Five secrets smiles: What makes you sexier?


Purely theoretically, everything is aware that frown and forever dissatisfied people repel others, and smiling and joyful - attract. but

When the mood on zero and have fallen problems, it is quite difficult to force yourself to stretch your mouth even in a smirk in favor of the next theory of positive thinking. After all, all life-affirming slogans are too ephemery, when the agenda is concrete, the accomplicated trouble. Therefore, I decided to prove to my readers that the benefit from the habit of smile is not at all theoretical, but the most practical one.

The fact is that any body has genetic memory - certain reflexes that work, regardless of whether a person notices or not. And when we smile, "turns on" one of the most ancient reflexes: our body automatically begins to produce endorphins or "Hormones of happiness" - proteins that cause a feeling of pleasure. No wonders, solid physiology. But just thereby:

one. You look younger . A person who often smiles, "smiling" mimic wrinkles appear, thanks to which a visual face seems fresh and more attractive. At the same time, during the smile, only 17 facial muscles are involved, and for a gloomy face will have to strain as much as 43.

2. Immunity increases. Yes, a smiling person not only looks younger, but also feels better: scientists have long proved that the higher the level of endorphins, the less he is subject to, for example, colds.

3. Lowering blood pressure . And it is also proven by numerous experiments with a tonometer: blood pressure level before and after a smile is really different.

four. Smile promotes female sexuality . And this is quite natural: even the stretched smirk instantly launches the production of endorphins, namely, representatives of the strong half of humanity react at the subconscious level.

five. Relieves stress and pain . And again thanks to endorphins, which instantly eliminate the feeling of fatigue and remove pain. Even statistics are available: according to the latest data, 15 minutes of laughter reduce the feeling of pain by 10 percent.

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