We read in English: how will this habit help you


According to the EPI index for 2018, Russia ranks 42nd from 88 countries of the world, where an assessment of the level of knowledge of the English language was carried out. Statistics are not the most positive, with which it does not make sense to argue. Do not know how to learn a foreign language in a short time? Start with reading simple texts and go to artwork. We explain why it makes sense to make it a useful habit.

Visual perception

While reading the brain remembers the correct writing of words, combine them among themselves and the alignment of punctuation signs. The more often you see the word, the easier it will remember it. Take a rule to translate all unfamiliar words that we meet while reading. In order not to be distracted from the meaning of the text, take a pencil in your hand and put the point every time you think about the word value. At the end of the reading, go back to the beginning of the passage and write down the meanings of the words right above them.

Do not be afraid to start with simple literature

Do not be afraid to start with simple literature

Image of thoughts

If we are familiar to think, using Russian, then foreigners, accordingly, in the process of thinking use their native language. Reading is developing the useful skill of writing words in English inner voice. It will be a good help when you have to speak English in practice, which means to build offers in your thoughts also on foreign. By the way, the problem of inability to change the image of thoughts and rebuild to the "alien" grammar is put by teachers of English as one of those common.

Subject for conversation

Once around the border, shy people are difficult to start a conversation. Questions about the weather are tired of all - it is better to make a dialogue, presenting themselves. Then talk a little about the city, hobby and work to arrange the interlocutor. It will not be worse to mention several popular books - usually these are classic novels, non-Fikshn and detectives. If you are lucky and a person will be familiar with these works, the conversation can captivate you for a couple of hours.

Reading helps to master the language faster

Reading helps to master the language faster

Fighting with fear

Studying English always has a goal. If you, for example, work by a doctor, then an excellent incentive for the development of foreign is the need for reading foreign studies in the original language. Usually vocabulary in such materials specialized, requiring individual mastering of the list of words. In order not to be afraid of a huge amount of new information, start with reading fairy tales. Then go to magazines, novels and so on. You will succeed!

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