We meet the summer in perfect form: 5 express councils


On the eve of the summer, every woman wants to look brilliantly. After all, ahead is the beach, mini and bikini. But extra kilograms violate all the plans. In a panic, a woman throws on various diets, from which her body and she herself is experiencing stress. Waiting for the holiday turns into flour. To avoid this situation, enter into an agreement with your brain and monitor its orders. Follow my express advice every day.

Drinking mode

Waking up in the morning, first of all an empty stomach drink a large glass of water. This is an inner shower that launches the body and the digestive system. Also drink a glass of water for 10-15 minutes before each meal. You may have a false feeling of hunger, and if not, then partially fill the stomach, thereby do not eat too much!

Prohibition on products

If you hit the feast, put the lemon lolk or half of the lemon next to the dish. Sprinkle with lemon juice, or between dishes eat the lemon slices. Lemon contributes to the splitting of fats and improves digestion. It will also help to reduce the caloric content of food consumed, eliminate the admission to the body of excess fat, which guarantees you fast weight loss. Put the ban on pickles, sausages, flour, sweet, canned food, and fast food. I advise all the very calorie to leave in the morning. You can deceive a little tradition and at the same time do not change. For example, Olivier salad slightly changed according to the composition. Instead of sausage, use meat or chicken breast, instead of salty cucumbers - fresh, add lemon to the refueling, more than greens. The composition of calories has changed to the best side for you, and the taste was only better!

Eat an alarm clinic!

Remember: To lose weight quickly, eat strictly by the hour! Start the alarm clock and eat every 3 hours in 5 receptions. For example, the first meal at 8.00, the second - at 11.00, the third - at 14.00, the fourth - at 17.00, the fifth and last reception - at 19.00. In the last reception, give preference to protein food. After 19.00 drink water without restrictions.

Reducing the volume of portions

Before eat, weigh your food. Your portion should be no more than 300 grams per meal. You can combine and experiment with products. For example, on one plate: Fish or meat - 60-80 gr, vegetables - 100-150 gr, porridge 50-70 gr. Proteins, carbohydrates and coarse fiber you can combine your taste. You will understand what to lose weight is a very exciting and miscarriage. And you definitely do not have to starve. The main thing is to choose the right products!


Without excuses, walk for 30 minutes a daily rapid step or easy run. At any time and anywhere you can use the mini-complex of exercises:

1) imitation of jumps on the rope - 200 times;

2) pressing from the floor - 3 approaches 12 times;

3) deep squats - 3 approaches 25 times;

4) squats in the lunge - 3 approaches 15 times;

5) Lifting the housing lying on the back. We make the maximum possible number of repetitions in 3 approaches (upper press);

6) Imitation of a bike lying on the back. We make the maximum possible number of repetitions in 3 approaches (lower press).

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