Go to a sweet tour


Museum "conflexed"

Here will be told about the unusual trade in sweets in the candy shop at the end of the XIX century. So it will be possible to learn in detail how they sold Irisky, caramel, pull, sweets, marshmallows, grips, grillages, marzipans, crockets and other interesting sweets. And what excursion about desserts without the desserts themselves! Therefore, they will feed not only interesting stories, but also a gingerbread with tea. It is baked in a Russian furnace from rye, honey and spices. ATTENTION: Gingerbread is very tough, made according to old recipes, and it will be necessary, swinging in tea, as they did in the old days.

How much is: 400 rubles for adults, 350 for children.

Address: Merzlyakovsky lane, d. 15

Museum of Russian dessert

The museum offers several excursions on various topics. For example, during a story about a Russian oven, children will be able to know how fish, berries, vegetables, mushrooms, grass and roots dried in it, burned pots, bowls, mugs. Space the ventilation rods for weaving baskets and even cooked beer. In the process of the excursion, the most real oven will melt, and as a gift you will receive a recipe for alive frans and black bread. On excursions about the traditions of Russian tea drinking, it will be possible not to only learn about the fact that they served to tea in the village hundred years ago, but also to feel that this is real Russian Baric tea party.

How much is: 300/250 ₽ For adult and tickets on weekdays and 400/350 ₽ - on weekends and holidays.

Address: Zvenigorod, ul. Frunze, d. 23/2

Museum of the history of Russian chocolate

Here visitors will be able to follow the history of chocolate appearance - since the Mayan tribe to this day. Find out why Pope allowed to drink him in the post and who brought this wonderful product to Russia first; As "dressed up" chocolate and the national peculiarities of production in Russia. In addition to the exposition of the museum, the wishes can get acquainted with this production, having visited the factory, which is located next to the museum. There, sweet tooths will be able to try candy and chocolate directly from the conveyor. And, of course, carry a sweet gift with you.

How much is: 700-750 rubles, for preferential categories and accompanying - 350.

Address: Street Lobachika, d. 1, p. one

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