John Warren: "Lyuba Tolkalina - Peak of my relationship with women!"


Gourmet, Sibarrit, Estet, Soul Company. John Warren is an Englishman who knows how to figure out Russian and famous thanks to the transfer "We will go, fight!". The desire for chosenness led a philologist from the UK to a foreign country, where he gave birth to his son, met love, received fame and even acquired real estate, although, being a cosmopolitan, does not associate far-reaching plans with Russia. He told about it in an interview with the magazine "Atmosphere".

- You once admitted that you like to study the planet, so the first four years of life lived in Miami, then eighteen years old in native England, then twenty-seven in Russia, while constantly moving the world and do not hide that, perhaps, in the future, change Place of dislocation. Something already look after?

"Then I said it is purely hypothetically." While everything suits me, especially since I almost never happen in Moscow. The capital of Russia for me as a transshipment point - I am going to a couple of days, I change things, collecting a new suitcase and fly away again. I do not even have time to catch bad weather. Probably, many would like so. (Smiles.) But in the future I'm not sure that I will stay in Moscow, although the apartment is here, in high speed, in the center, twenty-third floor, bought, and soon when I finish repairs, I will move from rented housing already in your own. I hope the design will be elegant, since I am Estet and believe that everything around should be beautiful. Nevertheless, this property will not dictate to me the future. I am configured to maximize the expansion of my horizons, and in all senses. "We will eat, fight!" - A wonderful program that has been successfully developing for seven years, but definitely not the top of my creativity. Even the most exciting occupation tends to turn into a routine - you can not get anywhere. And I invariably want more, I want to grow, develop. I'm grated to accumulate experience in all areas. Today, thoughts arise - the next life stage is held in Latin America. And the truth is that at the moment I never found a point on Earth, where I would feel that it was completely able to settle.

- In such a dynamic mode, you have already lived for quite some time, not tired?

- Physically, of course, we take advantage. But I am not a home-to-home home, and the hunt for changing the picture outside the window must always take me. I am a collector of impressions. And two days of felting in bed is enough to restore. I like to spend this watch alone, in idleness. I have it all the opposite: people working in the office, on the weekend they crave activity, and I rest. I love myself, regret, so if I just want to sleep and watch movies, I do it. (Smiles.) And then again cheerful, ready to work, especially since she is ideal. Includes acquaintance with countries, with people and their customs, with national cuisine ... Sometimes I live in first-class hotels, where, going down for breakfast, balloons yourself with champagne. Why not? I call him my "Morning Juice". (Smiles.) Naturally, and delicious to eat, I love, and the refined entourage of the feed feed is important for me. But sometimes it happens, not lucky. Recently were in Malaysia, where the host asked us, whatever we would be curious to try. We were at sea, and I suggested sushi. But he could not guess that we would bring Muslim sushi, cooked on a special, halary recipe. And this is disgusting: only dry salmon, without any tuna, crabs. I had to go and eat normally elsewhere. (Smiles.)

Coat, burberry; shirt and tie, all - eton, cardigan, paige and jeans, pt05, all - mfashion; Clock, Rado; Ring, property of the TV presenter

Coat, burberry; shirt and tie, all - eton, cardigan, paige and jeans, pt05, all - mfashion; Clock, Rado; Ring, property of the TV presenter

Photo: Alina Pigeon; Photographer's assistant: Alexander Sidorov

- Passion for traveling to you, apparently, got from Mom, who lives in the UK, is engaged in a garden and garden, but meanwhile has a list of countries obligatory to visit ...

- This list is composed of my tips. Mom seventy five, she has an extraordinary energy and is always ready to go on a trip. But her third husband is much older, and he is already hard to move hard, so this year they did not fly anywhere. And before that - often. And dad, by the way, I have exactly the same. Despite his age of "dinosaur" (smiles), also tries not to slow down.

- Most likely, there are few points on the map, you are not studied. What conclusions do you do after our tour?

- Bentally talk about delicious natural landscapes. But mankind is not at all proud of. Alas, there is a gradual degradation. Yes, in some scientific sectors there is progress, but in general due to overpopulation, the worsening of the climate has an instinct of self-destruction. See what an aggressive environment, we kill each other, and as we treat the garbage, as polluting the oceans, the soil, air ... It's bad that only a small percentage of people can afford to ride and watch how others live, compare, gain experience. In Russia, according to statistics, only twenty percent of the population owns passports, unfortunately. But they are not actively moving around the country. It turns out that I, the Englishman, saw the most remote corners of your homeland and showed them to your compatriots. It is annoying that people from year to year are selected only in the notorious Turkey, with the "All Inclusive" system, with Russian-speaking guides, without showing any interest in other options for recreation.

- You would go politics to engage ...

- Oh, I would have killed there - I am too straightforward. Subtle diplomacy is not my story. But there is a huge chance that in the post-television space I will do the most relevant topics now - problems of ecology, climate, it is not by chance that I am fond of reading popular science literature on the topic of evolution, Darwinism ... But in this case I will already use Internet platforms to which which Young oriented.

Jacket, pal zileri, shirt, eton and pants, pt05, all - mfashion; belt, Herme`s; Clock, Rado; Ring, property of the TV presenter

Jacket, pal zileri, shirt, eton and pants, pt05, all - mfashion; belt, Herme`s; Clock, Rado; Ring, property of the TV presenter

Photo: Alina Pigeon; Photographer's assistant: Alexander Sidorov

- You graduated from the University of Bristol, Faculty of Foreign Languages, where Russian chose to stand out ... But why didn't go to the music sphere? You have obvious abilities ...

- Yes, I am not deprived of talents. Since childhood, literally showed himself brightly. I lived in the boarding school from six years to seventeen, where he studied at the old Winchester College in a strict English system, stiffeningly engaged in music - sang in the choir, played the piano, on the horn, created a rock group, where he was a vocalist, I tried all kinds of sports. Fled, by the way, excellent. And in rugby, in a creek, in football was noticeable. Therefore, when it was necessary to be determined, I was terribly tormented, reminded myself a child in a confectionery who does not know what dessert he is captured. And I decided that everything will try to put in one life. I will be so amateur in everything, but without failures. Have you seen six years ago Realistic Show "Island" with my participation, where we lived on a desert island, far from civilization? Here I showed myself. Four from six competitions won four, constantly preparing something on the fire, from those products that they brought me. Thanks to Pope, that the boy taught me cooking. So in my youth, I could choose Spanish, go to Buenos Aires, become a local gaucho, and it would also be colorful weekdays. I do not even doubt it. But chose another way. And the artist I am in life, I also say creative, creative start. Even when I traded the grain in Rostov-on-Don, I did my sausages, this business did not exclude the artistic approach. After all, in order to sell the goods, you must have a gift of convictions, and to sell yourself first, and elegantly. And I always knew it. As for music, she is invariably with me - I like to sing, dance, and I gladly do DJ sets. By the way, the music for me is one of the main criteria - with me there cannot be a person with whom we differ from the views in this area. Let even she can not cook, I will do it myself, since I have a whole meeting of recipes, but music is too serious. (Smiles.) Once I have forced to quit classical music, because I broke my mother's car by taking it without permission, and to buy it a new one, I sold my expensive Frenchman. It served me a lesson. Long after that, I just sang in the shower. But later I found a craving for club, electronic music, where twelve notes, as the Greeks were once invented, and it is her who consider modern symphonic music.

- Biography You, how to say, non-standard, you have become famous in someone else's country, and in the rank of TV presenter, where good knowledge of the language is required ...

- At the university, I realized that I could speak Russian very well, and it would be profitably distinguished me. I possess linguistic abilities, musical hearing ... I have enough three months in the country to get used to communication. I am an extrovert, I need contact, I am important to like people. I started everywhere, the ideas generator, the initiator of some action, an adventurer. Thanks to this feature, while still a student, came to Kiev, as if practiced, and was engaged in Farthary there. And after graduation, the university flew to the south of Russia and took up entrepreneurial activities. Then he was already in Moscow, she worked in a bank. Russia gave me extraordinary freedom. And, by the way, doing business in this country, I realized that it was possible how to quickly earn money, and it is instantly parted with them. And also that I do not like talk about money, all this bustle around the property, I am attracted to creative tasks.

John Warren:

"I found the appearance of a son on the light, cut the umbilical cord, saw his first step. But we divorced when Alex was four years old"

Photo: Alina Pigeon; Photographer's assistant: Alexander Sidorov

- We can say that you have already covered with Russian habits?

- Undoubtedly: Who can you get, from that and get pregnant. (Smiles.) I became extremely emotional. True British is not peculiar. They are restrained, cold-blooded, and even love is perceived at certain frames, respecting personal space. And the British are mandatory. Therefore, if I promised, I will come in any condition on time. And never grind a surprise. It remains in my blood. But I will not go to psychoanalystics - there are friends for this! Pulling each other soul in the kitchen is an excellent Russian tradition.

- Your lifestyle does not imply a family?

- Probably, I do not hide this fact. I have a friend, he is forty-six years old, and the other day he had a third daughter - here I do not understand this. (Smiles.) Living in Rostov-on-Don, I was married, I already have an adult, the twentieth son Alex, and it is quite suitable for me - it seems I have fulfilled a mandatory program. Of course, I am grateful to fate that I had such an opportunity - to be a father, but still my life is about me. Yes, I am an egoist. And I think it would be nice if everyone admitted that they are also egoista. Personally, I was convinced that I can't be in someone else's life for a long time, dissolved in it. Did you read ibsen? The writer was a tary supporter of a separate accommodation. And, in my opinion, this is wise. It is necessary to meet when both positively set up, bored ... if there is no such, then I will cancel the meeting. But I am aware that many such a scheme does not fit, they need to be returned home, where they are waiting for the second half. This means stability and calm for them. By the way, my younger sister is just from such ladies. (Smiles.) With her husband, they bought a luxurious villa on the Cote d'Azur and every year now resting there - hear do not want about something else.

- Maybe there is paradise!

- No - there are French! They are terrible. We are fighting thousands of years with them. (Smiles.)

- Tell us about my son.

- I knew that my son would have. While he was in his belly at Mom Lena, I talked to him, I put him listening to Mozart, the Red Hot Chili Peppers group ... maybe, in connection with this, Alex has a shame in music. I was present in childbirth, for me it was important, however, it is unlikely that I hardly repeat this experiment - too scary. (Smiles.) That is, I found the appearance of a son on the light, my pupid handed it with the first step, I saw his first step, but we divorced when the child was four years old. We settled material issues quickly, but I was categorically opposed to the boy all my life with my mother, was in every possible way to drink, love, as is customary in Russian families. In England, children walk with bare legs in winter, with snot, are not afraid of colds, and no one shakes over them. Of course, the atmosphere becomes less relaxed everywhere, and in London, too, do not let go of a five-year-old child one walk in the park, but we have the younger generation anyway give more freedom. In the end, life itself is a dangerous thing, and no parent from her risks is unable to protect his child. Therefore, my condition was then that from ten years the guy has already studied in England, in a private boarding school. Especially since his grandfather and grandmother, to which he can go on vacation. At present, Alex is engaged in English literature with Russian. He paradoxically thinks, loves a written word, story, pohes the poems ... I hope it will be a writer. We are the best friends with him, and it is even periodically calling me not dad, but by name. And I am glad that he lives in London. Of course, he will return to Rostov-on-Don, but there will be no living there, I hope. (Smiles.)

Jacket, Stella McCartney, Soroch, Eton and Pants, PT01, All - MFashion; Clock, Rado; Belt and boots, all - Herme`s

Jacket, Stella McCartney, Soroch, Eton and Pants, PT01, All - MFashion; Clock, Rado; Belt and boots, all - Herme`s

Photo: Alina Pigeon; Photographer's assistant: Alexander Sidorov

- I read that you had a rather long civilian marriage, and you planned to go to Cambodia together, create a center there, organize different spiritual practices, musical festivals ... did not work out?

- My girlfriend left, and I am not. Moreover, I adore Asia, still decided to stay then in Moscow. I was offered a television project on the federal channel, the more I myself, in fact, partially invented this format. When I was asked what topics I am interested in, I would list: travel, cooking, music, women, animals ... So there was a transfer "Let's go, eat!", Where I talk in Russian with people, flirting with women, cook and eat delicious food.

- Flirting ... Do you like a sailor who has in every port for a girl?

- I'll tell you so - I am a man of fascinating. Outside love I can not exist. But I need me to be involved in full: emotionally, sexy, intellectually ... just a clean home and hot dinner do not suit me - it can do the housekeeper. And last year, almost on my half a century anniversary, fate presented me with a magical meeting with such a person.

- Do you speak about the actress Love Tolkalina?

- We met her on December 13 in the theater, where she played the performance, and I fell in love with a first look. It seemed to me that it was mutual - we are too similar, we like one breath, and the inner world coincides. True, she does not know how to enjoy life here and now - eternally seeks to solve some tasks. (Smiles.) We had some personal stories at that time. She was firmly tied to another person, and did not hide it initially. We had a very stormy novel, we met the new year together, celebrated her birthday in February, but the normal relationship, in my opinion, is supposed to still have two, without the presence of a third character. Therefore, we stayed friends. I can't help but ask questions, I can not be the only beloved and integrate in such a scheme where I am the second violin. At the same time I am aware that Lyuba is the peak of my relationship with women. I am sure that I will never meet anything like the slope of feelings. It's not a secret for her that it's worth just to say, I immediately take it right away.

Jacket, pal zileri, shirt, eton and pants, pt05, all - mfashion; Clock, Rado; Ring, property of the TV presenter

Jacket, pal zileri, shirt, eton and pants, pt05, all - mfashion; Clock, Rado; Ring, property of the TV presenter

Photo: Alina Pigeon; Photographer's assistant: Alexander Sidorov

- Did you offer her to become your wife?

- I dream that she is always there. We can live very beautiful together. But her desire is important. I am open, and it is difficult for me to adapt to the arthritis moral. This does not mean that she is not sincere, no, but if today she will write to me that he wants to marry me, does not mean at all that tomorrow she will think the same, everything can change - this is a game. And our relationship it means every way. Of course, I'm in a shame - what should be shy?! I can't harm reputation. (Smiles.)

- And what do you intend to take now?

- Since I am an Englishman and are not subject to Russian depression, longing, I will continue to live and enjoy the real!

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