Karl Bruni fell in love with Moscow


Removal, together with the entire film sociality, the results of the Cannes Film Festival returned from France. But the hope of a break from foreign celebrities was collapsed - Luke Evans and Karl Bruni looked into Moscow, to the Word to say, who did not reach the Cannes on the premiere of his own sister. But the presence of overseas stars did not make a party to the most memorable part of this week. The opening of the Museum of Russian Impressionism gathered such a breathtaking number of Russian elite, which has not been found in secular, and not business parties. Sergei Sobyanin, Vladimir Medinsky, Vladimir Spivakov, Alena Detsetskaya, Alexey Kudrin and, as cherry on a cake, practically not extinguishing on people together Anatoly Chubais with Avdota Smirnova.

Luke Evans in Moscow

Luke Evans in Moscow

Gennady Avramenko

Opening of the jewelry store, Kuznetsky Bridge

In Carlo Bruni Sarkozy, who came to the opening of the boutique, everything instantly fell in love. Karl behaved not as the wife of the former President of France, but was cute, polite and, it seemed, he was a little confused by his attention rendered to her. Italian-French education Madame Bruni-Sarkozy was particularly contrast with the British manhole of the Evans actor. The pig of Evans, headed by the Iron Lady agent, was hardly more than the set of Karla. Evans himself was at first assertive and cut. But soon the drinks were reconciled by the hatch with themselves, and he even got out for the fence to the unknown from where the fans of his talents.

Yuri Antonov

Yuri Antonov

Racing "Grand Prix Radio Monte Carlo", Central Moscow hippodrome

Yuri Antonov appears in secular events rather rarely, but the races are interested in a pop legend. Cool and rainy weather, which on this day was established in Moscow, the mood of Yuri Mikhailovich did not spoil at all.

Arkady Ukupnik with his wife and daughter

Arkady Ukupnik with his wife and daughter

Arkady and Natalia Ukupniki diligently teach their daughter Sonya to secular life. And the girl from this clearly does not suffer. Moreover, during the races of children entertained animators. While parents did rates and discussed secular news, the kids played, took part in the competitions and communicated with Pony.

Kristina Orbakayte

Kristina Orbakayte

Racing is not only an exciting sports competition, but also bright secular defile. According to the tradition of all invited ladies expect in hats. The fantasies of star girls and secular liones do not have a limit, and the hats, selected for racing, turn into an unforgettable part of the action. Christina Orbakayte chose a tuxedo and as a supplement to it - an exquisite headdress of black. As a result, along with his spouse, Mikhail, the singer received the title "The most stylish pair."

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