Miser pays twice: what should not save if you are driving


The operation of the car requires considerable costs, which pushes many motorists to look for ways to significantly reduce the cost of servicing their "iron horse". But is it always justified by this step, and when the savings can turn against the motorist? In this we will be able to understand today.

Pour or not fill

All sorts of technical fluids are a prerequisite for maintaining the proper operation of all car systems. The desire to postpone with the replacement of oil or antifreeze in order to avoid extra spending, not too good idea. Ideally, the oil must be changed, starting from 7,000 mileage kilometers, and the brake fluid is once a year. In addition, the hydraulics requires your attention and timely update in the gearbox and the hydraulicel.

Choose quality, not chasing benefits

Choose quality, not chasing benefits

Photo: www.unsplash.com.

We remember about the "heart" of cars

As in the case of a person, the main "body" of your car needs a periodic verification. We have already figured out that the oil should not be carefully chosen, but also to change the longevity of the engine on time. In addition to the fluid, it is important to check the cooling system, and at the slightest failures show the car by a specialist. Do not save on fuel and air filters - if necessary, do not refuse it if the master insists.

Important spare parts

Choosing "spares", we are often leaning in the direction of cheaper options, which not only does not reduce costs, but also increases them - the low strength of the materials will not allow the spare parts for a long time, because of which it will have to buy additional components. Always prefer quality.

Fuel economy

In the harsh winter conditions, motorists go to all sorts of tricks to avoid overpayments for gasoline. To do this, many have been driving for a long time on small revolutions, considering that they are so cool well. But no, the engine gradually begins to overcome the soot, which leads to its destruction. In all, the measure is important - do not drive, but do not reduce the highest speed, only so you can provide normal operation of the engine, the repair of which will cost much more expensive than good fuel.

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