Stars caught graduates on the ball


The charity event "We will help prepare for the school ball", together with the Government of Moscow, organized Valentin Yudashkin. All five years Couturier gives schoolgirls the opportunity to feel like a real queen of Bala. That this time sent a designer while holding a secret. As, however, most of the outfits are from other domestic fashion designers - full of ammunition for prom designers Alina Assi, Elena Teplitskaya, Sergey Sysoev, Elena Vasilyeva, the designer duet "Two Torn Towers" and Ilya Shian sent long before the solemn opening of the action.

But the star guests arrived at the beginning. The first "point of dresses" appeared the star of the series "University. New dorm "Anna Khilkevich. Recently, the girl divorced her husband and now, it seems, I decided to get rid of past memories forever. Anya brought three dresses at once. And all - wedding.

"Here in this blue I signed in the registry office. I had long curls, and I looked like a nymph. In the pink I was a girlfriend of the bride. But in this black, very tight, I also went to the wedding ceremony, then it was shot in the series "Barvikha". I think the girl who will get will be a real beauty, because to get to it, you need to be very thin. Because I am not in luck with it, "the actress shared with the Womanhit.

Vlad Lisovets. Photo: Ilya Shabardin.

Vlad Lisovets. Photo: Ilya Shabardin.

In the wardrobe Vlad Lisets found two completely different in the mood of the costume. "One will suit the one who is going in the future to politics. The second is for a creative person, he is very fashionable, elegant, "Vladova said, but did not show the new thing. But I remembered that he did not have his graduation. "When I had to be a graduation, events of a national nature have already begun in Azerbaijan. All classes fall apart, from the first lineup remains ten. Now I, of course, regret that I did not have a holiday. "

Vlad and from the fashionable council to the future graduates did not resist: "For boys, the main thing is not to try on a big costume for increased. Then you will look at your photos and wonder - as it was possible to sneak so much! Suit must be chosen on the figure. And it does not matter, the guy will grow out of it or not. In general, the selection of perfectly sitting outfit is a big problem in our country. Because even politicians wear ugly costumes, which urged a male figure, make it cumbersome, severe. The girls can afford everything ... besides vulgarity. Drawn eyebrows, false eyelashes, laid artificial hairstyles - looking at the graduates, I am surprised all the time: "How old are you, 35?" Young work should understand that they are at that age when they are still fresh and beautiful. When you can wear a mini and not shy a wreath on the legs. As for the trends ... Light dresses, pale lips are a trend of today. "

Diana Gurtskaya. Photo: Ilya Shabardin.

Diana Gurtskaya. Photo: Ilya Shabardin.

But Diana Gurzka believes that if the girl wants to look older, let it look like. "I have always been an innovator. Walked on high heels when everyone prohibited. So why today's graduates need to put some framework? " One of the schoolgirls this year will be lucky to shine on graduation in his beloved Diana dress. "Standing in front of the closet, I thought for a long time to give. And then I decided - the girl should be in the most beautiful. And I, without thinking, decided to give this white to the floor, it is embroidered with stones and very gentle. "

Mark Tishman. Photo: Ilya Shabardin.

Mark Tishman. Photo: Ilya Shabardin.

Mark Tishman came with three costumes. Each of them collected personally - the pants of one brand, the jacket - the other. As a result, it turned out images for three completely different young gentlemen: classic, in the trendy retro cell and in the style of Glam Rock. To choose from various ties will be offered.

TV presenter, Miss Russia, Miss Europe-2002 Svetlana Koroleva handed out his collection of fashionable youth design dresses, singer Pavel Sokolov is a stylish male suit and luxurious shoes from the wardrobe of the spouse.

Olesya Sudzilovskaya. Photo: Ilya Shabardin.

Olesya Sudzilovskaya. Photo: Ilya Shabardin.

And Olesya Sudzilovskaya, who slapped for a moment, brought a long leopard dress. "I hope that in this dress girl will feel the same star as I am on my graduation. Then my mother sewed a red dress. And we all cut it up to the desired length - I wanted shorter. As a result, the skirt turned out so small that I could only stand in it. And then I already starred in the movies, and everyone said: "Won, our star went!". And I trivially could not sit down. But I caught the admiring glances of absolutely all boys! "

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