Stress VS Waist: Is there a connection between mood and weight set


It often seems to us that problems with weight arise due to reluctance to control their gastronomic interests, especially if they themselves do not come across really serious problems with weight. Yes, this alignment has its place, however, the set or sharp weight loss becomes a consequence of the impairment of certain hormones, for example, thyroid hormones are responsible for the correct distribution of beneficial substances, if there are failures in the work of this important body, the digit on the scales can grow up With quite unpleasant speed. But why are the hormones begin so actively "stitch"? There may be a lot of reasons, and quite often with the problem of the weight set faces residents of large cities, where the stress level simply rolls. The main hormone of stress is cortisol, which at high indicators becomes a real barrier on the way to the dream waist.

Any interruptions in a hormonal background require an intervention of a specialist, together with which you will pick up the right therapy, but do not forget that we are often able to take control of our condition, and therefore we have collected several tips that are designed to help you get up on The path to the body of your dreams.

How to "make friends" with your hormones

Learn to remove and remove the voltage correctly

Very often, impressionable people suffer from excess weight that take any negative news close to heart. In the stressful situation, such a person prefers to cope with the negative for a cup of coffee, let it have been the fifth anniversary, while driving the croissant. If you have learned yourself, try picking a more useful way to reset the tension, for example, do yoga right at home - just a few major Asan help to relax the body and bring thoughts in order.

Look for ways to relax

Look for ways to relax


Take time for meditation

Specialists are confident, even fifteen minutes a day that you spend on meditation will help run regenerating processes in the brain, and therefore stress will gradually leave your body, at the same time adjusting the level of cortisol. In the evening, instead of the traditional scrolling of the social network ribbon, spend precious minutes to relax consciousness.

Love massage

Massage techniques bring an incredible result, which always has a positive effect on our body, but provided that you have chosen a professional masseur and you have no contraindications to the procedure. Massage perfectly reduces the level of cortisol and increases oxytocin level - joy hormone.

Wash out

In modern rhythm, we still have less time to sleep, which means that our nervous system is in the maximum voltage, which, as you understand, it is extremely negatively affected by all organs and systems, primarily the bodies responsible for the production of hormones suffer. Since they are the most sensitive to external changes.

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