Ryan Gosling: "I plan to leave the profession"


"The most romantic hero of modernity" Actor Ryan Gosling is not so simple as it may seem at first glance. Films choose pickyly, based on their own (very peculiar) preferences. Believes in ghosts, the prophetic dreams, loves fockers and loneliness, plays in the music group and is looking forward to ... old age. However, the children distract well from Melancholy. Not so long ago Ryan became a father again.

- So, Ryan, you are now twice my father. And this is after stubborn rumors about your parting with Eva Mendez. Your family is strong again?

- We had difficulties, like any normal pair. We have a different temperament, different ideas about freedom, but it all does not matter at all. I know that Eve is the person with whom I have to be. In a woman I am looking for very simple things - so that she is Eva Mendez. That's all. She is the love of my life. She gave me a daughter, and now - and one more. Another baby in my life! I grew up with very strong women, and now their number is growing in geometric progression.

- It's hard to be a young father?

- Well, you know, everything turned out to be pretty ... predictable. Let's say this: this process is far from rocket education. Our whole life began to braid around the daughters, and we are ready for everything for them. Although, of course, it was very difficult for me to accept the musical preferences of Esmeralda (a two-year daughter Ryan and Eve Mendez. - Approx. Aut.) She is obsessed with guys from the Hanson group. In the past christmas, I thought I would pull out from these sounds. And the rest of the paternity is incredible happiness, well, you know that everyone says so. The way it is! My daughter - my daughter! - Very pleasant in communication, not that I am. I was a crazy child.

- Why?

- Let's start with what I dreamed of work. That is, literally wanted to make money instead of playing with peers. Yes, and the society of children did not inspire me very much. I did not have a single friend, and I have always been a strange guy for the peers. After watching the film "Rambo" put on school the belt, where he plugged with meat knives. On the change began to throw them into one guy - did not want to kill him at all, but continued to exist in the world that I painted me a movie. And after what I saw in the cinema "Rocky" I attacked some kind of passenger boy, who, by the way, was quite good. Just at that moment I was sure that I could pack well.

Ryan Gosling:

On the set of the picture "Diary of Memory", which brought the state in fame and recognition, the actor met Rachel Makadams. Long time of young people tied love relationships

Photo: Frame from the movie "Diary of Memory"

- Often confusing fantasies and reality?

- The revived fantasies that are divided into reality - the opportunity to study the world. I constantly spinning in the parks of entertainment, worked there. All these growth dolls are Mickey Mausa in line for coffee, pirates with cell phones, diners ghosts ... Wonderful! Disneyland - as an embodiment of a dream, a rustic sleep, as if Walt Disney was wondering - and he embodied this in reality. I would like to become such a person.

- Believe in dreams?

- Sure! Especially in scary. As if they prophesy to me that for all my existence will have to pay. Don't you have a feeling that we all live in someone's sleep, sometimes good, sometimes bad? You know, I don't really love interviews, because I ask questions to which I have no answers.

- For example?

- For example, why I became an actor. I do not really understand why I do it. Film shooting is inextricably linked with a huge number of things that I just hate. And yet I have to do it. I just can't stop. I do not understand why I live such a life, why I wear these elegant suits ... However, do not listen to me: very often it happens that I find melancholy.

- And in yourself? Are you confident in yourself?

- Not always. In this sense, it helps to participate in large Hollywood projects - you know, where all the characters are very unequivocal. Bad - it means straightforwards. Well, and good - all of myself positive, strong, confident. So when I am tormented by doubts about your own, there is no better means than to play a superphan in some blockbuster. Well, when self-esteem comes to normal, I again strive to independent cinema. Only there the characters are almost real - in constant search and doubts. And they look like me, probably. The fact is that I am not so good actor to constantly reincarnate. All those I played - they are me, in fact. Many of my colleagues are very opposed to be identified with their heroes, but as for me - please compare, in every character you see a part of the present me.

Ryan Gosling:

As predicted film critics, the film "Drive" with Ryan starring the cult picture

Photo: Frame from the movie "Drive"

- Ryan, tell me, how did it come out that after his triumph in the "Diary of Memory", did you stop shooting and have left the profession for some time?

- Cinema, cinema - I mean not only acting, and all this world of films is my fetish, my love. But this is not a real job, however, because? I have never had a present work. Therefore, after the success of the "Memory Diary", when everyone in need began to call me the main romantic hero of modernity, I was so embarrassing that I decided to go sell sandwiches into one of Los Angeles Snacks. And look at the people here! For those who live in Hollywood, there is one common problem: no one works at all. They go to spas salons, on yoga, on lunches ... Of course, any healthy person of this is not enough - and then these people are accepted for drugs. You know ... You don't seem that if they had a lot of heavy stones in the backyard, and every day they would drag them from place to place, they would be much more - much! - happier?

- So you workaholic?

- Not at all. But I constantly find myself some classes - otherwise the head goes around, I begin to dig in myself, look for some shortcomings ... Now, of course, there are no problems in order to take yourself, I do not have. Children distract from sad thoughts about the futility of being. I would like them to go a little longer. Well, Eva naturally helps.

- Ryan, do you consciously do not make out your relationship? And can your fans count on the wedding now, after the birth of the second child?

- Eva herself answered to this question. She said that if there is the main thing about people - love, the rest is just a formality. Fans and all those who are not indifferent to our couple the public wishing me to put on the finger of his beloved ring as soon as possible, - not yet reason to do it. We do not need a document that would confirm our feelings. In this approach, I take an example from my dog, the old George. I have the longest relationships with him, about fourteen years old. He can "go nut" from me to the neighbor - Mrs. Dickinson. Nothing amazing: she fooks his beautiful steaks! But from the fact that he left for a couple of days, his love does not decrease to me. He returns to me, and we are still together.

- You are in this profession from seventeen years old - that is, almost two decades. And still remain for your fans a mystery. We rarely go to the premieres, even ignore rewards. Do not like attention to yourself?

- People see me in films - and it seems to me that this is quite enough. Seriously, I would not want to get bored quickly. Especially since I already got myself. As for my choice - as I said, I do not really understand how it happened. The actor I did not want to be completely accurately, and at the same time the world of cinema fascinated me. And as I became famous, I also did not quite understand. Glory came to me suddenly, it is unclear, where she appeared from. You know, I immediately remember how my grandmother was preparing lobster. She threw him alive into vodka. He drove - and then he was started to boil on slow fire. Lobster did not understand how his death appeared. So my fame is the same unexpected. It is impossible to disassemble what happened and where she came from.

Ryan grew up in a female family (his father left them), and in every interview thanks mother and sister for the fact that all his childhood surrounded strong women who have learned the boy to understand the opposite sex

Ryan grew up in a female family (his father left them), and in every interview thanks mother and sister for the fact that all his childhood surrounded strong women who have learned the boy to understand the opposite sex

Photo: Rex Features / Fotodom.ru

- And what kind of unexpected gift presented you with sudden glory?

- Permanent, regular comparison with Ryan Reynolds. He is also Canadian and, as you might notice, also Ryan. Also, the actor, besides, we look like it. How many times came to me, asked the question: "Are you Ryan?" - And, receiving an affirmative answer, began to be photographed with me. And only in the process before people it came out that I was Ryan, but not the one.

- Probably, a new wave of comparisons has begun now, after filming in the "Lower game"? (For the role in the picture, the blond stateling had to repaint in Zhugogy Brenet. - Approx. Auth.)

- I look in such a form creepy, it seems to me. The director Adam McCay sent a script and promised that he would make me a volumetric afro. Of course, I agreed, anticipating how another fan of Reynolds will attack me in some alley. But the hairstyle is not the worst. For one role I had to ... how to say it? Learn masculine. The fact is that I grew up in the family, where I was surrounded by only girls (the parents of the stateling divorced, when Ryan was very young. - Approx. Auth.) I read men's journals with round days, and there is a solid "must", "you need." What exercises should be done how to say how to raise an eyebrow and grin to become a real man. Of course, I am not far from an expert in these issues, but still no magazine will be able to teach us to be real. Nobody and nothing but a woman. We study their needs and desires - and only so becoming men.

- About how you choose paintings to work, almost legends go. It seems like you absolutely do not care about the profit of the film, his future success. Then what is the criterion of selection?

- In some films, I burst into work with certain actors. So it was with the thriller "Hunters on Gangsters" - I really wanted to be on the same platform with Sean Penn. Well, as a result, we did not have a single joint scene with him, and Penna, I caught up in his trailer in the interruptions between the oaks. In general, the selection of the script is like a lyrics. It happens that you hear the melody - and legs themselves are started into the dance. You just can't stop dancing! With the choice of paintings - the same. You see the script and understand that it is yours. That you just can't do not dance. (Laughs.) By the way, to your information: the question is about how I choose films, is among the ten most disgusting.

- What questions do you like?

- I like to strive about the magic. Do you believe in magic? I'm here yes. I still love to tell about what a dangerous guy I am actually.

- Are you about your dead childhood with throwing knives in classmates?

- Nearly. (Laughs.) In fact, no. I'm about my love for extreme sports and Russian ballet. We argue, you did not know what I do ballet? And no hall is needed, because these workouts are a day hell and a nightmare. How do Russian women baillery withstand such physical tension? ..

- It is said that in addition to the ballet you are passionate about and boxing. There are progress?

- Regularly depends. About once a week, somewhere. This, by the way, helps me stay in reality, do not fly to the movies. As you understand, I love ... Mmm ... When everything is really in the frame. No beautiful sleek stories without blood and sweat. When the heroes are real, fighting to death truly. In general, in violence there is something attractive.

Ryan Gosling:

For the painting "Game on a downgrade" Blonde Gosling had to repaint in Zhugogy Brunet. After that, according to the actor himself, he began to constantly confuse with a colleague, actor Ryan Reynolds

Photo: Frame from the movie "Play Down"

- How did the boy, brought up by women, found violence attractive?

"I already told you that I often confused cinema and life, and the paintings of the" Rambo "type, how influenced me. Probably, so we did well with the director of the film "Drive" by Nicholas Refn. He had about the same situation in the family, and he also ran away from the lessons to all sorts of "unsuitable", according to Mom, films like "Texas Renasted Chainsaw". And just like me, he was called on the pope and forced to watch biblical films. Apparently, both of us such education did not help much.

- You are probably the main friend of all the directors who were filmed. Is it because of the priesthood or there are other secrets?

- ha! (Laughs.) It's all because they feel in me "His". I am fond of directed, trying to shoot movies. It turns out not very cool.

- In general, "not very cool" - a strange definition for the film "How to catch a monster", which was demonstrated at the Cannes Festival and received two nominations.

- I'm not a modest, just this is the assessment that I can give my creations. For example, after the picture "How to catch a monster", I began to write a comedy, but it came out so ridiculous that even myself was not funny. But it does not stop at all. I am extremely fascinated by what I do, and it is excited to do it - to create a film yourself. Let the "flap", who came under my authorship, cannot be called masterpieces - but they also affect the industry.

- Ryan, you no longer do breaks for the first time, go to the director, stop moving - and once again these breaks are increasingly and longer. What is the moment of truth? Are you planning to leave the acting profession?

- Of course, I plan to do it. I would be very surprised if after ten years I detect myself on the set. How many times can you reincarnate - ten, twenty, thirty, how much? .. There are Marathonians, long-livers from movies that do not burn out, do not become agitated, know how to see themselves from the side. I have already lost contact with yourself. Plus, a thinking person simply needs to be pauses, exhale and try to appreciate what you present at the moment. I will tell the truth: I would like to find some other way of self-expression in the near sooner. Being an actor to old age is strange.

- Well, you still have only thirty five. About the old age speech does not go ...

- And sorry! I'm waiting for my old age. I have a pile of tattoos, and you know how cool old men look in the knack.

- What do your tattoos mean?

- I made two moms and sisters in honor. As you understand, I am very close to the women of my family, even sometimes I think as they, and certainly my relatives helped me understand the opposite sex. There is a heart with an arrow in the blood - in the end, they call me the main romantic? There is still awolf, Vervolph. This tattoo is associated with an important sleep for me, which is constantly repeated. I see the wolf dispaired by the blood, which eats a bull. The wolf can no longer devour his sacrifice and stops on the breather, and the bull is still alive. Terrible, right? And the worst thing that I understand them both. Another important tattoo for me is a boy under a desire tree (the so-called Giving Tree, under which those who made up wishes catch his fruits. - Note. Aut.). It is connected with a children's fairy tale about a person who is insatically asking for and asks the tree more and more, and the tree does not refuse him. And the person is all uses the kindness of the plant, while he does not have only dried stump. It is forced to think about whether it is not true?

Ryan Gosling:

With his second big love, the mother of two of her daughters, the actor also met on the set. Stars related painting "Place under the pines" in which they played a couple

Photo: Frame from the movie "Place under Pines"

- You say that sometimes you think as a woman. For example?

- It is now quite difficult to remember something concrete, I just clearly realize that I understand the wonderful gender much better than the majority of men. Probably the fact is that I was taught to listen and hear women. And I like the course of thoughts of some of them, they like their compassion and softness, will and beauty. In general, I really love women. So they say many men, but you understand, I'm not exactly about the reasons for which women love many ... and I also like knitting! Have you ever met a man who would recognize in such matters? In fact, a colleague on the shooting in the film "Lars and a real girl" was attacked to knitting me. Remember the scene, where I'm in a room, crowded with knitters? We shot it quite a long time, and these clever showed how to knit. I will definitely say: there was no more relaxed and pleasant day in my life. Perhaps I would include knitting a list of mandatory morning cases.

- You are a fairly closed person, and during the interviews it seems that you are constantly stuck, have fun, not putting out of foreign on your territory ...

- I just don't really want to lose everything that I have. It is now that I think that I found my own home, real. I understand my dog, whom he once took from the shelter. He probably was as dumbfounded and happy. Own bed, own wife. Children! Family life! It is very, very cool. And, most likely, it's time to say the movie "So far!" My personal house, my pier now in the first place. There will be no exceptions.

- In general, some feeling is created, as if you do not love much - or do not really trust them? - of people.

- Not certainly in that way. Just I hardly fascinating. One good deed will not make anyone a good man. They say: "Believe it." So, I do not believe things, I prefer to trust the time - it shows who in front of you really.

- You had a rather ambiguous, you can say difficult childhood. Now, when you are the father of two children, can you say that for the best in adulthood?

- The most exciting and wonderful thing that adult can do is to buy and eat sweetness without limitation. When only wants, in any quantities.

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