A vicious circle: about how the Skirt Sun conquered the world of fashion


Feminine, playful, honey - if you need to create such an image, we know exactly what element of the wardrobe will play on your side. Speech about the skirt Sun, a model that goes literally to all, from Mala to Velik. The versatility of this skirt is impressive, as well as its popularity. The fashion includes mini, "tulips" and "pencils", but it is the "sun" it remains relevant and in demand for both designers and ordinary women (and even some men!).

Before moving to the history of a particular model, you must say a few words about skirts as such. It is no secret to anyone that exclusively for women, this subject of the wardrobe began to be considered relatively recently (as part of the history of mankind, of course). In ancient Egypt, noble priests were dressed in painted outpathed bandages, in Greece and Rome in the go was a Toga, which was all the models were distinguished for different layers of the population only long. By the way, the skirt was then unagnificated clothes of warriors and clergy. In the Middle Ages, the situation has changed, and the soldiers switched to more comfortable pantalons (riding them more convenient than in a divergent bandage), but the monks left the right to long-oil clothing. True, some costumes of the monarch of monarch, for example, Camisoles of the King Henry VIII, still resembled images with a skirt.

Louis XIV, the same "King Sun" (alas, the Skirt The Sun created not he, but it would be beautiful!), Washed open flooded floors of long jackets, and this manner later adopted the gentlemen of the Rococo era. Only by the XIX century, men refused silhouettes that resemble kits with a skirt. However, for a short time: already in the eighties of the XX century, bold shocking stars like David Bowie began to appear on people in a female dress. Today, such a move is not surprised or shocked.

Separately, I would like to mention the whole cultures in which the skirt is considered not just an acceptable subject of male wardrobe, but honorable and important. We are talking, of course, about the Scots, so far with pride and pleasure that they put on their pleated kilts to official solemn events.

Feminine, playful, sweet - Sun skirt is ideal for such an image

Feminine, playful, sweet - Sun skirt is ideal for such an image

Photo: unsplash.com.

Dance heart

There is a male outfit directly with the Sun skirt, and for the first time this cut appeared not in the 20th century, as many fashion historians assure, and where before, in the XIII century, he is considered to be Turkey. Surely you remember about male-dressed in traditional hats, circling under the meditative rhythmic sounds of eastern musical instruments.

Sam is a ritual dance, executed by dervisha from the Order of Mystic and Poet Rumi, has a deep meaning and many interpretations. The Order This, the Brotherhood of Mevlevi, was founded in the XIII century, and today its sacraments, including the dance of circling men, are recognized by UNESCO National Guests of Iranian, Iraqi and Turkish cultures, a masterpiece of intangible cultural heritage.

Dance Tenuro, or "Dance Skirts", were like animal fans and pursuers. The first were believed that with the help of longular circles of the dervish, they reach the Union with the Divine, in the state of the trance they will know real love. The seconds were proclaimed this ritual heresy, declaring the dancers of the poor, and their order outlined. Dervica outfit with a skirt flying around in a circle marks the collision of this and afterlime worlds, the knowledge of the Most High through overcoming its desires, the refusal of aspirations and ambitions. The cone-shaped camel cap means the coffin plate, the white costume - the savan, flying the floors of the Sun skirt - the trepidation of the heart when contact with the Divine. Before starting stealing, Dervish throws off the dark raincoat, which indicates the discharge of the shackles of the body, revival. Hands referred to the sky, welcome the creator.

The tradition of Sam exists today, and almost in every Turkish city, tourists can see the dervoles circling in white skirts that establish contact with Allah.

Flower woman

So, the skirts wore warriors, priests, dervishi and kings, gradually they completely captured the female wardrobe, became the only possible outfit for the ladies, then went into the shadow - and returned their popularity. It happened so closer to the fiftieth years of the 20th century, when two world wars were tired, and women who were tired of minimalism and militarism demanded that the couturier dress them in anything feminine, emphasizing the figure.

And then the Sun skirt came to the scene. There are two theories about the origin of the model. The first is connected with the enterprising artist Julie Lynn Charlotte. The girl could not afford to change outfits as gloves, but the profession obliged her to appear in the public in different sets. Then Charlotte, who does not have the abilities of the seamstress, took the cut of the tissue, cut the circle, outlined the place for the waist and sewed the resulting one seam. Not good pattern, at least effort - and here Julie Lynn was blocked by the first women's skirt sun.

The second legend talks about the creator of the legendary fashionable direction of the New Look (literally "new image") of Christian Diore and its rethinking of the skipper and transformation in the "Sun". Dior set aside to return the woman subtlety, foulness, fragility with the help of clothes - this is how an idea of ​​the ideal lady in the Dior style appeared, be sure to in a magnificent skirt having several lower layers underlying the waist. By the way, Chanel, the creator of the skirt - "pencil", did not recognize the creative hand writing of his younger colleague and unconditional competitor, believing that Christian dressed up women like dolls, and only. Dior said that he sees a flower in a woman.

An excellent illustration of that fashionable period can serve as the film "Stepford Wives" - both the original 1975 and remake of 2004 with Nicole Kidman, Bett Midler and Glen Clouep in the lead roles. Perfect silhouette, elegant prints, flawless styling - such and there were housewives in the fifties. Fashion on the skirt The Sun lasted a decade, then she changed the boom on mini, after a long straight skirt went into move. Sunny Kra returned his position to the beginning of the two thousandths and since then does not fall them - all due to the fact that this silhouette is literally everyone.

Stylish thing

So, the Sun skirt appeared in your wardrobe. What's next? First of all, we will define the material from which the model is made. Set up tight fabrics before the onset of cold. Now it is best to choose cotton and artificial silk. As for prints, pay attention to floral patterns and abstraction. Absolute hit will be a peas skirt - this pattern is now at the peak of its popularity.

Choosing the top for the Skirt Sun, stop at strict blouses without a collar, simple sweaters and T-shirts in the figure, body and coroptops, gently talking. Of course, the last option will suit girls with a tightened figure, the remaining combinations can easily wear both the corpulent features. If need to be insteaded, take a short cardigan or jacket, which will sit in a strap with a skirt belt. Otherwise you risk distorting proportions.

The most recognizable and universal is the length of just below the knee, it is suitable and full, and thin, and high, and miniature women. Curra "Sun" together with the length of mini will be able to afford the owners of long legs, and the skirt in the floor will slightly sit down on the girls of model growth.

Fans of sports shoes can smoke - Skirt The sun can be mixed with sneakers, slippers or dons. In general, the model is perfectly "friendly" with any shoes on a flat run - experiment with sandals, ballet shoes and mousins. If you know how and love wearing a heel, stop your hairpin boats.

If we talk about accessories, the most spectacular "sunny" image mixed with large bulk bags with clear contours, cross-bodies bags, relevant than ever, and miniature backpacks. Fedor or Turban will make your image sophisticated.

A relatively young, kind of symbolic, feminine skirt, created by the legendary dior, claims to be the base of the basic thing necessary for every girl. Sunny Kra is comfort and style, giving infinite possibilities and many trendy combinations. And when, how not in the summer, to discover the talents of the stylist and join the path of experiments? Good luck!

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