How to restore sex life after the birth of a child


The appearance of a small person in the family is a time filled with happiness and love to each other. Now you are not just a couple, but parents who will bring up a new member of society together. It is a pity that a few months later a romantic area is scattered - more life becomes in life than the usual earlier pleasures. Not all is lost: we will help you to restore the desire of proximity and love between you, as at the first meeting.

Go to the doctor

The first thing you need to think about is health. After childbirth, the body of the woman is restored about 2-3 months, some longer. The gynecologist will inspect, assign analyzes and ultrasound, according to the results of which will say whether it is possible to start a sex life. This item is really important that, after a long break, both partners felt only pleasant emotions. While you pass the surveys, start performing the exercises of Kegel: each day, squeeze the pelvic muscles with short and long jerks. Every day, do more and more repetitions and approaches, but no longer than 10 minutes. These exercises help strengthen the muscles of the pelvic bottom and genital organs, which is useful for health and improves sensitivity during sexual intercourse.

Test analyzes and consult your doctor

Test analyzes and consult your doctor


Come to the form

Sexuality goes from our head - remember it when once again decide to scold yourself for extra kilograms. If you are not able to love yourself, what is it, then with the permission of the doctor, start playing sports. Together with the right meal after a couple of months you will see the first noticeable result. Sport will help you maintain a good mood due to the active mining of hormones and will save it from postpartum depression.

Listen to the partner and speak with him

Listen to the partner and speak with him


Learn to listen to each other

Having used to each other again, it is important for you to speak with a partner - to pronounce all the desires, discontent, talk about your feelings. It will give you much more than the new technique of oral sex or package with toys. Feel free to indicate that you do not feel a partner during sexual intercourse: after delivery, this is a normal reaction due to the stretching of the muscles of the pelvis. Try to add a new life to an intimate life - change the pose with the usual one where your muscles will be in a tone and sufficiently lay down to the partner's body. After a while, everything will return to the former places and sex will again give a charge of positive emotions, as before the birth of the baby.

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