Forward, to individual style!


Hello, dear readers!

When we talk about building a style, developing the image, then we constantly use the epithets "unique", "own", "unique." We strive to create something new, expressing us as a person who reveals all the best in us. And at the same time, dealing with this subtle art, almost magic, for some reason we are resorting to standard and universal advice from the side. Just listen: "Basic wardrobe", "Must Have this season", "The most popular color that will be worn." How can I step by step, collect individual style on the grains and at the same time use faceless templates?

In pursuit of uniqueness, we are unexpected ... Become as everything. Photo:

In pursuit of uniqueness, we are unexpected ... Become as everything. Photo:

Of course, there are rules of color, proportions, style directions that help look elegant, appropriate and attractive. Of course, we can not just throw them in pursuit of unknown to us eclectics (if we are not Helena Bonam Carter, of course!). Moreover, we live in society and constantly fall under the action of various standards written or unwritten, dictating exactly how it looks. But one thing is to keep the business style of clothing at work, and completely different - blindly adopt "List of N basic things from the famous actress M".

In the second case, we risk tritely to become like everyone else. The path even as "stylish everything", but the point will not change from this: we consciously will eat our individuality, drowning inherent inner light. "Is it possible to protrude your ideas about beautiful when it comes to a working dress code, for example?" - You can argue you. Well, to draw specifically, knowingly breaking the charter of the company, and buy a neon costume, perhaps, not worth it. But pick up the blouse of neutral suitable for us, the shade, instead of a banal white one (if it doesn't really go to us and gives the face a painful look), find a skirt of a successful cut, buy an intricate brooch, neck scarf or unusual watch - in our power! "Devil in the Details," they say in the English-speaking world. And indeed, only one item can sometimes either destroy the image, or become a brilliant concurrent stroke, appetizing cherry on the cake ...

Let's learn not to just take the rules, but adapt them to yourself! Let instead of faceless copies are bold, unique masterpieces! Forward - to an individual style!

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