Notes of Thai Mommy: "Urgently demand the Son back!"


Even before childbirth, Dr. Wallow, admiring his head, assured that the child would be big. However, the son was born with standard, in my opinion, parameters: Weight - 3556 gr, growth - 52 centimeters. Although later, when we, all the births, were invited to the children's office at the master class (we showed how to wash the baby, to clean the spout, ears), I realized that I meant Dr. Hango. Compared to Thai kids, our, of course, looked a real warrant.

But when he brought me to the ward - already in a couple of hours after childbirth (washed, dressed in a bluish Thaw), - he seemed to me quite a cloud. He is not the same to take on his hands, even touched was scary. Well, helped snapshots. They put a child to his chest (although there were no milk yet), gave me and her husband to communicate with him about an hour, and then took to the children's office.

In fact, there are no rules in Thai hospitals about where the child should be after birth. If there is a desire, you can stay along with the baby around the clock. We just need to click on the button by the bed and say about this nurses and nurse. But I did not know local orders. Therefore, when the nurse took the child, I did not really experienced. After all, and with my daughter, many years ago it was also: several times a day she was brought to feeding, and then they immediately worn.

Lefting alone, I immediately opened a laptop brought by my husband (there are Wi-Fi in all the chambers), and the whole avalanche of congratulations instantly collapsed. I communicated with the whole world, feeling happier, while my girlfriend was not made through hundreds of calls and messages at the same time. Having learned that the child is not with me, she screamed so that it was heard, probably, even in the corridor: "Urgently demand the Son back, so that it does not happen irreparable!"

Continued ...

Read the previous history of Olga here, and where it all starts - here.

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