Alexandra Ursulak: "I am glad that the son diluted the Indian kingdom"


Alexander Ursulak - Pushkin Theater Star - Already was the heroine of our magazine four years ago. But since then much has changed. Sasha was married to the second time - her chosen was the violinist Andrei Rosendent, her son gave birth to her son and finally starred from Pope. All of this - in an interview with the magazine "Atmosphere".

- Sasha, the opening of the season in the theater is not far off, but so far the end of summer and another vacation. Are you more actress or just a woman?

- It seems to me that a woman. I just got it possible to exhale and feel that now summer and I can do children, house, garden. In the cycle of life, you do not have time to give all time, and I just adore it. But I can not say that I don't think at all about the theater, however, it is still rather dreaming, and not only about your roles. I love our theater very much and I can be happy from what is happening there, regardless of your employment.

- You work in the season seventeen in the theater. Pushkin. And, as far as I know, you already have a position, some status and the opportunity to agree on something or not ...

- The feeling that the team of our theater works together for the benefit of a common cause, possibly subjective. But this is how I imagine our life. I am glad that there is an opportunity to be in a dialogue with our wonderful artistic director. In general, all the best arises not by a pointer or some kind of programmed system. Evgeny Alexandrovich Pisarev came to us in a heavy, difficult moment and at first was very confused, as it seemed to me, did not know, for which they would grab. So now I think that this was its advantage, but not vice versa. Because in the situation of instability itself, life forces you to be very attentive and find true solutions. Evgeny Aleksandrovich on a nate, moving tiny chambers, led us to what we now have. He never warmed: "I know for sure what to do!", "But he had the opportunity to rely on the team, where all his colleagues and even former students. We have a wonderful company collected in many ways thanks to the novel by Efimovich Kozaku. He did not tolerate low-quality people and populose the theater is good. And Evgeny Alexandrovich did not lose them and follows the same principle.

Dress, be blumarine; hat, lilia fisher; Earrings, Poison Drop

Dress, be blumarine; hat, lilia fisher; Earrings, Poison Drop

Photo: Alina Pigeon; Photographer's assistant: Alexander Sidorov

- In the theater it is impossible to be loner?

- Maybe. It seems to me that it is not so interesting.

"You have been in a team since childhood, I went to kindergarten, loved school?"

- In my understanding to the team, it has nothing to do, because people gathered there forced. Garden I generally could not stand, and school, in principle, too. Probably the first favorite team is my course at the MHAT Studio School, and here it was just a natural way from unfamiliar people associated with common interest and work.

- Can you call events or moments that you consider milestones for yourself?

- Milestones, it seems to me, are associated with meetings with certain people. There are those who change the atmosphere in the air, so much they have been energetically charged. To such people, I relate to the novel Efimovich Kozak, Dmitry Vladimirovich Brusnikna, Alla Borisovna Pokrovskaya, Alla Mikhailovna Sigallow, Yuri Nikolayevich Butusov. Alla Mikhailovna generally made a man from me.

- And before that, what did you have no defer?!

- Yes. Although Alla Borisovna, Dmitry Vladimirovich and Roman Efimovich me, Neughchozhka, took the course. Thanks to my teachers for seeing me in principle and gave a lot of advances. And Roman Efimovich was then invited to the theater. But when Alla Mikhailovna came to the theater, to put the play "Night of the Cabiria" with me, she did not understand at all that this is for the "applied hopes of the artist." At first she rushed and methala, and then knocked her sleeves and let me redo. Even a Kozak, in my opinion, was afraid for me, so we, to put it mildly, rehearsed restlessly. This was a fracture, so a fracture, and open. (Laughs.)

- Did you resisted?

- It was hard, but, honestly, I conquered fate, I thought: "Oh, Lord, mocks, let him do what he wants. I can't jump from this train, then you have to endure. "

Shirt, skirt, scarf, ring and earrings, all - dior; Hat, Lilia Fisher

Shirt, skirt, scarf, ring and earrings, all - dior; Hat, Lilia Fisher

Photo: Alina Pigeon; Photographer's assistant: Alexander Sidorov

- Do you think you have no character then?

- Character manifested itself just that I did not take offense at all, and the insults were such that many would unfold and gone. And Alla Mikhailovna did it consciously, waited for something already happens and I shake. But I stubbornly did not shake. Although intuitively felt that all this is good, this is my school. Nevertheless, we released the premiere, I was shocked and did not realize anything, and then suddenly it turned out that it was a great success. And it reconciled us. After this work, I came out a lot of things that can.

"But it seems to me that a person really becomes a man, it is very important that he had an atmosphere in the family and how much love he got at home ...

- Of course, all this is important. I was very loved by my mother, and dad, and grandmothers, and grandparents. Who just did not like! But the parent share (I already prepare myself to this) somewhat ungrateful, because the child, having fluttered from the nest, understands: everything that parents told him is not what he wants in life. And it was then that he begins to consciously absorb everything, absorb himself and learn.

- By the way, why did you leave to live in the eleventh grade?

"Because grandmother is a very hard man, and then I then wanted hardness and understanding at the same time."

- Stiffness?! What for?

"At that time I had complete freedom - and I felt that I did not understand anything and I don't know what I want. I thought my grandmother would help me to collect myself, concentrate. The mode was like in the army. (Smiles.) And I understood it when she went to her live. But we made friends. We have improved a very serious connection - and these threads still exist. We are very close.

- And my mother easily let you go? Not jealous, not offended?

- I think my mother understood that it could benefit. Plus, I looked at home with joy at the weekend. I wanted to become an adult and independent. Quickly tear away. In general, it refers to me enough enough. Perhaps because I am the only child. I do not share quite personal, although I love her very much. Perhaps my mother hurt my isolation, but we are constantly in close contact, as it takes a lot of participation in the raising of children and in many ways it helps me. In turn, I am very grateful to her and I feel responsible for my mother, I want to make her life with a happy and complete and get rid of unnecessary alarms.

Costume, marccain; dress, pinko; Brooch, Lesya Nebo (Poison Drop); Ring, Poison Drop

Costume, marccain; dress, pinko; Brooch, Lesya Nebo (Poison Drop); Ring, Poison Drop

Photo: Alina Pigeon; Photographer's assistant: Alexander Sidorov

- You have a disgraceful dad ...

- Yes, but, despite all his anxiety, he can keep himself in his hands, does not panic and always ready to help. I don't know your opinion, I don't know what efforts it is given to him, almost never expresses. If he has to ask him: "Dad, how do you think?" "Then he will express what he thinks, but you herself asked and got." He worries, sympathizes if we and sisters happen to some experiences, but to the latter will keep a calm look.

- What are your relationship with daughters now, especially with the elder, anja? Fourteen years - no longer a child, and this is a difficult age ...

- The eldest daughter is strongly tied to me, she has a home girl, very tender. And I do not refuse her, although I don't climb into the soul. Daughters still grow, experience different periods, transformation. Younger for ten and a half years old. It was difficult for me to be with anne in some period, and with Nastya easily. Now everything is the opposite. And Sasha (Father Girls Alexander Golubev. - Approx. Aut.), I asked, absolutely the same feeling.

- Speaking about her daughters, you said that they need to plant kindness and courage. What do you invest in the concept of "brave" for a girl? By the way, you yourself, it seems to me, fearless ...

- Why? Idiot is one who is not afraid of falling from the height. But I meant another courage, everything comes down to one very important concept - honesty. In front of him, in front of people, before his conscience. Then there will be no problems at all, because everything follows from this. Why do we consider someone a real person? Because he is, what is it, says what he thinks to be comfortable to be himself. The worst thing when you lie to myself.

- Do you like to analyze yourself?

- I constantly do it, working on myself, but there is no limit to perfection. And this is very important for our profession.

- And the criticism is well perceived?

- You can analyze everything, including criticism, to understand, in connection with which something negative was said. But I confess, for the time being, no one walked on me and did not gilt. Moreover, many people tried to choose the words so as not to offend me much. And this, of course, is always very pleasant in human.

- Do you carefully pick up words?

- I can be tough, sharp. But if someone criticizes, it means that this person is hesitant to me. True, I can choose an irregular shape. In this, I look like dad. He can say at all so that you will just fly away. But, honestly, if I feel that someone offended, it becomes a shame, I immediately run for forgiveness, it's not difficult for me.

Blouse, be blumarine; Broosh, Lesya Nebo (Poison Drop); Earrings, Poison Drop; Kep, Lilia Fisher

Blouse, be blumarine; Broosh, Lesya Nebo (Poison Drop); Earrings, Poison Drop; Kep, Lilia Fisher

Photo: Alina Pigeon; Photographer's assistant: Alexander Sidorov

- What can you hurt you too much or hurt?

- Mom can very quickly step on the patient corn when she suddenly seems to do something wrong something and live. She is soft, but with its disapproval can make that my hands are descended. And he knows how to make a look that I start to suffer. I actually have a strongest connection with my mother, no matter how much I wanted to alienate from it, and we have an instantaneous transfer of information to a telepathic manner, which can be driven into a disorder, in a stupor, fury or, on the contrary, wrap.

- Mom herself happiness. You told me that they didn't communicate with dad ...

- No, they communicate with dad, but only within the framework of what they are my parents. For me it was always painful. I tried to figure out for a long time, but I realized that I could not spend so many strength on other people's relationship. They made up, quarreled, got married, divorced - these are their story, I am a third party in it. This is no longer a zone of my responsibility. They are both beautiful parents, and I love them very much.

- You have repeatedly said that it is very confident in yourself and always believed that everything in love with you ...

- It's true, I think so all the time! The feeling of self-confidence as in a woman in many ways thanks to the upbringing of Cigal and Kozak. Roman Efimovich, having achieved his drawings from me on stage, suggested me a lot. Did it delicately, gradually. And I tried to catch and assign myself what was noticed from the stories, from directorial impressions and from the relationship between him and Alla Mikhailovna. I had not only the acting, human, but also a male-female education, for which I am very grateful.

- You walked around early soon ...

- Agree. So early to pop up it was completely optional, I just very sincerely loved the beautiful person. What if you are twenty-one? (Smiles.) Dad to the wedding to our wedding gave an envelope with money and wrote: "Dear children, congratulations on your first marriage." Heat and with humor, but, in general, everything was clear.

- Surprisingly, despite the fact that your marriage collapsed, the creative relationship of Pope with Alexander was broken.

"For me, this is completely not surprising, because Sasha is an excellent artist and can love him to all directors in the world. I really want him all the way he wants. It seems to me that they had a very good joint work with dad in "bad weather."

- There's finally dad to remove you, though, in a small role ...

- Yes, thank God, you can no longer worry on this topic. (Laughs.) But I realized that I was so scary to work with my dad, I'm so afraid to let it stand that it was very good that we got a little time with him, I had enough.

- Sasha in an interview to me with such love spoke about his daughters, about relationships with them ...

- He is very good, loving father. Now, by the way, my daughters went hung with him, floated on a boat to the island under Pskov. Live in tents. Called me from there, they said that they are fine that they are interested in spending time in the company of Sasha friends with children. It seems to me that they feel like women next to him.

- Did you feel it with dad? They say, daddy's admiration for his daughter - the key to her confidence ...

- Dad, probably always made a feeling of his presence in my life. I think it is necessary in order to confidence in men. And so that the dad is admired, I do not remember. There are such fathers who all the time admire their daughters, his beautiful name is not like that. I began to catch a loving look from him only five years five. He likes what we are with Dasha (actress Daria Ursulak. - approx. Aut.) Rose. Now he can breathe slightly and to state himself inside him: "Thank God, normal!"

Sweater, nude; Skirt, Bally; hat, lilia fisher; shoes, santoni; Ring, Poison Drop

Sweater, nude; Skirt, Bally; hat, lilia fisher; shoes, santoni; Ring, Poison Drop

Photo: Alina Pigeon; Photographer's assistant: Alexander Sidorov

- And he loves granddaughters ...

- Of course, loves. Unfortunately, he sees his grandchildren very often, because the grandfather we have a popular person, busy, interesting, let it be.

- Have you ever been jealous of him to employment and to Dasha? Would you like to spend more time with him?

- We always spent a lot of time together, constantly went somewhere, including the four-way. As soon as the dad appears a little free time and a little more money, they immediately leaving. This is their sweat. And in our family - we are like that, immediately to the cottage. The generation of my parents ran from dacha life. They failed to experience this pleasure. Although now I am a mother swarming there. We built a comfortable cottage for the whole family, for children, for my mother and for my grandmother Emma, ​​tried to spend the language to do everything faster so that she would have time to live there, but she dynamized us would not reach us. Says - Pressure ...

- Construction was on you?

- No, in this my husband Andrei is very well versed.

- When did you break up with Sasha, did you have a heavy emotional period? Or did you come up with the mind of this - well, it did not work out, just an early marriage?

- Of course, it was painful. We have connected so much, although we have lived together in just five years. The severity from parting was held for a long time, such things do not heal in one second.

- This at least did for a while influenced your attitude towards men?

I dont know. In general, I decided that the children gave birth, the program was fulfilled and I can now completely live in pleasure - to fall in love, to meet with whom I wanted, was not going to have any serious relationship.

- How did it happen that the acquaintance with Andrei changed your position?

- I met Andrew, and immediately realized that this was a completely different story. More precisely, the case when everything happens faster than you have time to realize.

- You wanted you to have a common child?

- I just understood that I was already in the ladies, and he still had no children. I could not leave it so much. As a result, we had a wonderful boy.

- What does Andrei do?

- Now - business, but in general it is a classic musician. Just decided that this is not the only thing he wanted to engage in life.

- So he threw music?

- It is impossible to quit it. (Laughs.) It seems to me that he is not enough of one music as the only realization. He is a very gifted person, and he gets everything, for which he is taken. When he was thirteen years old, he played the violinist boy of David Schwartz in the film Vladimir Mashkov "Dad". After filming in "Pape" he left to study in Germany.

- Andrei - Your peer?

- Junior for six years. But I feel next to him the girl, because he is smarter, stronger, consistency than me, fifty times.

- Where did you meet?

- We have in the theater. He just returned from Germany, studied in Cologne at the famous professor of Zakhar Bronon. I arrived in Moscow to see what happened here, for exploration, and the music leader of the play "Good Man from Selyan" Igor Gorsky invited him to the rehearsal. He brought the boy to the theater ... there he grabbed him. (Laughs.)

- You have become softer after marriage ...

- Yes. First, I became older, it also always affects, even Alla Mikhailovna became softer. (Laughs.) And I had some kind of harmony thanks to Andryusha, that's for sure.

- You destroyed your family tradition of the birth of one girls. Your dad said that it doesn't even represent how to communicate with the boy ... How did you react myself to the fact that there will be a son?

- I am glad that we managed to dilute the bare kingdom. And dad, who shouted everyone loudly, that he wanted only girls, it seems to me, too, happy. In addition, Volodya is very similar to him.

"And now you have three ..." Advanced, have you ever imagined yourself with a large mother? "

- No, but now the artists just whisked, three or four children from many. This is technical progress, everything became easier to be given, including the birth of children. Although still nine months of pregnancy and childbirth is the price you need to pay for happiness.

- On the approach, the series "Good Wife". Agreeing to act, I understood that I got involved in an interesting story?

- Yes, this is an excellent story with a very good role. And we had a wonderful team, we spent half a year in great love. Beautiful director Stas Libin and Nikita Semenov operator, stunning partners - Marina Zudina, Alexander Domogarov, Dmitry Miller, Nail Abdrakhmanov, Sabina Akhmetova. At the site, I first met with Marina Zudina. She is great! And as an actress, and as a person: very professional, with a huge sense of responsibility. It was a very difficult period in her life. During filming, Oleg Pavlovich Tabakov passed away. Probably work and simply finding the team demanded great mental strength from it, and from the group - special manifestations. And I am glad that a good human movement took place on both sides to each other.

Blouse, be blumarine; hat, lilia fisher; Choker and Ring, All - Poison Drop

Blouse, be blumarine; hat, lilia fisher; Choker and Ring, All - Poison Drop

Photo: Alina Pigeon; Photographer's assistant: Alexander Sidorov

- Can you say that you are now a good wife?

- The whole point of the series is that a good wife is not so good. And maybe good, but not for everyone. And this is just beauty and cyimes of this role.

- If we talk without irony, then for the second time you already understand how to build relations with a man, while remaining yourself?

- My slogan at the moment is honesty.

- Andrei does not look like Sasha at all in nature?

- Andrei is not like anyone, I think he is an aliens. There are no such people. It is clean, very decent, very kind, very clever, very correctly designed inside the person, and also very loving. I was just lucky. (Smiles.) And he loves his son insanely. For him, this is a miracle.

- And how did Andrei girls accepted?

- Wonderful. It can not be accepted differently.

- How were they in principle configured to the fact that some man may appear in the house?

- Nobody asked them especially. This is my own business. It has nothing to do with children, they understand it perfectly. But I would never lend someone to my children if I hadn't been sure that with this person would be better than without him.

- Well, when they found out that another sister or brother would be born, they did not say that they did not want it?

- Not. In general, it is always worth only one thing - the fear of losing some kind of privilege. When I gave birth to Nastya, I did it only for Ani. I knew that she should not be alone. I have a huge number of friends who are very connected with brothers and sisters. My dad and brother absolutely different people, quarrel and put up ten times on the day, but it does not mean anything, they are very tied to each other. Such relationships still do not buy anywhere with any friends. It's forever. So I'm waiting for children only such words: "Thank you, my mother, that you gave birth to all!"

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