Victoria Daineko: "When you care for your child, you don't need a coach"


In October last year, the life of Victoria Daineko has changed in an amazing way. After the birth of daughter, Victoria began to treat everything in a different way: from touring to a diet, from secular life to work on the house. But all these changes in the artist clearly soul. At least it seemed to us after the interview.

- Vika, tell me how your working schedule looks like now?

- I can not say that I am a hundred percent immersed only to work; She is now not the main priority in life. Although it began to tour from the second month after childbirth. I just decided that there are things more important than popularity, supercarer. So-called female happiness sometimes goes to the first position. But I quietly began to join the usual life, although, of course, I have no previous chart. I try to manage to do at least part of what has managed before.

- For example?

- You need at least not to miss your concerts. (Laughs.) Plus I take part in the filming, sometimes I come to secular events. But if earlier I could afford to be everywhere and everywhere, now it has become much more election in these issues. Well, sometimes see with your friends. Unfortunately, not as often as I would like. All my friends lead a nightlife, as I used to. And now I fall asleep at eleven in the evening, I wake up at seven in the morning, and this does not combine with the schedule of my friends.

Half a year ago daughter born daughter

Half a year ago daughter born daughter

- That is, get up at seven in the morning ...

- And I prepare myself breakfast. When you are a walking food, you need to eat well and in time. (Laughs.) I spend time with the child at home, then waiting for my assistant to come to the street with it. Unfortunately, I can not wear a lot of gravity on yourself. After a walk, I have lunch, well, and so imperceptibly my day goes. I can not say that I am bored. On the contrary, half a year floated as one day.

- Baby baby will look for?

- We are now working as an assistant, but it is rather a nanny for me itself: in time feeds, we will eat tea and does everything that I decided not to do. (Laughs.) Parents, of course, also help me.

- And the spouse helps wear stroller and gravity?

- In the first months, he helped me a lot. And now Dima opened his school - teaches those who want to play the drums. I understand that a man needs to do their jobs: teach, ride a rehearsal. In general, he has enough worries.

- You do not have to cancel the speeches because of excessive employment?

- In connection with the difficult economic situation in the country of tour now, not so much as before. But I do my job. As they say, you go quiet - you will go further. Now, in any case, I have to sleep much less. I book a ticket with such a calculation so that I find yourself on the site right by time to the scene. And immediately after the concert, I fly away to spend out of the house as much time.

- On entertainment time remains?

- Is that going to the movies where I have not been to a long time ago. For half a year, probably. I really have little time on myself. But I would not say that it is a catastrophe. I do not go with terrible unwrapped nails, care for myself, I think it is important. If you don't like yourself, you will not like anyone. Previously, I, maybe, sprayed on trifles and spent time on some unnecessary things, and now put the priorities. In addition, I have always noticed: when there are a lot of time, you don't even have time for important events, but the more things are, the more structured by your schedule.

- Recently, you frightened fans when they reported in Instagram that they rushed back. Why did you make the furniture yourself?

- With my back, I really have problems for quite a long time. This is connected with the ballet school. It happens that I need help Osteopath. But I am not of those who love yourself to regret, worry that everything is bad. All right! So this time - the furniture went, suffered a couple of days, and everything went. If I were a calm girl, who is waiting for a man's arrival home, then, probably, there would be a smaller problem. But if I decided, then you need to do it immediately, at what another moment. And, of course, I, without waiting for anyone, I will do everything myself, although then maybe I will suffer. (Laughs.)

Caring for young parents do not interfere with Vika and her spouse Dmitry Kleiman sometimes go out into the light and having fun

Caring for young parents do not interfere with Vika and her spouse Dmitry Kleiman sometimes go out into the light and having fun

- You have always been a sporty girl. Now manage to do?

"When you care for your child, you don't need a coach." The child will be in the form, it seems to me. And you will suffer even more from the too small weight. As I periodically. Therefore, fitness in the gym is not engaged now.

- By the way, about your weight ... you almost suspected of anorexia.

- I have no anorexia, although I really weigh six kilograms less than before childbirth. But my assistant is watching that I do not go in any case. And then my director believes that it has become too small. Every time I come to the office, he says: "Where are the scales? Now we will check if you did not lose. " (Laughs.)

- How did you manage to lose weight?

- I have already long lived on a gluten-free and lactose diet. At some point, the pediatricians slightly adjusted. Now I eat the same as always, and at the same time my form is stable.

- What can you advise girls who want to be the same slender?

- I do not consider harmony to life. I am for women with forms, but well-groomed. The main thing is that the figure is in the tone, and for this you need physical exertion, whether it is walking with a carriage in the park or classes in the gym.

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