5 strange makeup devices


The profession of makeup artist every year becomes only more popular - more and more girls and even young people pass courses and begin to transform others. In pursuit of customers, the majority of the page in instagram to show their own work and find inspiration in the works of others. Some go further and become bloggers - popularity is not easy, so you have to create unusual videos that collect a bunch of likes and views. Want to see the strangest experiments of makeup masters?

Cotton wand

It would seem that unusual may be in a familiar to each adaptation? Here only resourceful makeup artists use a cotton wand not only to collect carcasses and lipsticks - a wand becomes a stencil for drawing straight lines. For example, in the video below, the girl with her drawing an arrow with an eyeliner with a felt tip.

Sticker for records

Although they have long come up with special cotton patches for collecting scattering shadows, economical girls still enjoy paper stickers with sticky tape. By gluing them to the zone under the eyes, they manage to protect the skin from the sparkle, which will be difficult to remove, or shrinking pigment. Others use stickers to draw smooth arrows - also a good option. In the same way, the painting ribbon is used, which we usually imagine as a builder tool. It's amazing how quickly everything changes!

Paper napkin

Mattet can make any lipstick if you know a little secret. So the makeup artists apply a single-layer dry napkin with ancillable lips and drink the lips on top of it crumbly powder. After that, check the cosmetics for resistance: Touch lips - lipstick should not be sticky and leave traces on your fingers.


If you have a nose back curve, do not hurry to get upset and sign up for the reception to the plastic surgeon - there is a better option. In just a minute you can align the nose with the help of a tweezers - apply a cream-colored cream corrector on the fins of the pin, attach this side tweezers to the nose and spend it in the tip direction to leave a smooth strip. Then we grow up the line with a soft fluffy brush and slightly twisted the nose.

The spoon

In the video below, a blogger with a conventional tablespoon does everything: causes shadows, highlights the correction zone and even levels the nose hubber. Try to repeat all the steps behind it - you will be surprised how much you can do with one stem device. You no longer need a mountain of professional brushes!

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