Ready to cold: What parts of the car need preparation for winter


Preparation for the cold season is needed not only to us, but also our "iron horse". However, many motorists are limited only by changing rubber, believing that such "preparation" is quite enough. But on how responsible you come to the upgrade of the car depends not only to the quality work of all parts of the car, but also safety, and therefore we have collected the main points that it is worth considering any driver as soon as the temperature on the street goes into a serious minus.

Check brushes and glass cleaning fluid

Your safety and safety of your passengers depends on the quality of the brushes, when it's not easy to rain outside, but also snow. In full speed in this weather, the wipers from the cracked rubber will absolutely not help: the frozen drops on the glass will not spoil visibility and you will have to periodically stop to clean the windshield. Experts recommend inspection of brushes at least once every six months to make sure their performance. Do not wait for bad weather, and even in the cold, to make sure that the brushes needed to be replaced.

Do not forget about security

Do not forget about security


Check the quality of oil

Engine operation - what you need to worry about first. Many motorists are preferred to save on oil, but thereby they accelerate the wear of the engine, which one fine can overheat. It is important to monitor that oil, even if it is super-quality, did not differ in high viscosity, since the slow oil distribution can lead to damage and further repair of the engine. Ask, what type of oil is most suitable for your car and try not to listen to the advice of friends - "experts", whose car is generally another model.

Checking the castles

For locks, many drivers pay even less attention than on the quality of the oil. And yet we recommend prepare door locks and seals to the negative temperature "overboard". If you do not go flashed outside, trying to get into the car, the locks of which are slightly tapped, treat them with water-repellent means designed specifically for vehicles. It is best to do these manipulations even before you have to rack the car from the snowdrift.

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