Looking for a point: 4 Basic Erogenic Zones Men


As a rule, when it comes to finding erogenous zones, this information is interested in the male half, however, the men themselves are no less sensitive and also want to experience the entire spectrum of pleasure. To bring your man to the highest point, you will not hurt to learn about the secret points on his body.

It is important to know what brings it to ecstasy

It is important to know what brings it to ecstasy

Photo: unsplash.com.

Point # 1. Special muscle

Few of women suspect that the muscle, located in the direction of the scrotum to the paha, is one of the most important zones. Thanks to this muscle, the testicles are compressed in the most responsible moment, a woman can delay the ejaculation of a man, pulling the testicles down. Stretching pleasure in this way, you give a man incredibly bright sensations. However, do not overdo it - all the same for a man is a very important body and the most sensitive place on the body.

Point # 2. Prostate

Everyone knows about the prostate, but not in the key that could help make sex incredible, and very in vain. Yes, and about its location do not all guess. Prostate surrounds the urethra and the size of the walnut itself. Men this iron is needed mainly to generate fluid, which is also included in sperm.

If you correctly stimulate the prostate, you can bring a man literally to madness. To achieve the desired effect, you need to manually stimulate the penis, which, along with it, transmits the prostate signal. Mildly pressing on the penis, spending a hand down, you simultaneously affect the two plots - directly to the penis itself and on the prostate. In some sense, the gland massage occurs without direct impact.

Do not miss lips

Do not miss lips

Photo: unsplash.com.

Point # 3. Lubs

Since the skin in the field of lips is very thin, the sensitivity of this zone simply rolls up, so to skip it under the foreplay - just a crime. However, you do not need to start immediately from the lips, you do not want a premature finale: for the beginning you can "process" the neck and face, thus reinforcing expectation. As soon as its excitement begins to grow, you can move directly to the lips. Moreover, the area that is on the border where the lower lip goes into the chin is one of the most sensitive.

He will be grateful to you

He will be grateful to you

Photo: unsplash.com.

Point # 4. Nipples

Oddly enough, many women miss this area, and in vain, because, like women's, men's nipples are incredibly reacting to external pathogens. How to act? For a start, massage the nipples while in the top position. Switch to another area, then return to the nipples again. Use all parts of your body if desired: from hand to language.

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