Anna Schulgin: "Journalists I have disappeared all friends"


The singer Anna Schulgin from an early age knows what it means to live under the closer attention of journalists. She decided to answer at once all the paparazzi in our country and took off the clip "Sleep". found out the details.

- Anna, you, apparently, very tired of the yellow press, if you decide to devote a video to her ...

- To the press, including yellow, I treat positively. Just decided to express his position. With anyone I come to the event, journalists are immediately called by my fiance. It came to the point that all close friends have scared. (Laughs.) I thought for a long time how to hint at the current situation. And the song appeared, from the text of which everything is clear. And then they took a positive and funny clip. And we did not want to offend anyone in any way.

- We can say that the plot video is based on real events?

- Definitely. In the clip starred TV presenter Vanya Chuikov. We wrote about us with him that we supposedly meet. About Mulati generally said that we are the bride and groom. And he also took part in the shooting.

- Can you remember the most ridiculous article about you?

- For example, I had a lot of story - it was a lot about it, "that we are not married to the Basque. Somehow he joked at me in a friendly: "Oh, this is my bride!" Naturally, his words immediately picked up. The story happened a few years ago, but I still remember it.

- Are you worried about what they write about you?

- Not. Maybe because since childhood I observe all this. When mom's mother hooked into another city, they traveled cars for us, followed. We have a photo with my brother, where we caught the paparazzi. The funny thing is that they put the same snapshot to print. I'm calm towards it. Everyone has their own job.

- And parents are nervous because of you?

- Nothing is not writing about me. Well, Dokumali, speculated our story - with each happens. In fact, it is even fun. Of course, if you write nasty about me, then parents will fall.

- Joseph Prigogin became producer of "sweating". Is it strict?

- In terms of work - yes. My father is engaged in me, he is my producer. Before it, you can reach and the Council ask. And he himself prefers to listen and work in a team. That is, there is no such thing: I said, and the point. There are compromises. And strict because his life has taught him so: work on a soft wave - unproductive. He is well done.

- What do you think your video will change the situation with the press?

- It will not change, and this is normal. It so happened that I am not just a beginner singer, but a representative of the whole dynasty. And anymore I would work on stage or in another sphere, I would still follow me. It is always interesting to find a compromising on the famous parents.

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