Ratatuu: All about the favorite movie


By the way, Ratatoux, shown in the cartoon, was the most real. It, as well as other dishes, figured in the frame, were first prepared, then photographed from all possible persons, and only then redraw. Since the cartoon has come out on the screens, everyone is convinced: the real ratatoo should consist of baked cabbacches, eggplants, tomatoes, peppers and garlic. At the same time, vegetables are required to be cut into neat circles and posted on a plate in the form of intricate spirals. Is it worth saying how great the surprise of tourists, when in the restaurants of Provence in front of them on the table put something that looks like anything not a remarkable vegetable stew? In fact, the only correct recipe rattuing in France does not exist. Yes, eggplants, zucchini and pepper when cooking is commonly used, but the other components are almost always imprompt. And there is nothing strange in this. In the end, Ratatouh is a dish of rustic cuisine, here the peasants and prepared it from what was in excess.

War and Peace

The main secret is rattube - olive herbs that turn a modest vegetable stew into a genuine masterpiece of gastronomy. Mint, Fennel, Rosemary, Basil, Even Lavender - with such a set of ingredients and a novice chef of Will-Neils will hit endless experiments. It is no less curious that the name of the dish is not coming from French, but from the oxitian language, on which in Provence spoke to the Great French Revolution. Upon the fact of Ratatuu - this is an abbreviation from two words: "Food" and "mix", and even an analogue of the Sollyanki teams could be called in the old way. It is not surprising that the first recipe that has come down to this day is rattling to the modern version of the dish has a very indirect attitude. In the culinary book, released in 1778, it is described that not only summer vegetables, but also beans, potatoes, crushed fatty meat and the remains of yesterday's bread are vital for cooking. Of course, the villages did not relieve the villages so satisfying. They were fed by the soldiers of the French army, which could not do without the impact dose of proteins and carbohydrates.

The only correct recipe ratatua does not exist

The only correct recipe ratatua does not exist

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Madly tasty

Another entertaining fact: until the middle of the XIX century, the main component of all olive vegetable stew was not eggplants, but zucchini, because although the violet vegetable hit the Mediterranean coast in the eighth century, the Europeans did not know for a long time what to do with it. At first they perceived the rickened plant as decorative and grown in the gardens exclusively for beauty. Moreover, it was believed that the purple fruits of poisonous, and their regular use in food causes the attacks of madness. Most likely, the belief was associated with the taste qualities of eggplants: the varieties that existed until the XIX century were very sad, and therefore the eating them did not deliver them.

Bohemian Rhapsody

Pretty cooking eggplants of the inhabitants of Nice taught their neighbors from Valtluz - a town in the south of Provence. They shared a recipe for Bohemian casserole - a less famous vegetable dish, which became a prototype of a modern ratatoo. Bohemian casserole and today often meets in restaurants in the south of France. Eggplants and tomatoes are roasted on olive oil with garlic, then they are filled with fillets from anchovs, and after all together bake in the oven. By the way, the first dish recipe described in detail the famous French pharmacist Francois Dorvo in his scientific work. So he tried to prove to the public that eggplants can be eaten.

Together or apart?

Disputes on how to prepare ratatous, do not subside in France so far. So, one of the most titled chiefs of the 20th century, famous for him, not tired of repeating: so that the taste of all components of the dish revealed to the fully, each vegetable part of the rattua must be prepared separately, and collect them in a single whole permissible only Final cooking. The same principle preaches and Guy Gedda - the most famous expert of Gastronomy Provence. However, the cooks in restaurants who are not marked by Michelin stars, and the hosts in the kitchens of Nice prefer the process not to complicate. Tomatoes with garlic, pepper and onions they are extinguished in a skillet, and after baked in the resulting eggplant sauce, sliced ​​tomatoes and zucchini, from the soul, we have a kushanye of olive herbs: without them the right ratatoo, whatever the cooking system you have adhered to, exactly exactly just not It turns out.

Ratatuu: All about the favorite movie 19297_2

Eggplants, zucchini and peppers enter the "Mandatory Program", all other components of the dish - imprompt

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Map of tastes

Languedoc (France)

In the French region bordering the French region, Languedk is preparing its variety of good. The dish is called Shishumel. For him, all the same eggplants, tomatoes, onions and garlic are used, but besides them, the dishes sometimes include potatoes or mushrooms.

Catalonia and Valencia (Spain)

Popular in the south and west of Spain Sampain - Native Sister Ratatua. Eggplants, zucchini and tomatoes along with grated onions and crushed garlic are first roasted in olive oil, and after baked in the oven. In Catalonia, Samphain is most often served as a side dish, in Valencia, it is accepted with potatoes.

Sicily (Italy)

Looking like a good dish is also in Italian cuisine. True, Kaponat on Sicily began to prepare without regard to France, because eggplants are one of the main products of this island. The fundamental difference between the Kaponates from Ratato in the following. Kanes and vinegar are necessarily added to baked vegetables. By the way, this recipe for Sicilians was adopted by residents of the neighboring island of Malta. There, vegetable mix took place under the name of the cabinate.


Similar vegetable stew can be found in Greek cuisine. At the heart of Briam all the same eggplants, tomatoes and zucchini, but they often add and potatoes. In addition, the dish is seasoned with dried oregano and feta cheese - the last component replaces the salt and gives the brimity taste.


Another dish, related to ratate, is considered to be Giveli. True, on the basis of onions, carrots, peppers, peas and cabbage, but eggplants and zucchini are often added in summer variations. Complex mixtures of olive herbs here, a clear case, not used. Instead of them, dill, parsley and thyme are going to move well.

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