never see his homeland anymore. "... The horror that the current events cause me is increasingly increasing. We are only on the threshold of war, which will truly begin with the interference of the neutral last powers, and then the chaotic post-war years will come ... In addition, this thought, which will never be at home, no angle, no publisher, that I can not help more To your friends - no one! .. So far, I have always spoken myself: to hold out the whole war, then start again ... This war destroys everything that was created by the previous generation ... "

He did not see his place in the future world. Thus, the decision to donate with an imperishable existence ripe gradually, day-to-day. Charlotte, seeing how the husband suffers, supported him. In one of his farewell letters, she said that death would be a liberation for Stephen, and for her, too, because Asthma attacks were tortured. In that fateful february night, she did not leave her beloved, taking a deadly dose of Barbituratov with him.

"After sixty, special forces are required to start life again. My forces are depleted for years, the wanders away from their homeland. In addition, I think that it is better now, with a head raised, put a point in existence, the main joy of which was intellectual work, and the highest value - personal freedom. I welcome all my friends. Let them see a survey after a long night! And I am too impatient and leaving earlier, "those were the last words with which Stefan Collegu appealed to the world.

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