100 days to the beach: Part Two


So, the second month and the main questions arising during this period. How to change the power system, whether to panic, if you stopped leaving extra kilograms, and why you should contact the cosmetologist - in today's material.

As you know, miracles do not happen. And come into the form in the form of a magic stick - the task is unreal.

In order to get rid of extra kilograms, but not to lose the skin tone, three conditions are needed:

• proper nutrition;

• physical activity;

• Hardware cosmetology.

Let us dwell on each of these items. For each of them, specialists of the beauty institute Belle Allure will be given their comments, one of the best centers of hardware cosmetology and aesthetics in Moscow.


So, in the first four weeks of our weight loss, we revised our daily diet, removing harmful carbohydrates and adding proteins and fiber. If you have accurately followed all the recommendations of the nutritionist, then you probably already celebrate the loss of the first kilograms. And at the same time you feel that they began to feel cheerful and even taste habits have changed somewhat. Now the plan for the near future. Starting from the fifth week, in April, it is an emphasis on fresh juices. "The only condition - they cannot be drunk on an empty stomach," explains the nutritionist of the Beauty of Belle Allure Svetlana Borodin. - In addition, in April, we add to our diet in a large number of salads, arugula, parsley - good in the mid-spring greens is already more accessible. We leave beneficial carbohydrates and proteins - in general, your diet should be maximally balanced, you should not lean on something one. But the sweets are better to refuse. In April, cross the chocolate products from the list of products (following the pastries, which we said to "goodbye" in March). True, I never tell my patients "you can not": if you really want to eat candy, it is necessary to eat it. But only one or two and not for the night.

Important to remember

Laying on vegetable salads and fruits, do not forget about the size of the portions. Here is a reference point: the food must fit in your palm, everything that is more is too unnecessary. If we are talking about soups and juices, the size of one portion should be 250-300 ml.

Also do not forget to continue to keep drinking mode. In addition, warm days are coming, so you need to drink a lot and often. On average, at least two liters per day. Unfortunately, many patients when they tell them about the need to drink plenty of water, and coffee, tea, and carbonated drinks are beginning to be considered. It is not right. You need to drink clean water. Then the body begins to work faster, process food and output everything we do not need. Need to drink half an hour

Before the meal and half an hour and hour after. "

Sometimes it happens that a person complies with all the recommendations of the nutritionist, but the weight that began to decline in the first days, suddenly "got up."

"If this happens, then you may need a re-consultation with an endocrinologist," explains Candidate of Medical Sciences, the Endocrinologist of the Beauty Institute Belle Allure Svetlana Kudryakov. - However, most often we are dealing with the so-called fee - when the weight is not reset and freezes on the same mark. You do not need to panic in such cases, it is only a physiological response of the body. He needs to be adapted for new conditions. We get used to a certain weight, and when we start to lose weight, the body needs time to restructure. Therefore, if your weight is somewhere through three or four weeks of transition to the right lifestyle, suddenly measurement, then you just need to wait for some time. And soon the arrow of the weights will go down again. The main thing is not to forget to continue to comply with the nutrition recommendations and not reduce physical activity. "

Physical activity

In the first four weeks, we began to walk more on foot and from time to time to visit the fitness club, his cardiosis. In April, we continue a lot and often walk (and the weather already allows), and also refuse elevators. "If you live on the third and above floors, you can go on foot along the stairs, if possible and descend too - if, of course, there are no big heavy bags," says Svetlana Borodin.

In April, we add a gym to the cardiosis - you can already slowly give yourself a load.

And also begin to visit the pool. "This will help not only increase exercise, but also support the skin in the tone. In addition, swimming has a positive effect on psycho-emotional state, "explains Svetlana Borodin.

Hardware cosmetology

At the second stage of weight loss, it is very important to constantly visit the beautician. Because when weakness, the skin loses his tone and only hardware cosmetology can support it. For these purposes, wraps are perfect - such procedures help evenly care for skin skin, get it with useful ingredients, adjust the figure.

In addition, with the help of hardware cosmetology, it is possible to solve the problems of local fat deposits - what it is impossible to cope even with permanent training in the gym.

"In our clinic, we use the wraps of the Sothys cosmetic line, France, - says the head physician of the Beauty Institute Belle Allure Elena Radion. - The wrapping includes sea salt (it allows you to strengthen drainage properties and get detoxification), lactic acid (makes skin soft and silky), orange extract (rich in bioflavonoids and also has lipolytic and vetonic properties), zeolite (component that gives a comfortable warming effect).

This is a double action wrapping. At the same time, peeling and mask. Initially, the scrub of the whole body is performed, and then for 30 minutes the patient is closed with thermal fashion. In addition to aesthetic effect, we get a good relaxing effect. After that, serum is applied to the body -

For adipotic, fibrous cellulite - or lifting (depending on which task we decide). A lipolytic fluid is applied in the final to the whole body of the patient and a short relax massage is performed.

Body wrapping, like all procedures for the correction of the figure, are exchanged. The course depends on the individual problems of the patient, the minimum need to make 8-10 procedures 2-3 times a week. "

Wraps are very well combined with those procedures that we advised to do in the first month of weight loss - for example, with Lipomassage on the Cellu M6 Integral 7th generation of LPG Systems (in our country, this procedure is often called simply LPG).

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