Muscovites trained restaurants for sewing courses


Recently, the number of studios offering sewing courses, needlework, drawing, cooking has grown in Moscow. Their main feature is "turnkey" knowledge. To create a dress of your dreams, it is enough just to come - everyone else will provide you: from needles to fabric and machines. The main visitors of courses are young successful women. They have no problems with finance, nor with the choice of leisure. But instead of going to the cinema or restaurant, they prefer to go to sewing courses.

"Changing activity is a good rest, it is impossible to walk around the restaurants all the time," explains his new passion for the specialist in the infrastructure development department of a large company Tatiana Bogatova. - In the first lesson, I sewed a dress in which I went to a corporate holiday on March 8. Everyone was delighted with the dress, and from the fact that I sewed him myself. "

The main competitor to the sewing courses Alina Ferchuk, the creative director of one of the metropolitan workshops, calls holidays and holidays. This is the only thing that can make her clients spend time not behind the needle, but somewhere else. And among the reasons, the motivative women are to take over sewing, economic Alina will notice immediately: "To sew a sweatshirt, they need to spend two days at five o'clock and 3900 rubles, while the finished product is within two thousand. In my opinion, their motivation, rather, lies in the search for their female identity, otherwise I can not explain this phenomenon. "

The target audience of modern sewing courses - young women from 23 to 35 years old, with income from 100 thousand rubles, seeking an opportunity for self-realization - who is creative, who are women. Many girls celebrate the emotional lift, which they are experiencing in the sewing process, and the fact that the crawling of the edges of the fabric helps them cope with stress. The American psychiatrist Kerry Baron explains this by the fact that managing the work of the hand occupies a significant part of the meta-sensory cortex of the brain: "When you are doing something with your hands, thereby stimulate the brain."

According to Konstantin Sobolkova, CEO of the workshop who rented the first room for its courses on the territory of the design plant Flacon, on the example of its neighbors (similar businesses, such as forge and restoration workshops), he sees the desire of modern professionals to get out of the digital world of the Internet and Reports in order to at least briefly enter the world of material things made by their own hands.

Needlework is able to even improve memory, which is sometimes compared with a large album with old randomly mixed photos. Finnish scientists believe that ordinary handicraft classes can streamline memories. Researcher of the decorative and applied art of the Faculty of Faculty of the University of Eastern Finland (Savonlinna), Professor Sikina Poylanenen argues that 67% of the Finns are engaged in the needlework: "The results of our research show that this type of activity has a pronounced therapeutic effect, improves well-being and especially memory. "

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