Beautiful smile: what crowns are better:


In what cases is it recommended to manufacture artificial crowns? The crown is the denture of the tooth necessary in the destruction of the caries, damage to the injury, weakening the extensive and numerous fillings, and, of course, with violations of natural shape and color.

Soviet man could be distinguished in the "iron teeth". Then, doctors - dentists could more think about the safety of the teeth, rather than on functional value, and least about the aesthetic effect of artificial crowns. Unfortunately, these technologies are still used.

It should be noted that the dentistry is progressively developing in recent decades.

Metal ceramics came to replace metal crowns. This metal frame lined with ceramics, which allows you to transfer the color and structure of a natural tooth as possible.

A rather durable design that doctors could install not only in the field of the front teeth, but also restore the integrity of chewing. They were advantageous from the former metal stamped crowns, especially the density of the fit to the natural tissues of the tooth. But there were explicit cons. The beauty had to pay a sufficiently large volume of tissues. which have to cut, and often and "remove the nerve" from healthy teeth. Metal-ceramic crowns still remain relevant. Over the past decades, new technologies have appeared that allow making the most accurate, durable metal frames, and a lot of effort is directed to work with the ceramic mass. At the metal ceramic crown, with all its naturalness, it turned out to be one minus - the metal frame blocks the penetration of natural light, reflects it, and this strongly affects the naturalness of the color. Allergic reactions on metal alloys are possible. In some cases, the design became many times more expensive, due to alloys, which contained the noble metals of gold, silver, palladium, platinum, etc. But they are biologically inert.

I repeat, these designs are relevant to this day. Active work is underway to create aesthetic materials for the manufacture of crowns and the search for new technologies.

The metal frame was replaced by a very strong material - zirconium dioxide, which has biological inertness and having several shades of the teeth close to color. It does not require the stratification of many tooth tissues. Crowns from Zirconia are manufactured according to the most modern digital technologies. To achieve maximum aesthetics, ceramics are applied to Zircon.

Crowns from whole organic ceramics have the greatest aesthetics. Various features of color, enamel structures are created by layering a ceramic mass. In the oral cavity, such crowns do not differ at all from natural teeth, even with different lighting, because they do not have a frame. But it is this quality that makes its limitations. Such crowns are quite fragile. Therefore, they can only be installed on the front teeth,

which are experiencing a smaller functional load than chewable. There are also more strong crowns from synthetic ceramics. For example, e-. Milling methods from durable blocks allows them to use them and side teeth. Small milling machines appeared in the cabinets of dentists and allow you to make crowns in the presence of a patient for one visit.

Summing up, I want to say the most important thing: only your dentist can choose the artificial crown, after you have a thorough diagnosis.

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