3 lifhack to spend less on the products


As soon as we get to the store, especially unplanned, I want to take everything and immediately, in the end we acquire products that at home and do not want to eat, or vice versa - quickly eat, and the next day you have to go to the store. How to start correctly distribute the budget and learn how to make purchases rationally?

Before exit, make a list

Perhaps this occupation will seem tedious, but this method really works. In the evening on Sunday, making all the important things, sit down and think what could be your menu for a week: it is important to think about not only breakfasts, lunches and dinners, but also the snacks that have a lot of spending. Calculate the exact amount of products that you need to each dish and with these seals, go to the store. If you find it difficult to paint all week at once, share it in half.

Make a list

Make a list

Photo: unsplash.com.

Make a list

Agree, you rarely make a list when you go for products. Before entering the supermarket, check which products on the outcome of the expiration date, and which is not at all. First of all, put those products that are not at all, after which they are about to end. Always carefully check the shelf life, even if you take canned food.

On Friday evening, a great desire can not cook anything and drop in the cafe instead of the taught store, however, such outputs are quite cost and irrational, since you can prepare almost the same dish on your own, but several times cheaper. If there is no desire to go to the store, use the delivery service from the nearest supermarket.

With an independent choice of products, please note that the most fresh lie, as a rule, is not in sight, but a little further, so lack the first routine or cutting.

The most fast-carrying products are considered greens and milk, so try to keep the greens in part in the water - so it will latter a little longer. As for milk, it is best to take a ultra-suite, if you plan to take three or four liters in the reserve.

Hand always stretches to the tasty

Hand always stretches to the tasty

Photo: unsplash.com.

Proper storage - the key to success

Even the freshest meat can be spoiled if you do not comply with the elementary storage rules. Always read the recommendations on the package and follow them strictly.

When buying croup and coffee, immediately spend them into banks so that the bacteria do not multiply in the package.

In the refrigerator itself, set the products so as not to lose sight of any sight, and you should not postpone in the distant corner perishable dairy products and fruits with vegetables.

Do not take the very first products on the shelf

Do not take the very first products on the shelf

Photo: unsplash.com.

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