And I am your friend: We are looking for a common language with parking neighbors


We talk a lot about how to behave on the road, how to keep calm in traffic and in extreme cases to solve the conflict on the track. But few people think that it is important not just to get to the desired point without incident, but also prevent problems when parking. Yes, the etiquette is important to keep in any situation, and today we will tell you how it can come in handy to you during parking in a public place.

Take the markup

At first glance, everything is clear for what the markup is needed in the parking lot, and at the same time almost half of the drivers prefers to ignore it, which you can make sure, walking through the parking lot of any major shopping center. If you have sinners of total ignoring markup, note that the car thrown as the car fell, it simply will not give another to occupy a place that it seems to be, but because of your vehicle, put your car is not possible. Even if you do not see around a large number of cars, try to put the car at exactly that during the departure you did not have to listen to a lot of unpleasant things from the newly arrived drivers.

Observe the markup

Observe the markup


See around

Another category of drivers - "First, I, then all the others." Such a motorist can be found on unhurried travel from parking for signals of other drivers who cannot turn around or leave themselves, while self-confident driver will not leave the parking and unlocks departure. In order not to become a "star" of parking, be attentive to what is happening around, and let's understand the neighbors that you are going to do the next moment when leaving or arrival.

Do not turn into a block

A particular case of disrespect for the neighbors in Parking is "I put the car so that it is not far to enter the entrance." And it does not matter that others will not be able to just leave. But even if you put a car in this position in unintento, it does not relieve your neighbors from traveling problems. Also, you should not clamp a car on a free space so that the door open is not able to neither you nor your parking neighbor - do not think that you have time to quickly run in the store and return until the neighbor left. Leave a place for maneuvers.

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