Three days before the New Year: how to celebrate his show business


Before the new year, only a few days remains, and the show business still does not understand what the current New Year's Eve is for him, because the stars usually spend this time on stage. However, many artists and TV presenters decided to take advantage of the situation and celebrate the holiday in the family circle. With its plans, they shared with.

Stas and Julia Costykany after the new year will go to the Maldives

Stas and Julia Costykany

Stas and Julia Costykany

Gennady Avramenko

"We were lucky: we earned our ticket a year ago. Usually, artists appear at events for free, but if you are a presenter, you may not pay, then give a present. For example, in the form of a trip. So we hope that vacation in the Maldives will take place after the new year. And then, we will definitely curse in the "Instagram". And then no one will believe that we have no money. (Laugh.)

Well, I will spend the New Year's Eve, of course, at home. We do not eat a piece of paper with desires, it's all three hundred times checked - it does not work. Just think about something good - and that's it. The main thing is that there was a wonderful mood on this night, because with a bad configuration in the New Year cannot be logged in any case. This is a cool, bright holiday, and how you will meet it - you will spend it. You always need to meet on a positive, "said Kstyushkin.

Andrei Malakhov celebrates the offensive of the 2021 year in the family circle

Andrei Malakhov

Andrei Malakhov

"I never spend the New Year in Maldives. Like everyone, I will celebrate the house at the TV. I listen to the appeal of the president, opening champagne under the battle of the Kurats, I make a desire and look at myself in the "New Year's Eve", "said the lead.

Stas Mikhailov wait for the arrival of parents and the most delicious cake - from mom

Stas Mikhailov with family

Stas Mikhailov with family

"We will celebrate the new year in a narrow family circle, because my parents come from Sochi, mommy with dad, and they are elderly people, and they must be protected. Therefore, in our company there will be only they, our kids and my wife. We have not seen each other for a long time, we will rejoice at each other and talk a lot. Mom will bring the most tasty in the world "Napoleon" cake, which she is bake itself. This is something incredible! New Year's table with us, in general, as well as everyone: Olivier, Khotel, snacks. But with hot dishes, we usually experiment. As a rule, my spouse is doing this. So we had a duck on the table, stuffed chicken and even a goat! What will come up with a wife this time - is not yet known. It will be for all a surprise. In general, I want to say that we are very waiting for this holiday with the hope that next year everything will change for the better. I wish you all health and not lose hope and faith in the future, "said the artist.

Alena Vodonaeva will meet 2021 s son

Alena Vodonaeva

Alena Vodonaeva

"I, as a rule, celebrate the New Year with my family, always with my parents. My son is 10 years old, and almost all New Year's night I spent with him. For me, the new year is, first of all, a family holiday. I am not a lover of noisy parties, clubs, some performances. For 16 years of life in Moscow, I have never noticed a new year on a wide leg, noisy. Everything is traditional to me: Mandarins, Olivier. The only thing that this year I will not see congratulations to our president on principled and ideological reasons, "Alyona admitted.

Elena Malysheva will not forget about cold champagne

Elena Malysheva

Elena Malysheva

"I have a New Year's mood. I am preparing for the new year, as we prepared for it all previous years, there is no difference. You need to invite those whom you love, cook delicious food, make a desire, do not forget to cool champagne. It is not easy to go abroad today, but who can be wonderful, "the leading one shared.

Ex-Bride Baskov, singer Sophie Khucheva, celebrate satisfying and fun

Sophie Kalcheva

Sophie Kalcheva

Press service materials

"On the Eastern calendar 2021 will be the year of the metal bull. This is a family mark, and celebrate the new year you need at home, in the circle of relatives and loved ones. Therefore, I will spend the upcoming holiday with my family, at the festive table in the traditional colors of the upcoming year. Beautifully, satisfying and fun. In general, for me every new year is a little story. For example, when I was a student, under the battle of the chimes wrote a desire on a sheet of paper, set fire and threw in a glass with champagne. At that time, the desire was to sign a musical contract. Thirty minutes after I drank a glass of champagne with a mandated desire, a girl called me and said that on January 1, they would contact me about the meeting, where the details of the contract signing will be discussed. I do not know how it works, but we safely signed a contract. I was very happy, started working, shoot clips. Also in 2007, I was presented with a small record, and she became my talisman, since the entire subsequent year was very successful for me and in the personal sphere, and in the field of music. This time I will also make a desire, and I hope it will come true, "Sophie said.

TV presenter Arina Sharapova will go to celebrate the New Year to the resort

Arina Sharapova

Arina Sharapova

"I will go to the Black Sea from Russia and I will enjoy the sea breeze. Of course, it was possible to fly to the region of Vladivostok, on the Pacific Ocean, for example, but I don't want something - it's a long time. I will pour champagne with my family and friends on the Black Sea. I think it will be unusual because we have not celebrated so much. Although I have an unusual one every new year, we always come up with something, and we have New Year holidays are never repeated. In general, I treat the generation, whose table is always Salad Olivier, herring under the fur coat. I am writing a wish on a napkin and then I pick it up with champagne. If I do not have time to write - just drink champagne. I have a simple way: the world is around the world, "the lead told.

Anna Plenev compatisis against the celebration of the New Year happy birthday grandmother

Anna Plenev

Anna Plenev

Press service materials

"Mark New Year I will also be the same as all past holidays. I consider the new year is a family celebration, and it is necessary to meet at home with relatives and loved ones. Moreover, on December 31, this is my grandmother's birthday. First we go to her, there are already a table, and everyone gets the first gifts. And then we are going with friends, ride a sleigh, we break away from the soul. After all, in this magic night, everyone becomes a little children. From the very bad girl, I turn into the worst Snow Maiden. And of course, I definitely meet with Lesha Romanov. If in the New Year we together, it means that it will certainly be successful for us.

I still love to do surprises, surprise my friends. For example, in 2014 - it was a year of the horse - I prepared a surprise: the top of the horses arrived. I told everyone at 2 o'clock: "Friends, and now a surprise is waiting for us!" Everyone came out, everything is beautiful - the top three horses. And we tried to ride, and there was no snow, it was all melted. As a result, we were full of puffed these horses. , tried to move them from the place so that they would go somewhere ... arranged a holiday to people! " - Laughing, recalls the soloist of the group "Vintage".

Stas Pieha does not lose hope for a new year:

Stas Pieha

Stas Pieha

Press service

"I will celebrate at home, outside the city, in the circle of those close people who can come. I will not arrange performances, call Santa Claus. If anything, he will play his role. And I still hope that there will be some kind of job for the new year, then it will be symbolic, and habitual, and more fun. This is the best thing that could be - work on New Year's Eve. Because for me it is already a tradition - to be on stage, sing songs. Almost always, this tradition was observed, but this year is not a fact that it will turn out, "the artist shared hopes. - And once I met a new year in the company of the homeless. It was in 2001 or 2002. I had to play with four songs in the Manezhnaya Square area, next to the big theater. And so I came up with that now I will sit on the subway and, according to my calculations, I will leave somewhere without seven minutes of the twelfth, I will reach the platform, there will begin the new year, which we will meet with the sound engineer. Well, then I will go to the scene. But as I was driving in the subway, the train slowed down, slowed down, and at 00:00 I got up between the ocual side and the previous station. And I just looked with sadness through all the wagons: where-there - there was a bums lying and more - no one. Then I still believed that how to meet the new year, you will spend ... With a homeless thing under the ground ... Five minutes later, the train, of course, was drove, we got to the ocotious row, I came out, and all the penards were already blown up, and people stood on the belt Naked. "

Singer Karina plans to leave the country in the New Year holidays



Press service materials

"We still get the abroad with the whole family, we have two countries. One of them is in Europe. The decision will be taken already on the fact, based on the epidemiological situation and the opinions of the majority. We can celebrate even away from home. For example, six years ago, we left the whole family to Switzerland, including brother with a small daughter. It must be said that in this country there is no such cult of the new year, there is not even at least some local Santa Claus, and I wanted to show a real holiday. Therefore, it was decided to sew costumes of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, and these serious roles took over the Pope. We went out to congratulate our stefi, my brother's daughter and my kiss, and she looked at Santa Claus all the time all the time, and at the end she said: "Grandfather, I learned you! I will not say who you are, but I learned you! "She was two or three years old, it was very touching. Such a bright and warm episode, "shared the memories of the artist.

Yulia Savicheva will be surprised by native culinary delights

Yulia Savicheva

Yulia Savicheva

Damir Zhukenov

"My celebration of the New Year depends on the situation. If I won't work, I will note it in Moscow with my husband. I would really like to fly to Portugal and meet 2021 in a family circle, be near my daughter, but on January 1, I am already scheduled to fly to Turkey - to a concert. Well, if the work will appear, then I will meet the new year, speaking.

And of course, you must definitely call all my family and congratulate a Happy New Year. I think for everyone is a constant tradition. On the festive table on New Year's Eve, there will be a salad "Olivier", without him anywhere, sandwiches with red caviar, tangerines and champagne. For several years, I prepared cookies on the eve of the new year, decorated with the icing and gave friends and loved ones. This time I While I did not decide what to do: cookies or New Year's cake, "the singer reflects.

Dmitry Koldun himself will be Santa Claus

Dmitry Koldun with children

Dmitry Koldun with children

Press service materials

"I plan to celebrate the family at home in my homeland, in Minsk. Actually, artists, including the situation, options are not so much. This year I plan to try myself in the role of Santa Claus, although every time everything is more complicated - kids Empty and can learn. By the way, I have a lot of funny stories with this hero. Once during the New Year's neck, I got stuck with Santa Claus in the elevator and had to wait until his deer raise us on the right floor. But a gift he had time to choose from a bag. (Laughs.) We have already dressed up a Christmas tree at home, but I still haven't had time to buy gifts this year. I think it will be any pleasant little things, "the artist said.

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