Pelagia: "Women's happiness are children"


With his future husband, the singer met when she was ... eleven years old. She advocated the KVN team of the Novosibirsk State University, which was played by Dmitry Efimovich. It is unlikely that he could even come to mind that in the thirteen years he will come to the registry office with this little cute girl, which caused everyone to lose when, leaving the scene, sang songs with "adult" text. And although their history is similar to a romantic fairy tale, the end of it turned out to be sad. Two years later, the couple was divorced. What only rumors in connection with this parting were not born in the depths of the secular part! They rummed that Dmitry often changed the legitimate spouse, they were also those who claimed that he did not disappear and handclay. But Pelageya herself never uttered a single bad word in the address of the former husband. And just started life from pure sheet. Young girl with wisdom of an adult experienced woman. It was this impression that I got at our acquaintance.

There are rumors that Pelagia is a pseudonym. But the variants of these names are assumed to be different: both Olga and Irina, and Natalia, and Polina. So where is the truth?

Pelagia: "This is my favorite question. Of course, pseudonym! (Laughs.) And if seriously, I was actually called Pelagey at birth - in honor of my grandmother, with which I, and my mother, have many common features. Someone this name may seem rare, unusual, therefore, there are assumptions about the pseudonym. True, when in the distant 1986, Mom issued my birth certificate in the registry office, she was told that Pelagia's name does not exist. And I was recorded Polina. And at home called Pelagey. But when I have already received a passport, I corrected this injustice, and my real name is Pelagia in my documents. By the way, many close and friends often call me fields. "

You graduated from high school at fourteen years. How did you manage it?

Pelagia: "When we moved to the capital from Novosibirsk, I wanted to get into a specific school - No. 1113. But in the sixth grade, where I had to enroll in age, there were no places. Therefore, I externally passed the school curriculum for the year, and I was accepted in the seventh class. And then, being a tig-graders, I heard about the new experimental course in Gitis on the pop department. And I wanted to go there so much that I and the program for the eleventh grade passed the external and immediately became a student. Thus saved two years. "

It turns out that all classmates at the institute were older than you. How did you relate to you, did not hurt?

Pelagia: "Yes, I was the youngest of both in class and in the university. But somehow it happened that people surrounded much older than me everywhere. And I always felt easily and comfortable with them. "

How old were you when you first came to a professional scene?

Pelagia: "Four years. So my creative experience is for more than twenty years. "

Probably, the initiator of your speeches was your mother, who in the past was a jazz singer?

Pelagia: "Mom saw, as I like to sing. I watched me. And in St. Petersburg, during his exhibition, I suggested me: "If you want - go!" And I came out and made. It was my debut. But I can not say that she had a goal to raise the singer from me. She never insisted on anything. On the contrary, she perfectly understood that this is a very difficult profession. And it is important that I myself showed a desire and made your choice. "


"I had a happy childhood, with games and adventures. From the peers, I was distinguished from the fact that I already had a favorite profession. " Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

From the moment you started a singer career, child fun and began harsh labor weekdays?

Pelagia: "Why?! I had a happy childhood, with games, adventures. From the peers, I was distinguished from the fact that I already had a favorite profession. "

It turns out, starting with such a young age, you have already decided on your future?

Pelagia: "No. I just did not think about it. But when it became an adult and it was time to choose which university to do, then I decided that I would sing further. After all, I have always received unraded to pleasure. And then, as my friends came rightly notice, I was very lucky with the fact that I never had questions before: why do I live? Why did I come to this world? What is my task? I felt my mission from my childhood. No flour on the topic, where to attach yourself and how to find your way, I did not know. But the presence of talent is also the responsibility that I also feel, I remember about it, so many actions simply can not afford. "

And what are your relationship with your mom - authoritarian or equal?

Pelagia: "Despite my respect for her authority, she has always been for me the closest man, a friend. It is possible, so we avoided the crisis stages and periods associated with my maturity. I did not have transitional problems. My mom and I long live separately. She early let me down in everyday life. This is a big plus, since I quickly gained independence. "

How did you get to KVN? I heard the version that you are a relative of the popular TV presenter Tatyana Lazareva, who at that time played in the team Novosibirsk.

Pelagia: "We are not even familiar with Tatiana then. And no related or friendly connections existed. Simply, despite its young age, I was already in Novosibirsk at the time in Novosibirsk a fairly popular character. And when a new KVN team was created, there was a singing girl there. Here the guys have an idea to invite me. It seemed interesting to me, and I agreed. "

Moving to Moscow, did not miss Novosibirsk?

Pelagia: "I still miss. This is my small homeland. I generally have a very strong energy attachment to certain places. But I understand it is objectively that for the profession, with which I connected, at the moment you need to live in the capital. In addition, gradually get used to the new place and the tempo of life. "

Pelagia has always received unraded to pleasure from singing. Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

Pelagia has always received unraded to pleasure from singing. Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

Is it true that you were trying to seduce the career of the Opera Diva?


"Indeed, Galina Pavlovna Vishnevskaya made me a very tempting offer. She pinned at me with great hopes, but I led her. I refused - first of all because for the sake of this I would have to throw all the performances and only learn. And secondly, I can not imagine an opera diva. I am interested in the style in which I work. "

Your stage image is familiar to everyone. And in everyday life what clothes do you prefer?

Pelagia: "With age, awareness came to be treated to fashion, to the fact that you are wearing, whether the outfit is well. Previously, I sinned what I bought clothes, guided by only one criterion - I like it or not. And then all this hung in my closet, because after the first fitting I was disappointed: it looks great on the hanger, and I'm not very good. Now I am no longer buying clothes on the eye. If my thing and me goes, I acquire it regardless of how fashionable it is. "

Each woman has their favorite chips. Someone bumps scarves and scarves, someone jewelry or jewelry ...

Pelagia: "My weakness is shoes and bags. I am a fan of accessories. The whole collection was unwittingly, she was going on. "

How to spend your free time? Do you go with friends in clubs?

Pelagia: "No. I generally try to reduce my circle of communication to a minimum. Friends and so much enough, and I do not have enough time to pay due attention. And when I am free, I meet with my dear people. Houses - I read. Also doing yoga. "

And how long has this passion appeared?

Pelagia: "About six months ago. From what I heard about yoga, I realized that I could find in it the missing mechanisms for inner harmony. I am a fairly mentally mobile person, and I need to somehow calm myself, especially after the concerts. I decided that yoga is just that load, including physical, which will help me in this. And not mistaken. And I love to sleep very much. When global lack of sleep accumulates, I can sleep all day. And the voice is restored in a dream best. Sleep for me is a special state, because every night I see dreams, and several times, and I remember almost all for a long time. "

On the project

At the project "Voice" Pelagia did not hide his emotions. Photo: Ruslan Roshpkin.

And believe in dreams who interpret night vision?


"I believe that in dreams there may be some signs, such as warning. But it is difficult to assume that all people are the same. Therefore, I do not perceive these books seriously. Moreover, many of them interpret one and the same diametrically differently. And then, the dreams are not only predicted. Often they transmit our inner state. Probably, therefore most of my dreams are kind, colorful and lungs. Without strain. "

It's amazing that among your favorite classes you did not call travel. Tours beat interest in trips?

Pelagia: "I have too little time to leave for a vacation to think about traveling. But sometimes it turns out to combine rest with work. So, I will go to Israel for the fifth year. First there will be a concert in Tel Aviv, and then I will have several days to gain strength. I love this country very much, I had the opportunity to visit different corners, the good is small. There are places on earth where you feel energy strength. This is Israel, and Altai, and the old Russian cities. "

What is love in your presentation?

Pelagia: "This is not difficult. For me, love is a certain degree of feelings. And when we have a chance to experience it and practice your soul, you have to be grateful. After all, there are people who for all their life cannot know the entire range of their emotional opportunities. Love is a Beautiful Thing. And you should always be ready for making a big feeling. "

And what about love for yourself? Do you have it present?

Pelagia: "I am normal to myself. But it is necessary to love yourself, otherwise no one will love you. "

But this does not deny the presence of self-critics?

Pelagia: "I am generally a critical person, including myself. There are idealistic ideas about what I would like to see. And when some system failures occur and I am going with the planned path, then at such moments I love myself less, and critical is more. But it helps me to dress up and work on myself again. "

You are very emotionally and frankly all react. It was noticeable and on the project "Voice": laughter, tears, delight. Such sincerity does not interfere with?

Pelagia: "Of course, prevents. I have always been and at first I thought that over time it would pass - when I will become an adult, I will acquire some experience. And then I realized that this is the property of my character. And most importantly, I do not want to change anything. Yes, there are cases when, because of your excessive openness, I get a negative and start to argue: "You need to change something in yourself." But reflection, returning to the previous opinion - it is impossible to break itself. After all, it is exactly that way - frankly addressing the world around. I continue to love people and do not wait for the proda from them. I guess that because of this, I will still have to encounter unpleasant moments. Well, let, I still remain the same as I am.

You are very serious for a young girl ...

Pelagia: "No, I am a man with a sense of humor. I love to laugh, including ourselves. With a smile, I treat what is happening in life, it adds to what is happening ease. And in general, we, women, funny creatures: You can always find some nuance in yourself, over which you can swimming. "

Young people are now hijacked on gadgets. And you?

Pelagia: "I'm calm towards them. The only thing I can't do without which I cannot do. And unlike many peers do not like computer games. If there is free time, I read the book better, I'll see the film, I will listen to good music. Maybe that's because I am very busy, I'm sorry to spend even a minute for ridiculous trifles. "

Many artists have personal drivers, you are most often sached behind the wheel. But this is an excess tension, and sometimes irritation from traffic jams and eternal rudeness on the roads.

Pelagia: "I like to drive the car itself. But I try not to annoy the trifles and do not catch the negative, which comes from the side. And herself think about what energy I broadcast others. I prefer to accumulate it in positive. "

Are you a purposeful self-sufficient personality - this is the praised Siberian knitness?

Pelagia: "Of course, I have a Siberian character. And also that I have always had an example of my mom before my eyes, and she is a strong woman. I think in the eyes of many of my friends I am an independent person. Since I live on my own and herself decide most of their problems, financially providing ourselves. But the main thing I prefer partnerships in everything - in the family, friendship, love. "


"In general, we, women, funny creatures. You will always find some nuance in yourself, over which you can walvor. " Photo: Vladimir Chistyakov.

Accommodation separately from Mom is also homemade. How do you cope with this?

Pelagia: "OK. This is also one of the forms of independence - the ability to take care of yourself. From economic affairs the most favorite is cooking. I began to cook long ago - when it began to live separately. Most of all I love to cook soups, they have the most nice. And in general, I like to find new recipes and try them in action. "

It is said that even between close people, if they work together, problems often arise. Your mother is also your producer. How to avoid quarrels?

Pelagia: "This has never happened and could not be. First, I am a non-conflict person. Secondly, there is no business relationship between us, although we work together. How much I remember myself, we always easily understood each other - both in personal life and in professional. I admire her talents. And I do not know another person who could be the best producer for me. After all, a priori she, like no other, cares about the fact that I was good. And never betray. There is a single inconvenience from such a family tandem: sometimes it really wants mom to praise you in any situations, but in professional matters it is strict and fair. And, probably, it is right. "

Despite the pretty young age, you have already happened to survive the divorce ...

Pelagia: "I will not even talk about this topic."

But maybe you share your own experience, how to survive the disintegration of the family?

Pelagia: "No. It would be wrong. Who am I so to teach someone? Especially since the story of every person, as well as his character, individual. "

Your girlfriends claim that you love children very much.

Pelageya: "Probably, if my professional life was different and I would not become a singer, then it would most likely worked with children. I very quickly get a contact with the children of any age. Yes, so that their parents are surprising. I take a baby - he calmly falls asleep, those who are older, immediately begin to communicate easily, we are quickly becoming friends. Where did I get it from me - I do not know. Maybe they just feel that I understand them and love them. In general, the happiness of women are children. "

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